The business community discovers BlueOregon

BizjournalOver at the Portland Business Journal, this week's front page story is "Blog? What blog?" and features the discussions here at BlueOregon about PGE.

Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard has some strong views on Portland General Electric Co.

Leonard has posted three commentaries on the company on progressive blog in the last three months, accusing PGE, among other things, of charging ratepayers for taxes and then adding the revenue to the bottom line.

PGE itself has done nothing in response. PGE is not atypical. The newness of blogging, and the inability to control responses to it, help explain why few large companies have entered wholeheartedly into the practice.

Most of the rest of the story is given over to advice to companies -- watch the blogs, and figure 'em out. So, be aware, they're paying attention here now.

Read the rest. Discuss.

  • TK (unverified)

    "What is this... INTERWEB thingy?? Blogs? Sounds like something from a B-movie I saw at the Bijou back in 1965..."

  • Winston Wolfe (unverified)

    Does it scare you that Blue Oregon is starting to become the voice of progressive liberals around the state?

    Congrads for Blue Oregon but to everyday Oregonians it says that the typical Oregon progressive is an obsessed Treky, college dropout who still lives in basement of their parents. Shouldn’t the face of the Progressive Movement have…..I don’t know……a face?

    Oh well, keep up the good work B.O.

    I have one suggestion to Blue Oregon

    Oregon Political Brackets:

    Mannix Saxon-------------- Atkinson - - R Primary Winner - _ ----------The Wild Card---------The Governor Westlund--------_ -----------__ Other: - - D Primary Winner - _ Sorenson - Hill ------------- Kulongoski

    It might not be legal but I'm sure it would be fun.

    Come on...just think about how many people will be get their brackets busted if Sorenson wins...anything.

    Just a thought.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Just because PGE has not responded officially should not lead us to conclude that they have done nothing. It would be easy for someone at the utility or its mouthpiece Gard&Gerber to take part in blog dicscussions.

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    It would be easy for someone at the utility or its mouthpiece Gard&Gerber to take part in blog dicscussions.

    But they won't, because it's one of the few media forms they can't game with sheer volume of cash, as well as one of the few in which people will fact-check their asses on the spot.

    That would not describe G&G's arena of choice.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Certainly, Gard&Gerber shines when they can overwhelm other points of view with paid media, but that doesn't keep them from trying to neutralize opponents’ access to free media. Throughout the PUD campaigns and Portland's efforts to buy PGE [and now question their rates], Gard&Gerber has organized letters to the editor spinning things in the same direction as their paid media. It is true that letters in the Oregonian are not easily rebutted, but then, much that is written as comment on this site goes without rigorous challenge.

    I wonder sometimes when folks comment anonymously here with [monotonously] consistent support of free-market hegemony, ever-smaller government, and the glories of corporatism, if some of them might be working for an odd think-tank or PR firm.

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    Winston wrote, Congrads for Blue Oregon but to everyday Oregonians it says that the typical Oregon progressive is an obsessed Treky, college dropout who still lives in basement of their parents.

    Huh? You're under the impression that the average BlueOregon reader lives is a college dropout who lives with their parents? You couldn't be more wrong.

    It's time for another reader survey, but the last one showed that 57% were over 35, 29% have over $90k/yr income, 80% have a college degree or more, etc. Hell, 6% have been elected to office.

  • Israel (unverified)

    Household Income?

    19% under $30k 51% are $30-90k 29% are $90k and above (Detail: 4% are under $10k, 9% are $10-20k, 6% are $20-30k, 15% are $30-45k, 12% are $45-60k, 24% are $60-90k, 11% are $90-120k, 9% are $120-150k, 4% are $150-200k, 5% are over $200k)

    An interesting note. Four out of five people visiting Blue Oregon are making over 30 grand a year, with 65% making more than 45 g's. That says to me that we need to do a better job in the progressive community at targeting smart people in the lower to moderate income brackets to have a voice, and be aware of the on-line presence happening in politics.

    It's so crucual that poor people on the ground are educated, and have equal access to the windows of not only how the political machines are working, but what the future holds, and how to change it for the better - that's why I love Blue Oregon.

  • TK (unverified)

    b!X said- "But they won't, because it's one of the few media forms they can't game with sheer volume of cash, as well as one of the few in which people will fact-check their asses on the spot."

    Couldn't agree more. On a national scale, we're starting to see the beginning of the blog-smear in the press, a talking point straight from Rove and Mehlman. Not coincidently, areas with the lowest internet and blog users have been the slowest to 'wake up' to the fact that BushCo is BullSh*t.

    But it's only a matter of time until P2P direct communication is a universal part of everyone's life. The GOP illuminati got to mass media, creating a cohesive spin machine/social experiment... but they're starting to come unhinged, realizing their forced 'conventional wisdom' on TV, Radio, and Print doesn't pass the sniff test in the real and wired world.

  • Jenni Simonis (unverified)

    I think you'll find there are a good number of us around now who are smart, yet in the lower income brackets.

    Last year our family's income was under $24,000. My husband got a promotion that bumped him up to $28K, and I started a new part-time job this month. We have one child.

    I don't recall doing the survey, so I don't think I was included in that. So Kari may be right-- it could be time for a new survey.

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    Yup, it was October of 04 - and traffic has tripled since then. Definitely time.

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    Yea, I don't think I was around regularly back then. I was pretty busy working with the campaigns and putting in as many hours as I could at the elections office.

    I look forward to seeing how the numbers will look on the new survey.

  • Winston Wolfe (unverified)


    As the great Sam Clemens once quipped, "There are Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics."

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