Video: Have you had enough of Greg Walden?
Here's the latest from the Carol Voisin for Congress campaign.
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Oct. 21, 2006
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Oct 21, '06
This ad is aweful.
Oct 21, '06
Hurl, a spelling question. Do you mean terrible, or do you mean full of awe?
If you mean terrible, that is spelled awful.
Oct 21, '06
So's your spelling, Hurl!
This ad rocks! It's funny, you can watch it 100 times, and its point is clear: Walden's rubber-stamping of Bush's insanity makes the two men one and the same.
Vote Voisin, not "W" junior.
11:17 p.m.
Oct 21, '06
I've seen versions of that ad about a dozen times now, and I still enjoy hearing it. Rickie Lee Jones makes that ad, IMO, and I'm not even that big a Rickie Lee fan.
The bigger story on that ad is that it's essentially an open source template. I can't recall who put the original together, but it's being used by candidates, particularly underfunded ones, across the country. You just hire men to sing the candidate-specific part, supply your own pictures of the incumbent, and let Rickie Lee do the rest. And I don't think there's any charge to use it. Even if the ad itself isn't your favorite, the concept is a great one.
11:28 p.m.
Oct 21, '06
Hurl -- I just made another Troll Defense Fund donation! Thanks!
Oct 21, '06
I live in Walden's district and Medford's media market, and haven't seen that ad yet except on the web (a week ago). If she wants it to have a chance of being effective, she ought to be showing it with some frequency. She remains rather invisible.
Oct 22, '06
Very impressed with the ad. Every so often there is an ad which breaks thru the din of the type of commercials that make one grateful to the person who invented the mute button on the TV remote. This is a clever ad, with parts of it sounding like a retro 1950s ad when there were more singing commercials.
Oct 22, '06
Ok so I can not spell. It must be my (underfunded) public school education.
The thing I hate about this ad and too many others this cycle is the fact that it says nothing. Where is the vision?
Almost every ad I see this year talks about the past. What about the future?
I want someone to tell me what they are going to do not make fun of their opponent and how bad things are today!
Oct 22, '06
Hurl, you do realized that it is the GOP that consistently undermines your education by inadequately funding it, don't you? Every Child Left Behind was underfunded by $10 BILLION. Yet they still sonehow managed to spend us into record deficits.
You want to see the future, go look at the 100 Hours of legislation that will occur once the Dems take the House.
Day One: Put new rules in place to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation."
Day Two: Enact all the recommendations made by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Time remaining until 100 hours: Raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, maybe in one step. Cut the interest rate on student loans in half. Allow the government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients.
Broaden the types of stem cell research allowed with federal funds _ "I hope with a veto-proof majority," she added in an Associated Press interview Thursday.
All the days after that: "Pay as you go," meaning no increasing the deficit, whether the issue is middle class tax relief, health care or some other priority.
I like the sound of that!
As for looking at the is absolutely necessary and the Dems have my support to show the world exactly what the professed GOP "family values" really mean to them. Improperly planned wars (that shouldn't have happened in the first place) based on pie-in-the-sky ideology with no basis in reality; the most partisan Congress in history - one that silenced 49% of the people and painted anyone who disagreed as traitors and terrorist sympathizers; Abramoff/K Street corruption of an unequalled magnitude in our history; and an utter disregard for the Constitution.
We, as a country, have lost our way, lost our moral compass, and the only people buying any if the Neocon message = about 35% of the American public. But hey if you like the current state of the world, by all means vote for "stay the course" and "more of the same."
Oct 22, '06
As for the ad itself, I love it! It's a contagious little song that I find myself singing throughout the day. Howie Klein and the people at ActBlue are responsible for that ad. Yes it is Rickie Lee Jones singing and it is also two members of the Squirrel Nut Zippers singing back-up (they are the ones who have sung all the different versions), and they all did it for free. Just one example of all the activated citizens who are working in concert to Take Our Country Back!
The naysayers cry "it's too negative" - I'd say they're afraid of the message. Walden should be called out to defend his votes. Pointing out someone's voting record is NOT negative, it's the Truth.
If you can do it go ahead and defend: voting against the vets and the soldiers sent into war without proper body armor; against our middle class; against health care for the 600,000 Oregonians who don't have any; against our environment; and against fiscal responsibility.
Walden is a Bush/Cheney Rubber Stamp and it's time for him to go home.
Oct 23, '06
Thanks Hurl - I have contributed to Carol Viosin's campaign!
I sat in on the "Editorial Board" meeting with Carol Voisin at the Bend Bulletin (the largest regional newspaper in the Central Oregon area). The "Board" consisted of one person who seemed very bored after his late lunch. He would ask a question, Carol would start to answer it, then he would interrup her with an argument about her response. Then he asked her crazy hypothetical questions that could never happen in real life. It was strange, and obviously biased.
Now, exactly how can a candidate get the word out in our not so "level playing field" media? She can't.
Voisin is buying what advertising she can. And her web site is available. It is a huge uphill battle.
It's not so much she is invisible, but neglected.
Oct 23, '06
I want someone to tell me what they are going to do not make fun of their opponent and how bad things are today!
Then I am assuming, Hurl, that you didn't vote for Bush in 2004 because of the way he and his friends (incl. the Swifties) made fun of the challenger in the presidential race and looked at the challenger's past instead of telling us what they would do in the future to help people who didn't qualify for Bush tax cuts.
Otherwise, you are just a partisan Republican who thinks "the Democrats don't have a plan" after the 100 hours plan mentioned above was released.
<h2>I spent time this weekend going door to door for candidates of my choice. Did you do that? Or are you just complaining but not taking any positive concrete action to benefit candidates you believe in? Where in Oregon do you live?</h2>