Size Matters

Mari Margil

I recently spent a few days in Florida where I heard a lot about hurricanes.  Storm shutters were talked about, as was the controversy over planting shorter "Spanish Stoppers" in place of the more traditional, sturdier, taller royal palm.

While there, I watched a bit of the post-Katrina hearings with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.  He hemmed and hawed even as his own agency worked to evict Katrina evacuees from government-supported hotel rooms.   

It got me to thinking.  This adminstration will say or do almost anything to make itself look good, or at least not bad.  And we know it's not prepared for the '06 hurricane season.  So what should we expect?

I fear it will follow in the footsteps of Donna, Tommy, Calvin, and Ralph.  I'm talking about storm inflation.   

The fashion industry has responded to American's obesity problem by inflating sizes.  They shrink the number while expanding the waistline.  So a size 8 is really a size 10, and a size 2 (horrors!) is really a size 4, and so on.

I'm waiting for the day when the National Hurricane Center releases the "new" categories for hurricanes.  A Category 2 is the old Category 3, and a Category 3 is the old 4. 

With storm inflation - which the administration will defend as simply "simplifying" the numbering system so ordinary Americans will better understand and be able to respond to coming threats - Bush and company will be able to say, "But we were told it was only a 3!" 

Pass the Brownies.

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