A chicken comes home to roost

T.A. Barnhart

ChickengordoGordon Smith's declaration last week that he is now questioning the illegal war in Iraq was disgusting. If he truly cared about those being harmed by this war he would have done something long ago. For Sen Smith, nearly 3,000 dead Americans and 700,000 dead Iraqis is an acceptable price to pay for winning the political war on terror. Now that the Republicans are losing that war, the next ten dead Americans are just a bit too much.

For his re-election chances.

Smith, a moral and political coward, is already backing down. In fact, if Bush were to send in the massive number of troops John McCain is calling for — McCain, so whorish for the presidency that he's willing to ignore his own terrible experience of war and throw thousands of American youth into the same abyss — if the war were to be fought in the way LBJ tried to fight Vietnam in the late 60s, Smith would be absolutely jiggy with it. Jeff Mapes reported in the OregonLive webblog:

Smith said one acceptable course would be to increase the current troop strength of about 130,000 by adding at least 100,000 troops there that he said would allow the U.S. to clear out insurgent strongholds and hold them. Now, he said American forces will rout insurgents, only to have them return after the U.S. military returns to their bases.

But a policy of "clear, hold and build," as Smith calls it, would commit U.S. troops for at least another decade and "and that I don't know is possible anymore," the senator said.
emphasis mine

Note the word "acceptable". For Smith, not "possible" is not opposition. Smith is not opposed to making the war bigger; he just doesn't think it will enhance his election chances in 2008. And now that he's likely to be facing Ben Westlund, he knows his millions of dollars in campaign funds may not be enough if he takes a stand against Oregon voters on Iraq — as he has done for the past six years.

I have been against this war from the beginning, from marching for peace on September 12 to working long and hard to elect people who would end the war; tiny efforts in the big picture, but I put my actions behind my words. I've done what I could as a single unit of citizenry.

But now it may be, as the phrase goes, that I may have skin in the game. For reasons I'll not go into (because my head might explode), my older son has joined the National Guard. I am beyond freaked, of course, and I am suddenly in the bizarroworld of being thankful that Smith has turned chicken while knowing that he helped make this horrible mess possible in the first place. Part of me wants to cheer him on and urge him to be the GOP leader in ending American participation in this bloodbath asap — let the stupid fuckers kill each other if that's what they want — while another part of me wants him to pay the political price for greenlighting Bush.

GordoojGordon Smith has blood on his hands. His wishy-washy backtracking — I will puke if I hear him called "courageous" one more time — does nothing to redeem his sin. "Thou shalt not kill" is God's very simple commandment, and I've never heard that the LDS church has excised the Old Testament from Scripture. Smith voted yes to the deaths of thousands and he would do so again if he thought we would "win". He's worse than a hypocrite; he's OJ trying to pretend the real killers are still at large and that he can capture them.

Despite the revulsion I feel for Smith, I hope his chickenshit move enables Congress to force Bush into a phased withdrawal, and does so very soon. As bad as this war has been, it now has, for me, the possibility of getting even more worse. And I promise Gordon Smith this: If anything happens to my kid because of your actions in the Senate, you will be sorry. Considering what you went through, I don't even know how you can look yourself in the mirror.

I thought the death of a child might actually mean something to you. I was wrong.

  • lin qiao (unverified)

    This is insulting drivel. Let's call it infantile, cuz words like "adolescent" and "sophomoric" would be compliments. Photoshopping Smith next to OJ Simpson...good gawd. And that bizarre closing line alluding to the suicide of Smith's son...give me a break, Mr. Barnhart. If you truly think this was not a tragedy for the senator, then you expose yourself as even more mean-spirited than I had previously thought.

    Keep the criticisms meaningful, factual, and free of all these personal attacks.

    If this is the sort of hateful fare that Blue Oregon is going to regularly dish up, then I might as well just head over to Portland Indymedia. At least those folks don't pretend to be anything but hotheads.

  • 17yearoldwithanopinion (unverified)

    I agree with the above comment. This post was offensive and uncalled for. Lets just be happy that Smith changed his mind. Smith thought this was a war that we should fight for but realized and admitted later that it wasnt. He should get kudos for setting the record straight. Thanks for the news Senator Smith.

  • Chris (unverified)

    Utterly toxic.

    Glad I left the party.

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    While I agree that T.A. overstepped appropriate boundaries, I suggest that those in glass houses without children in the military should show a little temperance of their own. I would be freaking out too if one of my sons was positioned to head over to the war without end. It might make me say or do intemperate things.

  • Joe12Pack (unverified)

    Yep, the type of vitriolic bile that Mr. Barnhart often spews forth dissolves respectability fairly quickly.

  • LT (unverified)

    Let me add my 2 cents worth.

    Gordon Smith gave an amazing speech in the Senate and then (as has happened with others) backpedaled from some of the details. That makes him human, not a villian like OJ.

    We have 2 choices as Democrats:

    1) Venom: agree with us 100% or we get to name call because if it works for those like Karl Rove it will work for us.

    2) Graciousness: Thank any public figure for any intelligent remark in the hope they will make more of them, but also remind them that "trust but verify " was a favorite Reagan proverb. And say you won't take every future statement at face value just because they made an intelligent speech--they have to prove their wisdom over time.

    I cringe whenever commentators say that Democrats contain a hater faction and a pragmatic faction, but I guess they are talking about posts like this.

    I'd prefer to solve problems rather than just bashing opponents--but then I think serious people have better things to do. Would you rather Gordon never made the speech?

    If Gordon in the end doesn't support a change in Iraq policy, it is acceptable to ask how the rope got extended ("at the end of my rope" was part of the speech).

    OPB just mentioned the question of whether any other Republican will follow Gordon Smith's lead.

    Bill Lunch just now on OPB was saying that Gordon saw Iraq as an albatross. Lisa Grove was a lot harder on him. But both were notably more positive in their statements than this post.

    Ideological purity is why for the last 10 years many have been noticing that the fastest growing party is no party at all.

  • Chris (unverified)


    In the spirit of your comment, I extend my sincere and gracious thanks to you for your well-considered perspective.

    That said ... I won't necessarily take every future statement of yours at face value! : )

    Sincere thanks.

  • Frank Carper (unverified)

    Posts like this really do more harm than good. Getting folks to actually feel sorry or defend Smith certainly takes some doing, but that's exactly what you're going to get by gratuituously mentioning the Senator's son's suicide.

    It's not provocative, just stupid.

    You should work to not constantly marginalize yourself or those of us who feel both strongly against the war and against Smith. You make it easy for Smith to discredit his detractors.

    Do you really think this post was so profound it needed to be dumped on top of Novick's excellent piece below? I think you should think a little harder next time you hit send. You're not doing anyone any favors. At a minimum, maybe you should just keep these type of posts over at Tin Cup Chalice where you can more directly speak to your own audience. Or self. Whatever.

  • Tromper (unverified)

    Frank shelled the nut perfectly.

  • Chuck Butcher (unverified)

    One of my sons is now in the Oregon National Guard, I am faced with the very personal perspective of having my son kill or be killed for ideological stupidity. I'll keep my feelings on that personal, beyond that I'm not a happy person. I can empathize with TA.

    I give a rat's patoot about Gordon Smith's motives, I haven't voted for him, wouldn't vote for him, it's a moot point. The point at hand, is that even a weak ally is preferable to an ideologically bound opponent.

    In 08 Gordon Smith will have a record to run on in Oregon, if the Democrats can't do something with that, then we'd better re-evaluate in harsh terms.

  • TomCat (unverified)

    I agree with most of those who have commented. Let's fight Smith based on his record. If we feel the need for venom, isn't Dubya a more deserving target?

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)


    I take issue with the running generalizations made by Republicans and Democratic operatives that think patting politicians on the head for turning on their war for political power is a way to bring us together and strengthen our nation!

    This war if it had a central purpose for the administration was to get the Republican President elected!! Gordon Smith was happy to pound the drums of war when it would seem politically profitable, and would like to be a peacenik when it's not!! That standard of leadership in the Senate insures we repeat this history over and over again.

    The fact is for our democracy to survive as a democracy these Republican leaders must be made to pay at least with their carriers, and should never be near power ever again. The Neo-Cons that sold this litany of lies for their War-For-Power need to be brought to justice, and prosecuted for their crimes! The world needs to see them prosecuted; the nation needs to see them prosecuted!!!

    We may not restore American Prestige to any acceptable level until the world see’s that we as a nation consider making war on foreign soil for political advantage at home is a crime, and those whom choose this strategy will be held to account criminally!!!!!!

    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

  • lin qiao (unverified)

    Yes, Mr. Grady, Gordon Smith should be booted from the Senate for various reasons. But no, Mr. Grady, I will never sign on to gratuitously nasty attacks of the sort that Mr. Barnhart served up. I will not sign on to "the ends justify the means," whether the ends are George Bush's or those of an alleged "progressive".

    As an aside, and back to the Iraq mess, a look at this article in the LA Times is well worth a look. It's all still about "securing" the oil fields, folks, Dubya or no, and Democratic Party representatives and senators aren't objecting to this perverse idea of US eminent domain. It's still a matter of "what's our oil doing under their sand?".

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)

    Lin Qiao;

    We may not restore American Prestige to any acceptable level until the world see’s that we as a nation consider making war on foreign soil for political advantage at home is a crime, and those whom choose this strategy will be held to account criminally!!!!!!

    This would be my reasoning for prosecuting criminals with power,that being a Democratic, Republican, or Progressive, the "ends justify the means" for their power in our democracy is corrosive, if not potentially fatal!

    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

  • raul (unverified)


    Gordon put other parents in the position to grieve for their children for his own political gain. When he lost his son early and unfairly, he could have reached into himself and saved 3000 other families from suffering in the same way. Instead, he let himself be herded along so that he could sit at the lunch table with the " cool " senators.

    Playing nice is all well and good when it comes to redistricting or highway projects. When we are losing our patriotic youth daily, shipping back plane fulls of wounded that will need care for the rest of their lives, and causing the untimely death of 65,000 Iraqis, the gloves need to come off.

    Gordon aided and abetted war criminals, voted to dismantle the bill of rights and thought torture was a valid occupation for our service people. Now we are stuck with the bill and the mess. Now all Gordon has to do is a little post election flip flopping and we send him flowers?

    He not only ignored his Constitutional oath, he mocked it and he mocked us. But, we better not hurt his feelings.

  • Kevin (unverified)

    While I agree that T.A. overstepped appropriate boundaries, I suggest that those in glass houses without children in the military should show a little temperance of their own. I would be freaking out too if one of my sons was positioned to head over to the war without end. It might make me say or do intemperate things.

    Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. All of it.

    Very well said, John!

  • Aaron V. (unverified)

    I say VENOM. Unleash it all on Gordon Smith in 2008, just like the Portland Police unleashed pepper spray on the protesters outside his Dubya fundraiser in 2002.

    I want to see "flip-flop" commercials saying that Gordon Smith supported the war before he opposed it. I want to see commercials featuring Abu Ghirab about his vote for the Military Commissions Act, which authorized torture and stripped detainees of the right to habeas corpus.

    I want every pro-choice person in Washington and Clackamas Counties to see some of the troglodytes he's voted to confirm (like Samuel Alito).

    And I don't think the comparison with O.J. is fair. O.J. only killed 2 people. Gordon Smith's foolishness as Senator killed 3000 U.S. troops, tens of thousands of Iraqis, led to torture and concentration camps in Guantanamo, Abu Ghirab and elsewhere, and may have led to permanent damage to the Constitution.

  • lin qiao (unverified)

    I want to see "flip-flop" commercials saying that Gordon Smith supported the war before he opposed it.

    Damn near every congressional Democrat supported the Tonkin Gulf resolution and the Vietnam War before many of them eventually opposed the war. Can I conclude that they would also have been deserving of the same scorn?

    I want to see commercials featuring Abu Ghirab about his vote for the Military Commissions Act, which authorized torture and stripped detainees of the right to habeas corpus.

    I want every pro-choice person in Washington and Clackamas Counties to see some of the troglodytes he's voted to confirm (like Samuel Alito).

    These I can certainly agree with as long as they're factual. Venom I will never get behind. Why does Karl Rove get to define the rules that everyone plays by?

  • Chris (unverified)

    Sure, Smith voted for the Military Commissions Act.

    It would also be nice to see commercials featuring Wyden. Attempting to suppress habeas corpus with his marvelous bit of support for the decidedly habeas corpus-unfriendly Graham Amendment 2516 to the Department of Defense Authorization for FY 2006 ... that was just precious.

    This talk about blood on the hands ... Washington's a multitudinous sea incarnadine ...

    All in the game.

  • Luke (unverified)

    All I can do when I read a post by Barnhart is try not to laugh remembering that post back where he tried to pass himself off as a moderate. Most of the Democrats I know are more moderate than this guy...

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    how dare you call me a moderate! show me where i made that claim -- and i'll repent. i'm no moderate, never have been. why the hell would i want to be? to quote Barry Goldwater's famous line: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

    when it comes to Smith, moderation can go to hell. isn't that his real motto?

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)

    It would also be nice to see commercials featuring Wyden. Attempting to suppress habeas corpus with his marvelous bit of support for the decidedly habeas corpus-unfriendly Graham Amendment 2516 to the Department of Defense Authorization for FY 2006 ... that was just precious // Posted by: Chris | Dec 13, 2006 8:12:03 PM

    Repulican Governance 101, tie the most heinous amendments to Defense Appropriations or Authorization while troops are in the field during wartime, and later accuse your opponnent with complicity or if they vote against the measure they are harming our troops, and weak on security!!

    The Honorable Senator from Oregon, the only Honorable Senator from Oregon stood up against the tide to be among the honored few to vote against the Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act and each measure that infringed on our civil liberties, and constitution! Gordon Smith has violated his oath siding with the Administration and the Neo-Cons to turn our form of governance into an American verision of Fascism.

  • Jade (unverified)

    TA,why do you call Iraqis "stupid fuckers"? That really made my blood boil when I read it. Most of the Iraqis getting killed are just trying their hardest to carry on with their lives. I think your post does a big disservice to Dems and liberals. I understand your concern about your son, but there are many of us who have had close family members physically or emotionally damaged over there.
    It's easy to think you're cool by using cuss words and name calling. Why don't you try a little logic for a change? I agree Gordon Smith is just a typical Republican, and probably just thinking about his political future, but hey, can't we stop being so judgemental and be open to the fact that people can change their minds? If we're right, and believe in our opinions, maybe we can influence our republican neighbors and coworkers! You know the saying, "You can catch more flies with sugar than vinegar"? Shrieking, cursing, and name-calling really is counterproductive.

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    get a grip, Jade. i'm obviously talking about the s.f.'s who are busy killing each other, not all Iraqis.

    and what frikkin' flies am i trying to catch? i want Smith condemned for the butchery he made possible.

  • lin qiao (unverified)
    <h2>Meanwhile, more troops are about to head off to Iraq....Let's see what Gordon Smith has to say about that.</h2>

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