Chuck Currie: I'm Voting for Novick

Over at his blog, the Reverend Chuck Currie gives a spirited endorsement of US Senate candidate Steve Novick, citing Novick's plans for dealing with poverty:

Today I want to announce my support for Steve Novick’s candidacy for the United States Senate. My endorsement is a personal one and in no way reflects any endorsement by my denomination or church or their views on the race. I offer this support for Steve Novick simply out of the virtue of being an Oregonian concerned about the future of our national community.

This campaign is about who can best protect our environment, who can best end the war, who can best help ensure that all Americans have health care, who can best get the economy moving again, and who can best address the rising tide of poverty that grips our communities. Steve Novick is that candidate.

He has offered specific plans but more than that in his lifetime of experience in public policy he has demonstrated a willingness to fight for the common good. Steve Novick is a politician in the tradition of Tom McCall, Wayne Morse and Paul Wellstone.

I am particularly impressed that Steve Novick is the only candidate to take seriously the issue of poverty and to offer detailed plans for legislative action that will help Oregon address the issue.

The incumbent in this race has helped to create many of the challenges we now face: he voted for the war and voted for economic policies that have increased deficits and thrown our economy into crisis mode.

Steve Novick’s unique ability to draw people together in common cause will help turn America around and that is why I will vote for him in this election.

Read the rest and discuss over there.


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