40 miles up the road...
John Dunagan
...they're firing cops for working while black.
While not exactly the scenario depicted by ex-Blazer Isaiah Rider, it bears noticing that Ridgefield, WA City Manager George A. Fox has gone stark, raving bonkers. Most of the town respected Officer Carl Mealing, including the police chief who had to deliver Officer Mealing's pink slip, and will support his whopping civil rights lawsuit against the city whenever he decides to file it.
Ridgefield is a small community in SW Washington, north of Battleground.
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10:24 a.m.
Dec 7, '05
thanks for keeping an eye on us, john.
sometimes we think that here in the pacific nw we're better than those racist states elsewhere, but we have our (un)fair share of such imbeciles. it's amazing a city manager could be this stupid, however. you'd think by now the fear of a civil rights lawsuit would make the guy get an opinion from the city attorney or something. too bad his lack of brains will cost the taxpayers.
we have a long, long ways to go. it's going to take many generations, i'm afraid, to really eradicate this crap.
Dec 7, '05
My mom lives near Ridgefield. I was out visiting her the other day and some of her neighbors stopped by. They were all discussing this story and were totally disgusted with Fox. Mostly, I think they were ashamed that this is happening in their community.
11:25 a.m.
Dec 7, '05
Thanks for the specific link John. Up until this morning, I was still on the fence as the info from the Oregonian articles allowed for the possibility that Officer Mealing was playing his own "race card".
The Columbian article really puts any doubts to rest--at least for me.......
Just one more black eye for The Paper of Record.
Dec 8, '05
First time poster, although I've been reading this site and commentary for about month now.
But I had to comment on something T.A. said in his comment - "those racist states elsewhere". Wha?? There are no "rascist states"... every state has some rascist people in it... even sweet lil Oregon... even in sweet lil Portland. And every state also has a lot of good people working to do good things. There are good and bad people in every state. Just like there are good and bad people in every company, every congregation, every political party....
My apologies if I'm being overly sensitive, but the way you worded that really sounded "superior" to me...
10:01 a.m.
Dec 9, '05
T.A.'s not a Portlander, though, for one thing.
But I'd make one minor quibble, too: I know there are racist parts of Oregon AND Washington, and I did when I wrote this post. A friend of mine got the treatment at a bar in Enterprise for being Chinese/Italian. We went up to adopt a cat around Winlock/Vader, Washington - we missed it by one house, and as a result my Mom was staring into the face of a full-on Aryan Brotherhood guy.
Also, name one racist Democrat in elected office since Strom and the Dixies changed parties. (Zell Miller, in full Koolaid-induced coma, even, doesn't qualify.) I think we're pretty safe from that influence gaining a whole lot of traction in the Party; I mean, tell me Reverend Sharpton's blast at the convention didn't fire you up, no matter who you are.
This is posted because it's getting attention on national blogs, and Ridgefield is close enough to the Metro for many folks to know and like some Ridgefielders, myself included. I'm proud that so many of them are rightfully asking "WTF?" because in this day and age, in that good town, it certainly is a "WTF?" moment.
And the minute we let this slide without reaction, we begin the slow slide into tolerance of it. We can't just say, 'Aw, sheet-wearing crackpots will be sheet-wearing crackpots' anymore.
Dec 10, '05
My mom is the reporter who broke the story about Ridgefield officer Carl Mealing and his complaint against the city of Ridgefield, WA for firing him because he's black. I would like to see her get some credit, because she is the news director at The Reflector in Battle Ground and broke the story. Yeah, I want to see that her hard work is recognized even though she works for a weekly newspaper. But I know my mom's heart and talent is in fairness for everyone. I hope Carl Mealing with Ridgefield finds his way home...to Ridgefield or somewhere else. My mom said he seems to be a great guy, and I believe her.
Kim Abdilla (Wallenborn) [email protected]
9:41 a.m.
Dec 10, '05
She does get credit, Kim. Even more so for breaking the story. But you didn't need me to tell you that.
And so does every Ridgefielder without access to a publication who stood up and told their friends and family, "Something is wrong," also get credit.