Jon Stewart talks about the Bus

Over the next several weekends, the Bus Project will once again load up a Bus and head out to canvass swing districts. Will you get on the Bus?

More interestingly, what does Jon Stewart have to say about the Bus? Check out the video...

  • Anon (unverified)

    Canvass for Rob Brading this Saturday - 9/22.

    The Oregonian will be there to cover the action, so let's have a GREAT turnout!

  • Galen (unverified)


    The Bus is slithering through the grassroots to Washington County this Saturday, September 23rd. Snakes on a Bus Trip! David Edwards is the name, renewable energy is the game.

    And on October 7, a very special Bus Trip, bringing together all the folks who were involved in '02 and '04, along with a bevy of Bus buckwheaters, in an event entitled... Legends of the Fall. We're going to Salem to walk for Brian Clem and Paul Evans.

    Sign up! It's gonna be awesome.

  • Courtney (unverified)

    I don't know if this is officially Bus endorsed - but you should definitely check it out.

  • adam petkun (unverified)
    <h2>galen, you dirty portland elitist - you forgot(?) the trip in Eugene next weekend - the Final Countdown!</h2>
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