Proof that global warming is no longer a partisan issue

Leslie Carlson

At least not among Western governors. Check out this tri-Governor ad featuring Brian Schweitzer of Montana, Jon Huntsman of Utah and Arnold Schwarzenegger of California. The commercial was produced by Environmental Defense and is running in 16 states. It's purpose? To pressure Congress to act on global warming, and act fast.

Presumably this ad is running in Oregon as a shot across the bow to Senator Gordon Smith. In the last few years, he has voted against a plan to limit greenhouse gases several times and against higher fuel efficiency standards for American cars.

I love the outdoorsy backdrops and rustic, casual wear. Gov. Huntsman in particular looks snazzy in his military pilot's jacket. Global warming is not only bipartisan, it's positively macho! My how times have changed.

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    I've seen this ad several times and like it alot. My only question (I'm probably naive I know) is why Kulongoski isn't in there?

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    I just saw the ad for the first time and it caught by eye because of Governor Schweitzer. I thought it was a pretty good ad.

    I don't know about in Utah, but I know that in Montana and California that the governors have both pushed for rules in their states that are beyond what other states are doing. If Utah has done the same, that could be why those three governors were chosen.

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    My guess is that Oregon doesn't play well to the moderates -- nationally, people think we're some green, weird place.

    Having two Republican governors -- including UTAH -- and one from a somewhat conservative Montana -- demonstrates how out of touch Congress and President Bush are with the rest of the country, not just weird Oregon.

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    Leslie, I've never quite understood why the GOP let the Democrats grab the environmental label. It's not just that there is nothing partisan about environmentalism, the GOP has long standing credentials on the issue. Nixon created the EPA!

    In that vein, it's encouraging to hear Mike Huckabee (yes, I just wrote "encouraging" and "Mike Huckabee" in the same sentence!) appeal to environmental concerns from a Christian evangelical perspective.

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    This is interesting indeed. Huntsman's father was the man who popularized (invented?) styrofoam packaging--if his son has truly gone green, it would be a remarkable thing. (Although I spent 2 1/2 years in high school in SLC, I am out of the loop on Utah politics).

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    Leslie, I've never quite understood why the GOP let the Democrats grab the environmental label.

    Historically, I think that the GOP has been more likely to take the side of traditional businesses, which has meant fighting against regulations that protect the environment.

    However, in the new era of free-market environmentalism, public-private partnerships and carbon trading markets, it will be interesting to see if the Rs can manage to be pro-business and pro-environment at the same time.

    It seems to me that the "new" economy businesses (think Google) will be more for environmental protection. I hope the Democrats figure out a way to keep those kinds of businesses in the fold.

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)


    Congress? Don't we they mean the Republican Obstructionists and DINO's who sold out to the oil lobby?

    I would also applaud Arnold on his resent conversion as a Democrat elected as a Republican! If it works, work it good!!

    The Terminator will find his way into the party before all is said and done. He likes being the hero, and Republicans make lousy heros, one shot then it's all down hill from there. The Republicans seem to only do something right or good to create cover for all the crimes they intend.

    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

  • jim karlock (unverified)

    JK:Anyone know how much this congressional action will hurt the poor?

    Or how much warming these measure will prevent, say by 2100?

    Thanks JK

  • Nick (unverified)

    Firm action on global warming will hurt the poor a heck of a lot less than the consequeces of full-blown climate catastrophe. Global warming is going to hit the poor - in this country and others - hardest. Think, "Hurricane Katrina."

  • jim karlock (unverified)

    Nick Firm action on global warming will hurt the poor a heck of a lot less than the consequeces of full-blown climate catastrophe. JK: full-blown climate catastrophe. - Got any evidence of that? Will it increase or decrease their heating bills? Will it increase or decrease food production as the climate warms? Will it increase or decrease human deaths if the planet warms? When will those Viking farms, under the ice in Greenland, finally be uncovered by global warming? BTW: Was it warmer in the Roman times, the Renaissance, the medieval times than now? How about the dark ages?

    Nick Think, "Hurricane Katrina." JK: What do Hurricanes have to do with catastrophic warming? There has been no increase in hurricanes, only an increase in building expensive stuff in hurricane zones. Who told you other wise? (Not some Baptist preacher turned politician, who has made millions promoting catastrophic global warmingI hope.)

    Thanks JK

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