Oregon's 2nd: Butcher, Davis, Silver, Voisin

In Oregon's Second Congressional District, four Democrats are vying to take on Congressman Greg Walden (R):

- Chuck Butcher of Baker City, a builder and party activist who has been pushing the party to focus on rural issues.
- Dan Davis of Jacksonville, a bio-diesel entrepreneur and decorated veteran.
- Scott Silver of Bend, an environmentalist and executive director of Wild Wilderness.
- Carol Voisin of Medford, a teacher at Southern Oregon University and member of the Ashland Housing Commission.

Check out their websites. Read the coverage in the East Oregonian (click thru from Google News)

Pose your questions for the candidates. Tell us who you're supporting and why. (And let's keep it positive, folks.)


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    You can't read the coverage unless you're a print subscriber, or you cough up 10 bucks a month for the goings on in Pendleton/Hermiston...

    Carla and I asked them all some questions ourselves; so far two have replied and one is on the way. Read Chuck Butcher's response here, and Scott Silver's here.

  • Rural Democrat (unverified)

    Dan Davis has my strong support. I got to know Dan back on the R.O.P walk from Salem to Portland, and I have since spent more then a few hours in Democratic Party meetings and events w/ him. Dan started the Veterans Caucus in the DPO, and has statewide support from veterans. In Jackson County, Dan is well respected and known for his work of some years in speaking out against the Iraq invasion. Dan has worked tirelessly in this area, and his efforts were also tremendously important in the Kerry campaign in Southern Oregon. Dan is in the forefront of a plan to start producing bio fuels in Southern Oregon. He is also well known in the Applegate Valley as a proponent of wise land use and forest stewardship, as well as a key member of the Applegate Citizens for Political Change, a respected progressive group in these parts. I know many people who feel a strong passion about this direction of this country, but Dan is one of the most passionate I have ever met. I think Dan is the candidate who can actually take on Walden and win in the 2nd CD. If you go to his website, you can listen to an interview with him. You’ll find a link on the left side of this page.

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    Of the four candidates running I only know Dan Davis. However, I have spent a fair amount of time with Dan over the past two years.

    Dan organized the Vets for Kerry in Medford during the last campaign and did an outstanding job. The southern Oregon vets for Kerry was one of the most active and effective groups in the state due to Dan's efforts. He showed strong organizational and motivational skills during the campaign and I believe that is evidence that he will be a very effective campaigner against Walden.

    Dan's experience as a business person and veteran gives him an opening in the 2nd district that allows him to appeal to independents and Republicans that do not like Walden's support of the Bush agenda, but may freak out over some of the other candidates. His wife Tana provides an additional asset in a tough campaign.

  • confused (unverified)

    Won't Greg Walden have to eat a live baby on air during primetime and then dance around naked covered blood for six hours for any Dem to have a chance in the 2nd. I don't even know if the dead girl/live boy rule applies. Unless the Boy was an undocumented latino or a terrorist but in most of the 2nd that's the same thing.

  • BigDog (unverified)

    I've had the privlige of meeting Dan Davis many times and have participated in a number of events with him. He has demonstrated his integrity, compassion, and intelligence in all of my dealings with him. He understands the issues confronting us and has 1st hand experience with many of them. His work with veterans and their needs plus his own military experience, his background in business (large and small), his advocacy for wise use of our resources and land, and his passion for integrity in our government will provide answers for questions that Greg Walden does not want asked. Dan is our best bet to remove Walden from office and help take back our country and it's true values.

  • Mama Applegator (unverified)

    Dan Davis gets my vote. What distinguishes Dan Davis is his obvious willingness to take positive action, demonstrated by what he's accomplished for the progressive cause and for quality of life in Jackson County and Oregon. Dan combines integrity and passion with a good old common sense approach to fixing what's wrong. Greg Waldon must go and Dan Davis is the candidate who can make it happen!

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    did one of the candidates tip off his supporters that there'd be a place to pimp him? I wonder....! :)

  • BigDog (unverified)

    Gosh torridjoe, did someone tip you off to pimp them? Inquiring Applegate minds are wondering.

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    er, what? I'm just noticing the pattern. When the Avakian-Chase piece went up, there was a burst of pro-Chase comments all in a row. That seems to be happening here with Dan.

    Is it unethical? Not to my thinking. Are the commenters not being sincere? I'm sure they are. I didn't say there was necessarily anything wrong with it; I'm just pointing out that it may not be as random as it appears.

  • CentralOregonBlue (unverified)

    I don't think it's random (or unethical)... but it is a neat test to see which candidate can organize how many supporters pretty quickly. That should count for something in the "electability" department.

  • freethinker (unverified)

    To understand what their priorities are, I'd like to ask each candidate to answer the following question: If elected & you could sponsor one piece of legislation that would be guaranteed passage, what would it be?

  • medford john (unverified)

    Dear confused - All that has to happen is tie Walden to the coattails of Alfred E. Neuman and the Three Stooges in the Whitehouse and throw in a little linkage to Tom Delay and you have the equivalent of eating a live baby and dancing nude. Throw in the deficit, gas prices and an unpopular little Middle East war, etc. etc. and you have a recipe for an upset. Since all of these conditions exist I'd say there's a fair chance it'll happen.

  • Bert Lowry (unverified)

    I reside in Portland, but Central Oregon is my home. And I'm thrilled there are 4 strong candidates willing to take on Greg Walden. I've had the pleasure of seeing all four on two occassions and I'm impressed. Chuck Butcher is charismatic and charming. Dan Davis is smart and passionate. But the two who stood out to me are Carol Voisin and Scott Silver.

    They're both good speakers with smart ideas and plenty of fight. And don't kid yourself, winning the 2nd CD is going to be a real fight.

    I'd like all four to answer this question:

    What role do you see for the federal government in bringing economic recovery to small town Oregon? And what would you do as Representative to make that happen?

  • LT (unverified)

    Confused needs to read the history of the 1986 election--same thing could happen this year. As it happens, I was taking a class that year which involved writing a paper on a Senate race somewhere in the country. In the process I saved all the predictions I could find out the control of the Senate--and the most favorable to Dems underestimated the result by about 4 seats.

    Having never met any of the candidates but knowing people who have met them, I am just glad there are so many quality candidates. I do enjoy reading Chuck B here.

  • Rep. Peter Buckley (unverified)

    I like all four of these candidates very much, and I know what kind of challenge it is to go after Walden in CD2. They definitely all have their hearts in the right place, and their "road show" tour of the district is nothing short of fantastic, in my view. I'd love to be represented by any one of them.

    I know Dan Davis the best, and I'm proud to support him. I met Dan early in 2002, and I've worked with him on a variety of campaigns and events, and the more I've dealt with him, the more I've liked what I saw. His devotion to the best of what our country can be (and his resulting opposition to the Bush/GOP agenda) is something he lives and breathes. I want my three kids to grow up in Dan Davis' America, without a doubt.

    His background works well in our district, too, with his military experience in Vietnam giving him full authority to blast Walden's rubberstamp support of Mr. Bush's devestating war. His business background is solid as well--he can stand side by side with anyone on the economic issues.

    CD2 requires a tidal wave of backlash to give a Democrat a true shot at winning the seat. The backlash is building, and the only questions are when it will hit and how hard it will be. I think Dan is our best possible candidate to ride that wave to Washington, DC.

  • Ben Butzien (unverified)

    I have known Dan Davis since the Kerry campaign, both being rural Veteran's for Kerry organizers. He was a tireless organizer with a clear vision on economic issues effecting rural Oregon, this stinking war, and veterans' issues. But Dan always willing to listen to others' ideas and opinions. Being from Wallowa County, I live daily with the impact of Greg Walden's support of this administration's programs. It is heartening to finally see three impressive candidates who could defeat Walden, even with his vast resources, thanks to Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, and corporate elites who have benefited vastly from his record. Of the four candidates, Dan has my enthusiastic support in the primary.

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    Took the time to run the websites and all are fairly comprehensive regarding positions, although the Oregonian's favorite (Ms. Voisin) for her expertise and grasp of issues, is the skimpiest of the four.

    Can't really tell much from that. I've gotten to know Chuck a little bit over the past couple of years and I'm taken by his "everyman" credentials.

    He's got the whole Blue collar thing nailed down, got the folksiness, and the old family Wobbly creds. Most importantly to me, he's shown a real respect for and understanding of the whole Constitution.

    So with respect for some really strong endorsements for the other folks in the race, I'm sticking with Chuck Butcher.

    Alright Chuck, now that you've been endorsed by me, watch the money and votes roll in........Or maybe I'll soon be charged with Negligent Candicide or something...

  • Tom Dew (unverified)

    I worked with Dan Davis with the Vets for Kerry Campaign and was incredibly impressed with his energy and commitment to bring long needed change to Washington. What impresses me about Dan is that he puts "whats right for America" ahead of whats "politically Correct". I am sick and tired of politicians who only take a stand when they think it will help them get votes. What ever happened to just having the integrity and courage to stand up for whats right? Dan Davis has this kind of courage and would bring a breath of fresh air to Congress. Lets elect someone who has worn the uniform, seen the horrible impact of war first hand and has the courage to find a better way. Join me in supporting Dan Davis for Congress.

  • Jill Thorn (unverified)

    I think the most important question to ask here is: Have you made a donation to one of these four?

    This race above all other, in my mind, needs our support with donations.

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    Another non-CD2 person weighing in here, but that's what we like about blogs, right? I know only Chuck, by way of blogging, and I've been impressed. My guess is that anyone who has a shot against Walden is going to have to have regional credibility. Based on his honest engagement with the issues and with the people, I think he has that credibility.

    Anyone who could take down Walden would have my (nonvoting) support, but if I had my druthers, I'd go with Chuck.

  • anne (unverified)

    although all the candidates are highly qualified one thing from the last 6 years is true. We need veterans in congress. The damage done to the military and the veterans may not be undone. Now they are screwing up the Air Force and Navy. So besides the fact he is eminently qualified...Dan Davis is my choice, has my vote and my money and my confidence.

  • Chuck Butcher (unverified)

    Freethinker, I get a wish, eh? Ok, I'd like to see a reform of the tax code that actually addresses income and is progressive but without a bunch of brackets. Very few understand the magnitude of the wealthy's ability to shield income.


    An absolute roll-back of all infringements of civil liberties, right up to that "can't yell fire in a crowded theater," standard.


    There are plenty of people who've been screwed by waldenbush, if you can get them past the issues that drive them away from Democrats, you than have a chance to put his voting record in front of them. If you're perceived as "Democrat as usual" they'll just ignore you. It can be done, but with a huge effort and a clear agenda.

    Candicide, gotta love it...

    Thanks all Chuck

  • mona (unverified)

    I have met all 4 candidates two times and while I liked them all I found Mr. Davis to be the one that has the best grasp of national issues. While I believe it to be a daunting task to rid the 2nd CD of the Bush ass kisser (Walden) I think Dan Davis has the best chance!

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    About that East Oregonian story... weird -- you can get to it by searching on Google News here and clicking thru

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    Once again, all the candidates were informed simultaneously that there would be a discussion here -- and all were encouraged to invite their supporters to come by. That is, after all, the whole point -- to hear from supporters why they're supporting a candidate.

  • Jack Duggan (unverified)

    As a fellow Viet vet and an Applegate neighbor, I most heartily endorse Dan Davis as the best Dem to beat Walden. I've met Carol Voisin and she's nice, very polished, but not, I think, as well-rounded as Dan. Dan's background as a veteran, a businessman and a rural Oregon resident can best represent the 2nd CD. Dan has vision, practicality, common sense and passion for progressive government. He can whip Walden because he's got the organizational skills, the knowledge and the work ethic to get things done. I've also had an opportunity to ask my Congressman Walden for assistance in dealing with federal issues and find him totally unresponsive. Let's get Dan out in front and get Wimpy Walden outta there!

  • demdiva (unverified)

    I have had the esteemed privlege to attend multiple 2nd CD Road Show events. All of the candidates are great and I am excited that there is so much enthusiasm and activity east of the cascades. I think we often forget that there are Democrats outside of Portland. Way to go candidates! I wish I could send all of you to Congress, but alas, I don't live in the 2nd CD so I have no vote. On to Baker City and Ontario this weekend. Good luck to you all.

  • Dan Davis (unverified)

    Thanks for all of the comments! This is democracy at work and what the internet is all about - it's worth protecting from private ownership and/or government meddling, so let's be vigilant about that - as well as all the rest of our rights which are under assault today.

    I want to respond to 2 questions posted;

    Q. Free Thinker: If elected and could sponsor one piece of legislation that could be guaranteed passage, what would it be?

    A. Out of the many things I would want to see pass, probably the one with the most impact would be a true Ethics bill. In mine, Congress people could take no gifts at all of any kind (OK, perhaps $10 or $20 value) or any campaign funds over a reasonable amount (probably $5,000.00) from any person group, or PAC in any calender year. No legislation could be introduced that was written by other than the congress person or their staff. I am sure there would be more subtleties, but that would be good for starters. If we can remove the corrupting influence of money in politics (in other countries, we call it bribery), I believe we could get honest legislation to benefit people and not special interests. We could then be on our way to working out the myriad other problems and challenges facing our country.

    Q. What role do you see for the federal government in bringing economic recovery for small town Oregon? What could I as a rep. do about it?

    A. Federal, state and local government should recognize that the true strength of our economy, much innovation, and the bulk of jobs are provided by small business. Stop thinking small business as 200 employees (Republothink)- I am talking 1, 3, 5, 10, etc, growing to whatever works. I believe that programs and funding for rural and small town entrepreneurship and business development and growth are sorely lacking and need to be re-oriented via the SBA and other new programs. Energy independence is a major objective of mine and this is another area that is ripe for development in the 2nd CD, and is in fact already underway. Lets make Oregon energy independent (Link to Apollo Alliance and Oregon Apollo on my web site, www.dandavisforcongress.org ) and a leader in the country and world in this field, through alternative fuels and alternative energy! I would with my extensive background in the energy business, want to be on that committee and ditto for the Small Business Committee. Another way to go will be to link up with like minded people and co-sponsor legislation in these areas.

    Thanks Dan Davis

  • freethinker (unverified)

    Thanks to Chuck & Dan for responding to my question (OK, Chuck cheated just a little by coming up with two answers instead of one, but I forgive him for that). Of course there's no right answer - that wasn't the point, just wanted to shed some light on what each candidate held most dear (hopefully we'll hear from Carol & Steve also). Personally, I liked Dan's answer because I agree that eliminating the influence of big money can open the door to allowing our representatives to honestly & compassionately serve all their constituents - not just the ones that buy their loyalty through large contributions. I don't think it'll be easy to break the cycle of money & influence, but we need to elect representatives who will work towards that goal.

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    Not to overly piggyback on BO's comment space, but the interview response from Dan Davis is now up at Loaded Orygun. Carol Voisin's people are still deciding whether to respond, apparently, but we've got the other three on paper...

  • MamaBear (unverified)

    I'm voting for Dan Davis. Besides being extremely well qualified, he's the candidate that will best attract McCall Republicans in November.

  • Ryan (unverified)

    I have known Carol Voisin for a while now and I think that she will best represent Oregon in Congress because she is poised, Progressive, smart, polite, and ethical. She is running in the 2nd congressional district race. She beleives that is the right of the individual to make life decisions and she listens to her consituency not to lobbyists. Carol is a person that will be able to go to congress and help Oregon and the nation in making health care,Education, and housing affordable for all citizens. She is a strong beleiver in Economic security and she is willing to show congress what Oregonians need. She will not rubber stamp any issue that comes before her but instead she will look at it and get all of the information possible to make an informed vote. She is a good person with a very extensive background in theology and she is now an instructor at Southern Oregon University. She is the candidate that I think has a good chance at beating the incumbent in the General. Vote Voisin your Voice in Congress.For more information Her website is www.voisinforcongress.com.

  • Dr. Rick Kirschner (unverified)

    Dan Davis has the right stuff to take down the incumbent and replace him with principled leadership! We've had enough of the chicken hawks sending our best and brightest off to war without giving them what they need to succeed (including a plan and an exit strategy). We've had enough of the oil men buying up the votes of Walden and his ilk for their personal gain at our expense. Enough neglect of family farmers and rural voters. Enough corruption. Enough of phony ads that run just before the vote telling us how Walden believes in everything he has voted against, and is against everything he has voted for. The time has come to have real change in our district, and the voters of the 2nd CD have the chance to replace the corruption and cronyism of the incumbent with someone who will work FOR them and against the special interests. I'm supporting DAN DAVIS, because I think he's qualified, capable, and the only one of the four Dems who has put his life on the line for our nation, and as a result can actually pull in enough moderate and Republican votes to defeat the incumbent in the general election.

  • Carol Voisin (unverified)

    Freethinker asked each candidate in the Democratic Primary to identify one piece of legislation that I would write and that would be guaranteed passage in Congress. That piece of legislation would be for me the reinstituting of the "pay as you go" law that holds Congress accountable to balancing the budget before passing it. This simply means Congress must "pay as you go". There must be revenues for all expenditures! This would be a clear beginning to getting not only each budget balanced, but also a clear beginning to working on reducing our national debt. I think that our national debt is a very serious problem and the "pay as you go" law is one that would start us on the right track and would it would pass with ease.

  • Carol Voisin (unverified)

    Bert Lowry asked a very good question of the candidates running in the Democratic primary - What would you do to develop the economic recovery to small town Oregon? Of the 500 poorest counties in the nation, 90% are rural. That is alarming. I know that poverty is an issue in rural Oregon. Three things are needed - jobs, health care, education. First, lets get health care for all Oregonians. The federal government can do this by making Medicaid available to all persons who have no health insurance. (Medicaid is health care for the poor.) The 615,000 Oregonians without it, need it, especially the 123,000 who are children. Second, offer educational programs that retool men & women for new and different jobs in rural Oregon. This needs to be ongoing and free, offered in comunity colleges for the unemployed and/or unskilled. Third, jobs are needed. There is one industry that will soon be booming and in need of an incredible number of trained persons. That industry is the development, research, and manufacturing of alternative energy and fuels. Rural Oregon has the resources and the natural rural conditions for becoming the "alternative energy center" of the United States. With that will come jobs for rural Oregonians. We must think of new directions for rural Oregon. I will bring industry and jobs to Oregon as your congresswoman. Carol Voisin

  • LT (unverified)

    Amen Carol! And Pay As You Go should include everything, incl. taxbreaks. The version debated awhile back said spending must pay for itself but not tax breaks. BALONEY!

  • Carol Voisin (unverified)

    Pat Ryan, Are there any questions that you have of me that my website doesn't answer? I would happy to entertain any issue in detail with you. I hope to hear from you. Carol

    anne, We probably do need more veterans in Congress. I would like to see some women veterans elected and I hope that happens in Illinois. I however feel that we need more women in Congress. In the House of Representatives there are 435 members, only 67 are women. That is 14% of the the House. Women are 51% of the population! We need more women in Congress! We need a woman for President!! Carol

    torridjoe, I'm working on the Loaded Orygun comments. I'm sending them soon. I didn't receive the invitation until I got home from Eastern Oregon late Sunday evening! Because of the inability to access email in sections of Eastern Oregon, I think that it is essential for all of Eastern Oregon to be wired for high speed internet immediately, this includes Fossil! This is really important for attracting new business! This is something that I will work on immediately if elected! Carol Voisin

  • Guy (unverified)

    Peter Buckley I have a question for you. Is it ethical for you to endorse someone that is running in a contested primary? I mean it doesn't seem very ethical to come out and support a Democrat that is running in a race that is very much up for grabs. I think that you should have waited until after the primary, just like the Jackson County Democrats are doing.

    I don't see any other incumbent or candidate of another race coming out and saying who they are endorsing. i think that you are doing the wrong thing now and I hope that no matter who wins the primary you are able to endorse them because then you know that, that Democrat is the one who has a chance at beating Walden. I think it hurts the party when you come out and endorse one candidate over another. It shows weakness to the opposition. I wish you would change your mind and decide not to endorse anyone or atleast decided that now for future contested races. Don't worry though I am still going to vote for you.

  • Earl Wroe (unverified)

    I have known Chuck Butcher since he has lived in B.C., alittle less than 20 years. I watched him over-come adversity with intelligence and dogged determination. Through the years I've come to appreciate his wit, honesty, and common-sense. I look at our republic today and the people we have elected to carry out the instructions given in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and I don't see as many Statesmen as I see politicians. I believe Chuck will be a Statesman if we have the good sense to elect him.

  • Brandon (unverified)

    Carol Voisin is a strong and articulate voice for the Democratic Party and has my support over the other fine candidates in this primary. She has the fortitute to unseat Walden and restore to Congress a representative that cares about the interests of Oregon over lock step allegience. I know Voisin to be passionate about serving the public interest. She views issues in a comprehensive and well reasoned manner and I'm confident that special interests won't direct her vote as with Walden. I appreciate her focus on Oregonians and trust as our representative her commitment will not faulter.

  • Dan Davis (unverified)

    A couple of comments from Dan: 1. Please vote and get out those voters! So far, less than 20% participation in Oregon and our Democracy deserves better!

    1. Regarding women in politics, as the father of 3 outstanding women, all of whom have more capability, honesty, and integrity in their respective pinkies than the entire Republican congress (possibly excepting Olympia Snow and 1 or 2 others), I would love to see more women in congress, but let's say more PEOPLE of integrity, capability, and honesty, regardless of gender, is what is truly important. One more thought - if we get the congress back for the people in November and remove Bush and Cheney, guess who is House Speaker - Nancy Pelosi.

    2. So, I want to thank my associates and friends who have worked hard and believe in me and also my outstanding competitors in this race. We have set the tone for progressive cooperation and recognizing the problem is not us, but the extremist right wing stranglehold on our government and mainstream media. I appreciate and have total respect for all 4 (yes, incl. me) in our positions and integrity and abilities. I know that whatever happens by Tuesday, Oregon and the 2nd CD will be far better served by, and we will all get behind, whomever wins and give them all the support we can.

    Yes Guy, I know that will include Peter Buckley, who as a progressive citizen and voter, is entitled to express his opinion as to whom can best take out Walden & Corp. Never once has he criticized another candidate. Not to worry about Peter, as we all know he is one of, if not the most honorable politician(somehow that word doesn't fit)in the state.

    <h2>So - 4. Let's all get behind our candidate on May 17th, show those many skeptics and nay-sayers, that we can take our district back from special interests and fight our way back to "Government of, by and for the People".</h2>
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