Small town politics. You gotta love it.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

ColumbiacountyIn Columbia County, there's a competitive campaign going on in the Democratic primary for County Commission.

But "campaign" is the polite term. Some might call it an old-fashioned feud.

Here's the story. The two-term incumbent, Joe Corsiglia, is (by all accounts) a loud-mouthed and vindictive sort of fellow. He's being challenged by a retired teacher and school superintendent named Earl Fisher.

Earl's racked up a bunch of endorsements of well-known local Democrats and labor unions -- which is, of course, somewhat rare for a Democrat running against a Democratic incumbent in a primary.

Now, the rap on Corsiglia from his opponent is that he's a do-nothing politician. But the truth seems a bit more (shall we say...) "complicated" than that. You see, it seems he actually is quite busy at the office.

Here's the story:

Trying to figure out if Corsiglia was spreading rumors and digging up dirt on Fisher, Fisher's supporters did a public information request of Corsiglia's computer records - emails, web cache, etc.

Rather than comply, Corsiglia got the County Sheriff to seize the county computer - suggesting that someone had tampered with it. (How conveeeeeeenient!) They even got the FBI involved. (Yes, that FBI.) Long story short, nobody was able to confirm that it was ever actually tampered with - and eventually they turned over the electronic records.

From the South County News:

Electronic data found on Columbia County Commissioner Joe Corsiglia’s office computer shows that his computer was used at some point to search the Oregon sex offender registry system for Thomas Fisher, the son of his opponent in the upcoming May primary election.

The finding is some ways lends credence to a claim made by Earl Fisher, who is challenging Corsiglia to run as the Democrat for a seat on the Columbia County Board of Commissioners, that Corsiglia was attempting to dig up political dirt against him headed into the May primary. ...

Other findings include:

* Forms used to comment on stories in the Willamette Week, and corresponding stories about Sen. Betsy Johnson's ethics problems associated with Scappoose airport deals.

* Frequent visitation to the American Civil Liberties Union Web site.

* Visitation to, a personals Web site. Images found corresponding to this site include, and ...

* Frequent searches for products designed to improve the operation of an Internet business...

* Repeated visitation to the eBay online trading site.

Good stuff. At least now we know that Joe Corsiglia keeps busy at the office.

So, adding it all up, we have: dirty tricks, online porn, use of public resources for private gain, wild accusations, political strong-arming, and more. And all that for a county commission seat in Oregon's 17th "largest" county!

Gotta love it.

  • Leslie MacBaren (unverified)


    And who said small town politics aren't interesting! I used to live in Scappoose, Corsiglia has been around a long, long, long time. My hometown county has been stuck in an bad economic rut since the days of big timber leaving.

    It's a shame that with all the time that this Joe guy has been in office, he doesn't have anything to show for it, except inappropriate use of a publicly owned county computer.

    I'd like to see what he's done in the past to improve Columbia county??? If I'm not mistaken, Corsiglia had a family member who was an elected official. Lots of name recognition for the incumbent, it'll be interesting to see how long the family name coat tails go...

  • Teresa Prather (unverified)

    Well, Leslie, I currently DO live in Columbia county.

    This Blue Oregon article is great! For years, folks in our neck of the woods have had to put up with Joe and his bullying. When he doesn't get his way, or if he perceives he's been slighted, WATCH OUT!

    He goes after people personally. With rumor, innuendo and whatever else his minions come up with out of thin air. No facts, no documentation. Nothing.

    I was so proud when Earl finally stepped up to the plate. The last time someone ran against Corsiglia, he almost lost and the guy running against him, didn't really run a campaign. He only won by about 300 votes.

    Not this time. I want to know everything that Joe does on my taxpayer dime at the county on the computer I helped buy and maintain.

  • Jack Magnus (unverified)

    What I find hysterical is how Tammy Maygra (one of Joe's cronies, along with her husband, Jamie) keep saying how Earl is a closed door politician. What a hoot!

    Earl, when he was a commissioner at the Port of St. Helens, and the whole thing about Jenks computer came to light, (mmmm. anyone wanna guess what was on THAT computer?) the Port attorney told the commissioners not to speak about what was on Jenks's computer because it would give cause to sue.

    Anyway, I hear it did leak out as to what was on those publicly owned computers and the Port got sued. That probably has to do with why Fisher doesn't talk about the computers in the Port of St. Helens fiasco. (oh, yeah. BTW, I hear that the folks involved in that little Computer Caper are big, big time Joe supporters, old time family names)

    So. Anytime I hear the Joe minions talk about Earl wanting closed gov't. I have to laugh and laugh and laugh.

    Seems when the tables are turned, good ol' boy Joe Corsiglia wants to play by different rules.

  • joeldanwalls (unverified)

    So--someone whose tactics and morals seem to match well with another Democrat from that neck of the woods--Betsy Johnson. Sigh.

  • Natalie (unverified)

    One of my friends husband is a public safety worker in Columbia County. She told me that Joe was the biggest chaser of the TV camera's during the storm.

    Not only that, but Joe didn't vote on the county commission resolution, he abstained, (same as voting "no") on the thing to relieve the rescue workers. Something about how Washington county rescue workers could relieve the columbia county workers.

    I don't know all the details, all I know is that Joe said he didn't understand what they were trying to do and so he didn't vote.

    The other two commissioners did vote to relieve the Columbia county workers.

  • Teresa Prather (unverified)


    Betsy is part of the solution in Columbia county. She's done nothing wrong. People can accuse someone of anything, but it means nothing but that: it's just an accusation.

    The bottom line: Joe used his county computer, on county time to look at porn sites, do e-bay auctioneering for his personal financial gain, did campaign research and heaven knows whatever else.

    I find the remark in this post done by Kari, interesting: "Earl's racked up a bunch of endorsements of well-known local Democrats and labor unions -- which is, of course, somewhat rare for a Democrat running against a Democratic incumbent in a primary."

    Joe has nothing to show for his years in elected office except a nice paycheck. And of course a fine time on the county computer.

    Just exactly what does Joe do? Does anybody know? Sure, he belongs to a lot of civic groups, but what has he done to lead Columbia county?

    We need our roads repaired. We need a new economic base with the timber industry gone, those green collar jobs people talk about. So many people have to leave the county to go to work in another county because there are no good paying jobs here.

    What has Joe done?

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Reminds me of Klamath County, long before the computer age of course. When my friend, Ray Thorne, was running, his opponent's campaign theme was "the good ol' boy from Bly." At a public meeting, after he was commissioner, some guy came up to Ray, who was paraplegic, and said, "If you weren't in that wheelchair I would beat the s__t out of you. Ray said, "Have at it, guy!" Small town politics are a microcosm of the meanness and pettiness that happens in the larger polity.

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    Betsy is part of the solution in Columbia county. She's done nothing wrong. People can accuse someone of anything, but it means nothing but that: it's just an accusation.

    My limited understanding of the situation and individuals involved, based largely on the stuff Carla wrote back when Loaded Orygun still did objective fact-finding, is that this characterization of Betsy Johnson is the more realistic one - i.e., that she's the target of a deliberate smear campaign.

  • Lola (unverified)

    Yep, Bill R. you are right!

    The pettiness that happens in our county is because of Joe's shenanigans has prevented our county from moving forward. The very idea of using a public computer, on county time to research the family member of your opponent is petty.

    Family members aside, (it has nothing to do with issues facing Columbia county) voters are demanding to know what Joe has done besides being a fly in the proverbial ointment to move our county forward?

    He's been in elected office since 1994. He's got to go. It's time to move forward. That's why I'm supporting Earl Fisher. Earl has a plan to bring jobs into our county, jobs that can pay a living wage. We desperately need green industry here.

  • Paula Hamlyn (unverified)


    You know, I remember that Loaded article. Word here in the County is that Joe Corsiglia is behind the smear campaign, him and his good ol' buddies, they all went to high school together. When Williamson, (part of Joe's triangle) was a city administrator in Scappoose, or something like that way back when, Betsy and the other members of the Scappose city council fired him. Betsy was on the city council.

    Joe's folks have never forgiven her for that. Imagine!

    Betsy delivers for our county as a legislator as does Brad Witt. They got some real good legislation passed for our folks regarding the disaster that happened last December. Debbie Boone was in on that too. Betsy & Witt have a record of accomplishment. So does Earl with his work as Chair of the Columbia County Commission on Children & Families. His work as the chair of the Fire Dept. up in Clatskanie, the North end of our fair county.

    What is all shaping up in our county, is that we're growing. Times are changing. But just because we're growing, doesn't mean that we can't grow in a way that can keep our values, our heritage and our pride.

    Joe is an embarrassment.

    And frankly, this latest computer caper is the last straw. Lesbian porn on a county computer, on county time by a straight guy. I find that so offensive. Not to mention the fact that he was doing campaign research on a public computer.

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    So--someone whose tactics and morals seem to match well with another Democrat from that neck of the woods--Betsy Johnson. Sigh.

    Just for the record - and to be absolutely clear: Senator Betsy Johnson has endorsed Earl Fisher in this race.

  • J. Karville (unverified)


    No. To be clear Betsy has NOT endorsed Earl. She has been supportive of his efforts however. Same of Brad Witt. Neither of these officials endorse in Dem primaries.

    What is interesting, however, is that early in Joe's career, Betsy gave Joe C. checks hitting the $1,000 mark. But when Betsy wouldn't do his bidding when he became an elected official, well.. Let the rumors fly.

    Lots of people in Columbia county are supporting Earl Fisher's candidacy. Many of them are keeping quiet though because they are scared of what Joe might do. Lord knows what he is capable of.

  • Miles (unverified)

    this characterization of Betsy Johnson is the more realistic one - i.e., that she's the target of a deliberate smear campaign.

    I didn't know that one of the FBI's roles is to further baseless smear campaigns.

    Maybe L.O. was right that Johnson's earlier profiting from the land deal was harmless and didn't represent anything unethical (except, of course, for the $600 ETHICS fine she paid). And maybe you're right now, Kevin, that Johnson won't be prosecuted by the FBI. But I think the evidence that has surfaced in Johnson's latest initimidation scheme show that even if it doesn't rise to a criminal level, it's pretty troubling. When the head of the PSU Hatfield School of Government has to resign his position with the Regional Maritime Security Coaltion in order to protect PSU from Betsy's wrath, something is amiss.

  • JMoore (unverified)

    This incumbent needs to be challenged and as you can see by the many support articles in local papers lately the incumbent’s very own political party has given strong support for Earl Fisher. This speaks volumes as to how the county as well as the party perceives Joe.

    We need someone in office that spends time on issues and looking toward the future for this great County. You can’t do that when you are too caught up in personal turmoil.

    Earl Fisher has been behind so many great ideas over the years. I won’t go through listing them all – but I will tell you that the lists I can come up with on Earl Fisher are all positive.

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    I didn't know that one of the FBI's roles is to further baseless smear campaigns.


    You may perhaps recall Lars Larson's recent attempt to smear Kulongoski and how that triggered an investigation which eventually found zero basis to Lars' claims.

    You may also recall that our justice system is predicated upon the presumption of innocence rather than of guilt.

    You may or may not understand that the failure to investigate a claim of wrong doing, even a bogus one, would be willful negligence on the part of whatever agency is involved.

    Connect those dots however you wish.

  • KSmith (unverified)

    Bottom line a Vote for Earl Fisher is a vote to be proud of and you can know you did the right thing. We are above third world polotics and it is sad to see people hold back public support for fear of retaliation. Stand up for yourself and stand up for our community and know that together we can make a change. Someone needs to remind Mr. Joe he answers to us!

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    "based largely on the stuff Carla wrote back when Loaded Orygun still did objective fact-finding,"

    Isn't that nice! So gracious of you to mention the blog.

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    J Karville wrote... (nice handle, btw.)

    No. To be clear Betsy has NOT endorsed Earl. She has been supportive of his efforts however.

    Well, that's not what I've been told.

    It's true that she's not listed on his website as an endorser. But, it's also true that she donated $1000 to his campaign. Good enough for me.

  • Don (unverified)

    This article in Blue Oregon once again demonstrates why the voters of Columbia County need to remove Joe Corsiglia from office.

    Many of us, Republicans and Democrats alike, are simply fed up with Mr Corsiglia's distasteful personal and professional behavior.

    Not only are his ethics an objectionable problem, his seeming unwillingness (probably ability as well) to be a positive force in solving the many issues we face here in Columbia County is just as frustrating. He seems to enjoy creating, rather than solving problems. Joe's ongoing attempts to bully many of his constituents and fellow Commisioners is inappropriate and not in the best interest of the citizens of Columbia County. We don't need people like Mr. Corsiglia in postions as important as County Commissioner.

    My wife and I are registered Republicans who have decided to financially support Earl Fisher, a Democrat and Corsiglia's opponent.

    Mr. Fisher, is a civic minded, hard working, strong decison maker, who has repeatedly shown he has a deep interest in becoming a positive addition to the county commissioner's office. We need to get Earl into office so our Commissioners can work together to the benefit of all of us.

  • Claire Messud (unverified)

    Joe loves getting the FBI involved with anything. Makes him feel important. Why do you think he called in the FBI to look at his computer that was turned off?

    Calling in the FBI to do anything always spurns speculation. By merely linking Sen. Johnson with the FBI, it makes people think she's done something amiss.

    Williamson is also being investigated by the FBI. Joe's good buddy. Why isn't anyone looking into that? Wiliamson is the old guard, old family establishment in that county just like Joe. They rattle their sabers hoping folks will cower and kiss their ring.

    Betsy has done nothing wrong. All they have to do is make an accusation.

    Look. I'm voting for Earl because I'm tired of our county government being constantly stuck. We need to move on and get things done that will improve the quality of life for our residents. Joe has done nothing.

    That is why Earl has earned the support of the little guys and some of the heavy hitters in the democratic party in our county. Labor unions usually support the incumbent, especially a D incumbent.

    Not this time. Joe only has one endorsement from labor. The Ironworkers, Jamie (a Joe supporter from waaaaaaay back) Maygra. Earl, on the other hand, has all the other unions who make early endorsements. The firefighters, both chapters of the Oregon School Employees Association, UFCW Local 555 AND the Teamsters.

    Earl has the support of working people. Rumor has it that Jamie made sure that Earl didn't even get an endorsement interview and since he's the Ironworkers business agent, I guess he can do that, make sure his fellow Ironworkers only get to hear from just the candidate he is personally supporting.

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    [Off-topic comment about the presidential race deleted. -editor.]

  • Marianne (unverified)

    [Response to off-topic comment about presidential race deleted. -editor.]

  • Paula Hamlyn (unverified)

    You know, if Joe really cared about his constituents in Columbia county, you'd think he'd turn up for some of the meetings that are big issues over here. He wants to get rid of the fairgrounds because "he wasn't put in charge of it."

    The fair is one of the family venues that we enjoy in our beautiful little county. Lots of 4-H kids show there wares in this venue. But Joe never shows up for the more contentious fair board meetings when he knows there have to be tough decisions. Same with the hospital board meetings. He always has an excuse not to show up.

    I heard that when Rep. Witt had the hearing and work session on the storm disaster, the other two commissioners not only showed up, but testified.

    Joe didn't even bother to show up.

    He always has an excuse.

  • Teresa Prather (unverified)

    Paula is right!

    Brad Witt & Betsy Johnson along with Debra Boon passed 3 different bills that will make a difference to folks in our county that were impacted by that god-awful storm. Took out most of the North County.

    With Witt & Betsy, they got the following legislation passed this January session. I found out about it with the e- newsletter that Witt sends out to his constituents.

    HB 3605A – Prohibits insurers from canceling or non-renewing policies based solely on claims resulting from the storm, and requires insurers to withdraw and reissue notices mailed the week prior to the storm. This prohibition covers all personal lines of insurance, including homeowners, auto, health and personal property.

    HB 3606A – Provides the Governor with the authority to waive the one-week waiting period for individuals to qualify for unemployment insurance benefits when these individuals live in an affected area following a disaster declaration.

    HB 3607A – Establishes the Oregon Declared Emergency Recovery Fund, which will be used as a source of matching funds so local governments can access a wide array of federal programs, including FEMA, Human Services and Housing.

    In the end, all of our other elected officials in Columbia county do the work of the people, and show results. Except Joe. Too busy "at the office." Not one thing can he point to that he has led on.

    He didn't even show up for this hearing???? That is simply incredible.

  • (Show?) Huh?

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    To each their own... just not on the county dime.

  • Teresa Prather (unverified)

    I agree, totally agree, Kari.

    To each their own. Just not on the county dime. Amen.

  • Marianne (unverified)

    Joe should resign or there should be a recall. He's embarrassed our county for long enough.

    I live in the county. He does nothing except orchestrate personal vendetta's against other people when he doesn't get his way.

    His daddy was mayor for a long, long time, a long, long time ago. Joe is nothing like his dad and has only gotten to where he is because of his family name.

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    Now Kristin, let's not be judgemental.

    I know that Joe doesn't look like a lesbian, but really, who are we to decide? That should be up to whoever answers his personal ad shouldn't it?

    I mean provided, of course, that they are equipped with the same photo we have here on Blue Oregon.

  • Miles (unverified)

    You may also recall that our justice system is predicated upon the presumption of innocence rather than of guilt.

    Kevin, I'm not saying Johnson is guilty of a crime. I'm saying that given the facts that are public, the pattern is troubling. And I think if everyone here put partisanship aside, they would come to the same conclusion. If Karen Minnis was engaging in the same pattern, would you really be calling for restraint, for waiting until the investigation is complete?

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    Not being judgemental -- as a queer woman, I just get creeped out by voyeurs, if that's what he was/is...

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    The earlier allegations seemed very troubling too. That is until Carla shone the light of day on them in a way that nobody else, particular in the press, was willing to.

    There is a pattern here. And it includes the earlier allegations which Carla destroyed.

    Does that establish Ms. Johnson's innocence imperpituity? Of course not. But the "pattern" to which you refer didn't start with this currents set of allegations.

    Given the larger pattern, and given what we are learning about some of these other actors like this Corsiglia character, it seems to me that your initial quip in this thread was... to put it generously... ill founded.

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    You know, I WAS there Kevin, and I WAS writing columns at the same time on the same topic--interviews, document review, etc. Jaquiss called me up last week and allowed that he's obviously putting aside me busting his chops on the stories, so I guess he recognizes I participated in some way.

    I don't care if you think I'm a dick and am backing the wrong guy for Senate. That's your right, anyway--but I pretty much let it go the first time you did it, and now I gotta stand up for myself a little and remind you it was a two-person search for the truth on that story. I'm proud of the work Carla did, as well as my own. She did more, no doubt--she was geographically and daytime wise much more able to work directly with Sen Johnson and research documents. But I punched the clock a little on that story too. That much respect would be nice. You can keep trashing me on Novick if it makes you feel better, but for the time Loaded Orygun was a partnered blog, we shared equally in its successes and mistakes. I think Carla would tell you that, too.

  • Ron (unverified)

    As a personal friend of the Fisher family let me just say that Columbia County cannot go wrong with a vote for Earl. And for Joe C. to attempt to smear Earl by looking for dirt on his son is really below the belt. By the way, Thomas is an Iraq war veteran and a fine Marine. Joe must go.

  • Ursala (unverified)

    Kari Chrisholm -- Obviously you do not live in Columbia County and do not have access to history or total facts about the elections in our county. This column should be an embarrassment to you, and you should know that it is no help to us. The Fourth Estate has an obligation to present facts or opinions. You, Kari Chrisholm, belong to the National Enquirer style of journalism.
    Bull dung, honey, try again -- and do better next time.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    You have taken it upon yourself to say that The two-term incumbent, Joe Corsiglia, is (by all accounts) a loud-mouthed and vindictive sort of fellow. He's being challenged by a retired teacher and school superintendent named Earl Fisher.

    I have known this man for much of his life, and I can assure you that he is neither a loud mouth nor a vindictive person. He is a man who spends a lot of his time volunteering to help people in the community, Each year he spends his time working to help put on a dance for the developmentally disabled, the Columbia County Children's fair, He helps with the Mt. Hood Kiwanis camp, he assists at the Hood to Coast race,He spends time distributing food for Kiwanis Christmas food baskets,he helped organize our County Cultural Coalition, he works at the St. Helens Kids night out and many other community events. He was on site lending aid in Vernonia and Clatskanie during the floods of this last year, and was there well before other more notable people showed up.

    He also seems to have captured the endorsement of the Steel Workers Union.

    I would also like to assure you that there are some very wealthy people who dislike him, and are willing to spend their money trying to smear him.

    Katheryn Pfeiffer, Earl Fishers high paid campaign consultant, has publicly stated that she would "Destroy Corsiglia." Evidently that is what we are seeing happen.

    I don't know what his computer viewing habits are, but there was nothing in the Spotlight article that said that Corsiglia viewed pornography .. it said that he once visited "Friend finder" and there were links from that site that were questionable... no where does it say he followed up on any of these questionable links.

    Since when does his visiting Willamette Week or the ACLU a bad thing? You would think it was, judging from how the story was written.

    I think the man is being swift boated, and I think that he is most certainly the victim of politics most dirty.

  • Mark Greison (unverified)

    Earl Fish is a bully, and there are ample videos of him bullying people. I have seen him scream at people. He was a partial term Port Official. He was appointed to the Port of St. Helens by some of his high placed friends, and he managed to almost bankrupt them. He was voted out of office, and replaced by an unknown.

  • Jan Kramer (unverified)

    Earl Fisher is a bully. I know that, and I saw him in action. He also has lots of rich friends. This may get him elected, but it sure does not make him the sort of person that I would like in government.

  • Frank Balogh (unverified)

    Joe Corsiglia has never publicly said anything about Fishers Son. Fisher outed his own son in the local paper and then claimed that Corsiglia was behind it. If it were not for Fisher's comments in the paper, no one would have known a thing about his son being a sex criminal.

    Fisher is a loudmouth and bully. I saw a video on U Tube of Fisher He is a mean person. He was not liked when he was a school Superintendent, and I heard that he almost put the Port of St.Helens into Bankruptcy.

  • Tammy (unverified)

    Looks like most of the people that blogged here earlier have joined in with Betsy Johnson to destroy the only commissioner Columbia County has that stands up for the citizens against special interest groups. Fisher bankrupted the port of st Helens, got beat for his appointed seat by a unknown individual, cost the tax payers thousands of dollars fighting the newspapers right to view public records. His son may have served in Iraq but does that excuse him for having sex with a 15-year-old girl. There was nothing on Corsiglia’s computer that was considered porn nor did he go to a porn site. You people are just mad because you did not find anything on your witch-hunt, although Betsy has been found guilty on an ethics violation, and IS under investigation with the FBI. I guess it is ok that she threatened to take funding away from a college if they did not do her bidding. Joe supports public access to public records Earl wants to tighten up access, earl is a financial failure and Joe will win despite of all your lies. VOTE JOE -VOTE JOE!!!

  • Bob Habas (unverified)

    I dont' live in Columbia County anymore, but I can give your a little bit of Columbia County History.

    Betsy chose Brad Witt and Betsy hates Corsiglia. Brad was a lobbyist for the Unions, so he knows how to get Union money for people.

    Corsiglia sat in at a Columbia County hospital district meeting and asked them what happened to the money that they got from the sale of the Hospital in St. Helens. No one had a satisfactory answer, so he made a big mistake. He said "I hope that you have a paper trail, because if there isn't a paper trail, someone could do jail time." Betsy Johnson sat on the Hospital District Board along with former County Commissioner Bruce Hugo, and Boise Cascade Human Resource Director Diane Dillard. Joe Corsiglia suddenly was transformed from an irritant into a dangerous enemy and Betsy vowed to get rid of him.

    That lady has a lot of money, and she also holds a grudge.

    Bruce Hugo now works for Betsy, and you may not know it, but he was forced to resign because he was gambling using a Columbia County credit card. It is not considered good form to gamble using public money; at least not for a County Commissioner.

    Betsy has worked to get someone to run against Corsiglia. She finally got a loud mouthed former School Superintendent and failed Port Commissioner to take her money and run. She has hired a consultant, name of Katharine Pfeiffer from Portland to run Corsiglias Campaign. Pfeiffer has also worked for Witt. Pfeiffer was heard bragging to a number of people that she planned to destroy Corsiglias Reputation. Evidently that is what this email witch hunt was all about. They spent hours of County time and printed up over 2000 pages of material.

    They really haven’t found anything but you would not know it the way they are spinning the story.

    I think Bill Eagle is right when he says that Corsiglia is being Swift Boated. The big money people want to do Corsiglia in, and they won’t stop until he is completely destroyed.

  • Scott Koller (unverified)

    Lots of Republicans support Fisher. That is because Betsy Johnson used to be a Republican. Her husband (John Helm) is a Republican and they give money to Republican candidates. There is a lot of money behind Fisher.

    Corsiglia is the only Commissioner that seems to have the time to visit Clatskanie or Vernonia when it isn't an election year. Why is that? Could it be that Corsiglia really cares and isn't bought by big money?

  • Paul B. (unverified)

    Snicker, snicker, snicker

    I wondered how long it would take for the Joe minions to come over to Blue Oregon and take a look. Now allll of Oregon is seeing your rants, in BIG BOLD letters all over the state. You are all such an embarrassment to Columbia County and frankly, to the democratic party. You support Joe and whatever he does, even his schmoozing and boozing with Republicans at their central committee meetings. So don't get all high and mighty with me. You are a hypocrite and just as big of a liar as Joe. Either that or you're just plain nuts.

    You all like Joe because he makes you feel important. He makes you feel "special." He does that not because he really likes or respect you, he does it because you will do whatever he asks. Just like a dog.

    Bill Eagle: Joe does lots of "camera stuff" to make him self look good by "volunteering" but what has he done as a commissioner? Nothing.

    Brad Witt was appointed and won in his own right. Betsy had nothing to do with it. Sorry.

    Yeah, Betsy has a lot of money. She's given some of it Joe.

    You can run, but you can't hide. Joe has inappropriate stuff on his computer. Just like the articles in our hometown paper point out and Kari printed here: " Dirty tricks, online porn, use of public resources for private gain, wild accusations, political strong-arming."

    And Tammy, Joe hasn't stood on a principle since he was elected. This whole "unbossed and unbought" aura that you think he has is bunk and you know it.

    He ain't unbossed because he IS THE BOSS! He's a bully, and uses people like you and Jamie, Thelma, and Bill to do his dirty work--to spread lies, disrupt meetings and our local county government.

    I just checked out the Spotlight, seems this one gal said it best: “Next thing you know, Joe's minions will be having a candle light vigil outside the county courthouse singing:

    "Kumbaya, Dear Joe, "Kumbaya. Kumbaya, Dear Joe, Kumbaya. "Kumbaya, dear, Joe, Kumbaya. "We're gonna miss you dear Joe, Kumbaya, oooooh, Joe, "Kumbaya."

    "Porn on his computer, dear Joe, Kumbaya. Kumbaya, dear Joe, Kumbaya. Oh, Joe, we hate to see you gooooo."

    Joe's busted big time. Shoe is on the other foot now. Let's see how he handles this mess. First, he tries to hide his records with the phony "Computer Caper" and now we know why.

    I agree with an earlier post here, Joe should resign immediately.

  • Mattie (unverified)

    This whole thing the Joe people are going off on regarding, "but his computer cache doesn't say he went to those sites" is such rubbish. He went there. And not just to a couple of sites. He had to GO to those sites.

    I can't believe they are trying to dig him out of this hole. With enough pestering though, they themselves may start to believe it. But cripes, if Joe says he doesn't know how those E-bay, ACLU, sex registries, Porn cites and alllll the other stuff got on his hard drive, then they'll believe anything.

    I'm going to love to see what else Joe comes up with. Maybe tomorrow he'll make a call to the Sheriff and say that his car has a tracking device on it and he thinks Betsy is following him around in one of her airplanes.

    Joe's got to go. I want to get one of the buttons the Joe People are sporting lately that say "GO JOE" so I can put comma in after the word "GO."

  • (Show?)

    Bill Eagle, who has a lovely blog right here, said this:

    it said that he once visited "Friend finder" and there were links from that site that were questionable... no where does it say he followed up on any of these questionable links.

    Dude, have you VISITED (Warning: NSFW)?

    It's BARELY a personals site. It's mostly a cover for prostitution. As for porn, right there on the home page... Explore the erotic lifestyle of millions of people through thousands of sexy webcam videos.

    That's why Penthouse offered to buy the site for a billion dollars.

    Again, I really don't care what anybody does with their personal life. But don't spend taxpayer dollars doing it.

  • Innocent bystander (unverified)

    just turning off the bold.

  • Fred Gelderman (unverified)

    Mr. Chisholm Joe Corsiglia didn't visit Adult Friend Finder. He visited Friend I would be concerned if he continually visited this site, but this evidently wan't the case. There were links there to Adult friend finder and other questionable sites.. but there was no evidence of his visiting them. He also visited the ACLU and Oregon Live. Big deal! I am shocked that that he did not visit Blue Oregon.

    I am not sure why you seem intent on blasting the man. If you look at Fishers First Quarter C & E's you will see that Betsy gave $1000 and her husband gave $1,500 to Fisher. You can look it all up at Have you wondered why Fisher's web page does not mention anything about his serving on the Port of St. Helens?

    Betsy Johnson likes to have her fingers into local politics here. She loves to have her say. For some reason, she does not have much say over Joe, even if she (according to some) orginally gave some money to his first campaign. He crossed her, when he asked questions about what happened to the Hospital money.

    By the way, what did happen to the hospital money?

  • J. Karville (unverified)


    Here is the attitude of these "Joe People"

    If Joe was caught in bed with a dead young girl, they would say "she died of happiness." If Joe was caught in bed with a young man, they'd say "Joe cured him of leprosy." If Joe was caught with porn on his county computer, they'd say "Betsy Johnson put it there."

    Logic doesn't work with these people. It's a social pecking order that has been in existence for over 100 years with the old families. The minions will do ANYTHING Joe tells them to do, believe anything he says. And I mean ANYTHING. No matter how outrageous.

    Glad you like my handle. :-)

  • Teresa Prather (unverified)

    Fred: You lie like a dog!

    No matter what you minions do, you can't escape FACTS! You are soooo making stuff up.


    You can't do what you all normally do, which is just continuing with the "Oh, no. Joe didn't go to that site, he just went over to "friendFinder."

    Joe is busted, big time.

    FriendFinder. Gimme a break!

    And as far as Betsy giving Earl money, I hope she gives him more. I want Joe gone. He should resign. Start a recall!!! I don't care if the election is only a few weeks away!


  • Abby Monk (unverified)

    Hey, Kari~ If you get a chance, read "Tammy's Take" on Bill Eagle's website. She keeps a catalog of all her little rants and conspiracy theories, provided of course they are "Joe Approved.'

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    I don't seem to recall Joe Corsiglia seeking publicty for all the many things that he volunteers to do. One of your bloggers said that they heard that Joe was a camera chaser. If this is the case why wasn't he in more pictures? He was there well before there were any cameras. He was too busy trying to help people than he was chasing cameras.

    I also don't recall the Spotlight saying that he visitited "Adult Friend Finder".. but Mr. Chisholm you may have more experience along that line than I do. I do think you for calling my web page <ref=http:""> "lovely,?>

    "Visitation to, a personals Web site. Images found corresponding to this site include, and" ...

    I seem to have missed reading about him visiting these other sites. Do you have more information on this that isn't in the paper?

    By the way, my web page is not "Joe Approved" and anyone is welcome to post on it.

    The local paper did a story on my web page a few weeks back <ref=http:"" news="" story.php?story_id="120534964146990100"> Soap box for the Masses,>

    I do appreciate being able to post on your blog. Thank you for the great job that you do.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    I still have not figured out how to put in a proper link. This is my second try, so please forgive me if I mess up.

    <ref=http:"" news="" story.php?story_id="120534964146990100">Soap box for the Masses

  • Peggy (unverified)

    Hey Teresa Prather how do you know that Joe visited lots and lots of porno sites? I didn't read that in the Spotlight. Are you making things up, or do you have some other sources of knowledge?

  • Mattie (unverified)

    Well, Bill,

    Here it is, in all it's glory!

    From this site, the Spotlight article states: Images found corresponding to this site include,passion.-com and

    What that means is this; from the little "friendfinder" page, he went to the others. That is what Swan means, or in computer technical terms "corresponding" websites.

    So. Let me repeat: From FriendFinder, Joe went to, and That is indisputable.

    Even if what you are trying to assert is true, that Joe didn't REALLY go to those sites, it's just imaginary, all of the other stuff, nobody's buying it. Not this time. Joe's done too many hateful, spiteful things to people in the county that we all know not to put anything past him.

    I don't even care that much that he went to the sex sites, it's the other stuff that concerns me, especially the stuff the article brought up about Joe posting on Willamette Week during the "Betsy Witch Hunt" that you and the other Joe cronies fabricated.

    And one more thing: "Tammy's Take" is Joe approved. Just like "Barbs," & "Letters." It's all either done by Joe, or it's "Joe Approved." You moderate that site. People have to email you to post. You decide what posts are allowed and which are not.

    Nobody from outside Joe's little playground posts at the St. Helens Update. Even the few "Pro-Earl" posts, (there are maybe 3 to 6 of them out of the hundreds posted) are plants so that your site "looks" balanced.

    The St. Helen's Update is a Joe Corsiglia site that serves no purpose but to soapbox the trivial and the benign. If it truly was the site you proclaim it to be, then why is the Spotlight blog so much more popular even though it's only been around for less than a year?

    It's because it's not censored like the St. Helen's Update is.

    I do like the screen saver though.

  • Paul B. (unverified)

    Hey Pat Cunningham! Glad to see you posting here!

    I just checked out the uTube video on your site that you posted here! Delighted that you showed Earl confronting the a Joe minion who was running into the ground the local PUD up in the North end of our county!

    It was one of Joe's "finer" moments when that minion got recalled and Earl was one of the leaders! Joe got his butt handed to him! Joe Minions! Beware! The end is near!!!

    BTW, folks: That recall was a totally, complete landslide to recall that PUD commissioner. Not even close. Too long and gory to go into here, but take my word for it.

    The newer folks to Columbia county politics are taking on "Big Bad Joe" and getting rid of them. Joe is next!

    Got any more video's of Earl? Our next County Commissioner?

    I sure hope that the rest of Oregon's press check out Patanswrz over at the St. Helens Update to show what a real hard core politico you are!!!

    You must feel so incredibly important! Someone is paying attention to you besides Joe! Congratulations!

  • Jack Magnus (unverified)

    Mattie, Mattie, Mattie:

    It's not that Bill Eagle doesn't believe you. He doesn't WANT to believe you.

    You can point to all the proof, all the truth, all the documentation you want. The Joe Minions won't believe you, the truth, the documentation, the proof because THEY DON'T WANT TO!!!

    In their eyes, Joe can do no wrong. Ever. Bill's relationship with Joe's family goes way back. It's part in parcel with "Papa Joe's Legacy."

    Some kids get into Harvard because their mommies and daddies went to Harvard.

    In Columbia County, Joe Corsiglia gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants because he carries his daddy's name. Just like a Harvard grad.

    He wants to be a county commissioner? No problem. Just lie your way to the top and keep saying over and over again: "My Daddy Was Mayor of St. Helens. Now it's my turn. I don't have to do anything to earn it. I can do whatever I want because my daddy was mayor."

    That is all changing in our county. Change is hard, but living with Joe is even more difficult.

    I'm voting for Earl because Earl is about change. He's about bringing jobs into the county, #1 priority, and he has a plan to do it. That's enough for me.

  • Teresa Prather (unverified)


    I'm confused. Isn't Joe married? Does he and his wife have an open marriage? Does she know about his? Eliot Spitzer comes to Columbia County. Not that I care if they DO have an open marriage, but Joe should be doing his research for possible "friends with benefits" on someone else's time & dime.

    Even if he only went to the page and there was no evidence, (but there is) that he went to the other adult sites from there, why would he be on that page? But the fact that he did it on county time, visiting "" is enough.

    He shouldn't have even been at that site, the e-bay sites, sex registry sites and alllll the rest of them on county time, on a county computer.

    I want to know what's in all his emails? How do we find out? Does anyone know?

    I want a county commissioner who goes to work, does the work and shows results. Joe has done nothing.

  • Queenie (unverified)

    Dear Frank Balogh:

    Your statement above; "He was not liked when he was a school Superintendent, and I heard that he almost put the Port of St.Helens into Bankruptcy.

    1) Earl was beloved as the Clatskanie School Superintendent. Beloved by parents and the good people who worked with him. That's why he got the Oregon School Employees Association's endorsement. Both of the chapters in Columbia county.

    2) The Port of St. Helens financial difficulties was because of the Williamson and Jenks computer scandal. Not because of Earl. Guess what was on that computer?

    Anybody wanna take a guess? Oh, one more thing: Joe and Williamson are best buds since high school.

    Yeah, baby.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    Mattie Evidently you seem to think that you know more about my web page than I do.

    You said "And one more thing: "Tammy's Take" is Joe approved. Just like "Barbs," & "Letters." It's all either done by Joe, or it's "Joe Approved." You moderate that site. People have to email you to post. You decide what posts are allowed and which are not."

    That is true. I do remove posts that are overly inflammatory. I have not removed many though, and let me assure you that you would be more than welcome to post on my web page

    I have news for you.. None of Tammy's Take or any of the Barbs or letters are done by Joe Corsiglia.

    "Nobody from outside Joe's little playground posts at the St. Helens Update. Even the few "Pro-Earl" posts, (there are maybe 3 to 6 of them out of the hundreds posted) are plants so that your site "looks" balanced. The St. Helen's Update is a Joe Corsiglia site that serves no purpose but to soapbox the trivial and the benign."

    My site probably is trivial and benign... It is also funny. My big complaint is that people that disagree with what is on my web site, don't bother to post their disagreements.
    I don't censor what people write, and I rarely editorialize. St. Helens update policy

    Please visit my website and see my policy for posting on it. I only update once a week, but I would love to have your input.

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    Wow! It looks like the whole Betsy (F.B.I Probe) Johnson mudsling crowd has move over here to Blue Oregon to smear the good name of Commissioner Corsiglia. None other than Brad (Betsy’s Johnson) Witt who doesn’t have a thought of his own and can’t make a move without Betsy’s permission, Bruce (You can bet on that) Hugo who can’t wait to get some power back in Columbia County so he can access more county credit cards to satisfy his gambling habit. Mike (The wanna be lawyer) Sheehan who just spent $700.00 of Betsy Johnson’s money and came up empty handed on his records request, Katherine (I will do whatever it takes to win) Pfeiffer who has taken the Hillary Clinton low road and the politics of personal destruction and yes even Dronna (the Drunk) Brad Witt’s personal bed partner when he’s not with Katherine Pfeiffer! A pitiful lot to say the least.

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    Earl Fisher’s support in Columbia County is paper-thin. Just because he has 98% of his yard signs on only two properties doesn’t make him supported by the majority. The fact is Earl was a very poor port commissioner and would make an even worse county commissioner. He bankrupted the port, which is why you don’t see him touting his port credentials in his bio. He cost the taxpayers of the county thousands of dollars in legal fees because he and Paul Bullyem tried to withhold public information from the press and the port was sued. He promised water to Cascade Grain so they could produce ethanol and couldn’t deliver which may also cause litigation. The fact is, is that Earl Fisher is a loser. He tried to get the endorsement of the North West Labor Council and even failed to do that. Even worse, he outed his own son’s sexual depravity (child molestation) for his own political gain. To top all this he is aliened with the criminal element in Columbia County.

  • Tammy (unverified)

    Let me assure you that I write Tammy’s Take with no help from Joe Corsiglia or any one else. I have told you people and Commissioner Rita Bernhard who is obsessed with Joe, that I do my own research and thinking, unlike you people it is a novel idea, try it once you will find it refreshing. We at the have offered everyone to post letters, barbs on our site and we welcome all letters from everybody, because we believe in freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, another couple thoughts that most of you are against, same as your boy Earl, remember he tried to have me arrested twice at the port of st. Helens o well your pathetic ranting are the signs of a desperate campaign, your boy lost his appointed port seat to a virtual unknown person in the community. Earl and his supporters are nothing more than oxygen thief’s. I hope I do not have to explain that one to you.

  • (Show?)

    As a long time booster of Blue Oregon's team, I've been proud to be a poster here. The way that this site is policed and the standards of proof and reasoning set by non-site owners (my fellow commenters) has been a source of pride.

    Watching this conversation which seems to have blown in with all warts visible, only reenforces that pride.

    After all, Blue Oregon could well have a standard that includes wild allegations from both sides with no documentation required. It could be a place where a bunch of lunkheads just hurl baseless accusations back and forth, and it could be that this would pass for dialogue.


    So next time I'm arguing the Merkley-Novick game or the Obama-Clinton game and getting frustrated over the placement of commas in the latest Novick utterance, I'll remember this thread and how much worse it could be.


    A personal thank you to all of the Columbia County Kids for reminding me that The Bottom is out there and that on our worst days at this site, we don't get nearly as close to it as we might imagine.

  • Katherine Pfeiffer (unverified)

    Dear One Who Knows:


    Brad Witt's personal bed partner! I'll have to ask Brad how it was, because I certainly wasn't there.

    Guess I'll go and have a cigarette now.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    Joe Corsiglia is a friend of mine and my family. We have known his family ever since he was a child and I have worked with him in Kiwanis and when I chaired County Parks he was a City Council person. He does not indulge in dirty politics. His wife is a delightful person, and they do not lead a swinger type life style.

    That being said let me put in my two cents about the candidates for US Senate.

    Both Merkley and Novick are excellent candidates, and both would do a great job for Oregon. My big fear is that there will be a spoiler thrown into the Mess.. and that would be in the person of John Frohnmayer. He has in the past been a moderate Republican and is now running as an "Independent Party" candidate. I see his entry as a spoiler, and is there to drain the independent votes away from either Merkley or Novick. This alone should assure Gordon Smith of a victory.

    Getting back to computer Caches, if you ever do web searches, you may be amazed at what might remain in your cache. I proved this to my wife last night, who does a lot of church work on her computer. She also has done quite a bit of cirriculum development for Mercy Corps.
    I was able to turn up images on her machine from "Swinging singles" and other pornographic images which totally shocked her. Lucky she did not do a search for Oregon Beavers. I am not sure what sort of thing she would have turned up with that. Let me assure that neither my wife or myself are "swingers" nor do we frequent porn sites...but you would be amazed what can be picked up in a persons computer cach.

  • Jack Magnus (unverified)

    Pat & Kevin,

    Trust me. What the Joe Minions are posting here is child-play to stuff they do to individuals in our county.

    They have no standards, just old, powerful cliques much like high-school kids who have family names and think they can do whatever they want because of privilege.

  • Abby Monk (unverified)


    What you are talking about is "apples & oranges." What the Spotlight found on Joe's computers wasn't just his cache. It was the "cookies," as in where Joe DIRECTED his website to go.

    Nice try.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    Thanks Abby. I had no idea that you knew so much about what is going on. Is Mike sharing this information with you? I do have an IT background, and for several years before I retired, I was responsible for all USDA Computer installations in North West Oregon. "Cookies" are collected when you visit a web site, and one should to take care when doing a web search that you don't collect malicious cookes as well as good ones.
    I use a couple of programs one is Adaware and the other is Spybot to remove spyware cookes. You might be amazed what sort of cookies an innocent web search can turn up. Before you wax too rightious, you might be amazed what sort of cookes your personal machine may have unknowingly picked up.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    PS Mike Sheehan is not a "Wannabe Lawyer." He is an awesome lawyer, and he had I may disagree on a number of things or people, but not his ablity. He has, in a Pro Bono Capacity, done a number of very good things for our community.

  • Matt (unverified)

    I love Free Speech and all but this post "Posted by: One Who Knows | Apr 11, 2008 6:00:32 AM" is way out of line!

    It says loads about the coward that said it and is further proof that people should not write anything at 6:00am.

  • Abby Monk (unverified)

    Bill: "You might be amazed what sort of cookies an innocent web search can turn up."

    I think you and Joe "protestist" too much. He was there. We all know it. We can slice, and we can dice alllll the technical aspects of a cache vs. cookies alllll we want.

    If Joe is wringing his hands saying "Honest Bill! I never, ever went there..." and you believe him, fine. Those are your rose-colored glasses. Not mine. I've lived in the county too long and know what Joe's extracurricular activities are.

    What his extracurricular activities are have nothing to do with this campaign and the issues facing our county as long as he doesn't do them on OUR DIME!

    But the question STILL remains. even if you choose to believe Joe, what was he doing at friendfinder, ebay, the willamette week blog site, and all the other places during county time, on the county dime, and on a county computer.

  • Doctor Who (unverified)

    I am in total agreement with this statement;

    "There is nothing in Swans article that says that Corsiglia looked or downloaded any porn. It stated that he looked at a link called friend finder.. and there were links from that site to "adult friend finder" which Darrel knew was a porn site... So, Darrel may look at porn, but there is nothing that says that Corsiglia spent county time looking at porn...There is nothing in the story that said that Corsiglia followed those porn links.. and frankly I don't care if he did. Sheehan wasted a lot of good employee time conducting his witchhunt, and shame on Swan for his attempt to spin his story to smear Corsiglia."

    After reading the story in question and all the postings by bloggers on this site and The South County Spotlight, I have come to the conclusion that the people who support Commissioner Joe Corsiglia are indeed correct when they claim that there is nothing in the story by Darryl Swan that lends credence to the allegations by those who support Mr. Earl Fisher. After very careful study and analyst it is evident that Mr. Swan was being very biased in his reporting style. However this being said, there is still no evidence that Commissioner Corsiglia has done anything alleged by the opposing party on his computer.

    The annalists is in.

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    “But the question STILL remains. even if you choose to believe Joe, what was he doing at friendfinder, ebay, the willamette week blog site, and all the other places during county time, on the county dime, and on a county computer.”

    WOW! I guess any kind of research, reading the newspaper on line, looking at the ACLU and yes even looking for a bargain on e-bay is now off limits to our local politicians. I don’t know about you fella, but I get a full hour for lunch and sometimes I go to a Texas Hold-em site and play cards on their play money sites. Oh by the way that's a lot different than using the county credit cards like Bruce Hugo(the Earl Campaign) used to do to gamble. Sometimes I even check my e-mail, god forbid. When checking my e-mail I get dozens of unwanted messages from people trying to sell Rolex watches, penis enlargement tools, auto-cad and viagra. Sometimes there are even messages asking me to open them to look a seductive pictures. So I guess the real problem is the computers themselves. I will say this, at least Joe Corsiglia doesn’t babysit his grandchildren on company time and he doesn’t go out campaigning for Earl Fisher on company time like some of our county commissioners!

  • One Who KnowsOne Who Knows (unverified)

    Brad Witt's personal bed partner! I'll have to ask Brad how it was, because I certainly wasn't there.

    Guess I'll go and have a cigarette now.

    LOL! I always heard Brad was short and to the point!

  • Ironsides (unverified)

    “They have no standards, just old, powerful cliques much like high-school kids who have family names and think they can do whatever they want because of privilege.”

    I am somewhat surprised you would make a comment like that Jack. If you look at who is financing Earl Fishers campaign, you would see that your statement describes Betsy Johnson to a tee. I think she is much more privileged than anyone on the county commission and I believe she and hubby are trying to buy an election to protect their own interest at the Scappoose Airport. After all that is what this race is truly about. I am proud to have a commissioner that won’t jump when Betsy says jump! One out of three isn’t bad.

  • Honest Abe (unverified)

    “This incumbent needs to be challenged and as you can see by the many support articles in local papers lately the incumbent’s very own political party has given strong support for Earl Fisher. This speaks volumes as to how the county as well as the party perceives Joe.”

    Alas the facts come out, his very own party has given strong support! I don’t know who you are, but anyone who has ever been to the Columbia County Democratic Central Committee meetings knows that Earl has little support amongst the party faithful or were you just talking about the Betsy Johnson wing of the CCDCC?

    “Earl Fisher has been behind so many great ideas over the years. I won’t go through listing them all – but I will tell you that the lists I can come up with on Earl Fisher are all positive.”

    I sure would like to see your list because I can’t find one thing Earl has accomplished. Throw the public a bone here and tell us all JUST ONE GREAT IDEA EARL HAS HAD! Maybe the list is in Joe’s missing computer files.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    Matty.. I missed the statement that made at Apr 11, 2008 12:03:09 AM that I fabricatd information about Betsy on the Willammette Week." You are very much mistaken if you believe that this is so. You may not be aware that during that particular time period, I was on the radio, and wrote personal letters to the editor supporting Betsy's land sales in Scappose.

    Did you read the Democratic response for Columbia and Clatsop Counties in defense of Betsy? I wrote that response.

    Please don't be so quick to condemn, particulary when you don't seem to know what you are talking about.

    I am looking forward to your posts on my web page.

  • Columbia County Kid (unverified)

    As a former Columbia County resident who grew up there, and after reading these embarassing rants from both sides (the name calling started with the original post and has devolved from there), I have a great idea.

    How about electing Republicans, and have all the players mentioned in this article continue their fight privately?

  • Mattie (unverified)


    I would never, ever so much as even consider posting on your (Joe's) site.

    You've outted people in the past who have posted, or you simply decide who gets posted and who doesn't.

    You are a total phony. A fake. This "I'm just a benevolent grandpa-type" is a crock and we all know it.

    Your loyalty to Joe isn't even to Joe. It's to his dad.

    As to your statement: "I missed the statement that made at Apr 11, 2008 12:03:09 AM that I fabricatd information about Betsy on the Willammette Week." You are very much mistaken if you believe that this is so."

    I don't recall making that remark about YOU. Not that I care.

    As to your paltry defense of Betsy, it's nothing more than a insincere attempt, a veneer, if you will, to try and at least look like you are the appearance of respectability.

    Your website is designed to shock, intimidate and belittle people who don't agree with Joe and Joe uses Tammy Maygra as the mouth piece. Her psychopathic view of our world in Columbia county is meant to destroy anything that is "anti-Joe" and you know it. That is why you gave her own special place on the site: "Tammy's Take" where she drones on and on about whatever Joe tells her to.

    The National Inquirer has more integrity than the St. Helens Update and frankly, you should be utterly, completely and totally ashamed of yourself for having any association with it and the nasty commentaries.

    No one don't cares if you are retired from the USDA. We don't care if you are a grandpa. We don't care about your civic activities to boost your social standing in the county.

    You're a muckraker of the worst kind and you encourage others to participate because "it's fun."

    It's fun for you to destroy people’s lives and livelihoods. You live for it. And you love doing it.

    Don't bullshit me. Ever. We all know you. And we know what you are.

    A Joe Minion. A mouth piece. A shrill. A liar. A disgrace.

    Yeah, I actually read your "Defense of Betsy" response. Nice try to cover your tracks, but you are the most insincere liar of the Joe’s Minion brigade.

    You sit at the right hand of Joe Corsiglia and do his bidding in the meanest, most vicious venue.

    You're not fooling anyone. You, Joe and the rest of the old boy establishment that is out to get the real leaders in Columbia county that do the work of it's constituents.

    Put that in your craw and chomp on it for a while.

    Joe used his county computer inappropriately. You know it. I know it, the whole county knows it and now all of Oregon knows it. Yet you defend Joe for no reason because that is what you've always done.

    No matter how many lives Joe has ruined, it is of no consequence to you.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    Thank you for your response.

  • Embarrassing Blue Oregon (unverified)

    “You're not fooling anyone. You, Joe and the rest of the old boy establishment that is out to get the real leaders in Columbia county that do the work of it's constituents.”

    And just who are those leaders Matty? Do you know them? The fact is you and Betsy and Rita the Red Headed stepchild have nothing on Joe and you are incensed that you have been relegated to just LIE, LIE, and LIE. Because your emperor has no cloths.

    Some one posted earlier that they were ashamed that the mudsling is known throughout Oregon now because it got to Blue Oregon! Well take a look at the first post on this blog and you will see how it got here, because Betsy’s dirty political machine came here to avoid the truth on the spotlight blog. It was in their plan to take their lies state wide, they live by the rule that if you tell the lie long enough and loud enough that it may stick sooner or later.

    I am sorry that it has to come to this, but it wasn’t because of Joe Corsiglia it is because Betsy Johnson and her minions are trying to beg, buy and steal a election in Columbia County and Kari Chisholm fell for it hook line and sinker. It is unfortunate that this site has become just like the rest of the slam sites! I thought Blue Oregon was better than that. Thanks for plying along Kari!

  • Queenie (unverified)

    Right ON Mattie!

    You know, in the instances I've gone to the St. Helens Update blog that Bill hosts, I've always thought there should be a banner at the top of it that says:

    "I'm Joe Corsiglia, and I approved this message."

  • Ironsides (unverified)

    Yes and at the top of this blog there should be a banner that says-

    "I'm Senator Betsy Johnsonson and I approve this Smear Campaign"

  • Nuff Said (unverified)

    The smear campaign on this site makes Bill Eagles site look like a sunday school class

  • leslie MacBaren (unverified)

    Hey! Ironsides and Nuff Said:

    Ironsides:Betsy didn't have squat to do with it. It got picked up because of the Spotlight article.


    Nuff Said: No. The Joe Minions who are ALLOWED to post on the St. Helens Update came over here when someone put a link in the Scappoose Spotlight Newspaper. No one from an opposing viewpoint is allowed to post at the Update.

    This blog thread has taken on the tone it has because people here feel safe to post, unlike the Update.

    And as far as the Update looking like a Sunday School Class???? Please, the only gospel being preached over there is:

    "We LOVE Joe! Joe can do no wrong! Joe makes us feel important! We don't care that he never shows up for work, uses public resources for political, personal and financial gain!"

    Joe started it, Earl's gonna finish it. Joe should have never used his county owned computer, on county time to dig up dirt on Earl's family to use for his campaign.


  • Tom Keller (unverified)

    Jesus you guys are all psyco. What is with that Matty? She must have something up her hind end, either that or husband problems...assuming she has a husband. I guess she does not know how to be nice so she beats up on people who try to be civil to her.

    That Corsiglia guy must be quite a writer, if he is writing all that stuff and running all these other people's web pages. Was he the guy that was responsible for all the bad weather that we had around the first of the year?

    Tell me about all those lives that he ruined.

    Earl outs his own kid and then blames Joe. I love that.

    You people like to make all sorts of accusations, but you don't seem to have any thing factual to back them up with.

    The St. Helens Update is lots nicer than the slime that you peopple are slinging now. ..At least the update is funny.

  • (Show?)

    "I'm Senator Betsy Johnsonson and I approve this Smear Campaign"

    For the record, I've never met or talked with Senator Johnson.

    I'd be happy to, of course, but it hasn't happened. I was just fascinated with the firestorm happening in Columbia County, and thought our readers might be too.

  • Honest Abe (unverified)

    Listen- up Jack Mangassssss

    I for one would never say Earl was a closed-door politician. In fact he’s not a politician at all, if he were he would still be a port commissioner. I do know he is against letting the public have access to public information though. While he was on the port commission he and Paul Pulliam got the port sued by the local press for with holding public records. It cost the port thousands of taxpayer dollars in legal fees. There is a reason Earl is deadly silent about being a former port commissioner, you would think that would be an asset not a liability. I also know that he threatened a Clatskanie PUD board member at a public meeting and that he has a terrible temper and flies off the handle in public. Kind of like John McCain. I also know that Earl Fisher tried to get the North West Labor Council to endorse him but couldn’t muster enough votes even though he was backed by the Teamsters Union (organized crime) and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. (Brad Witt’s Union) I also know that Brad Witt is the political coordinator for the UFCW and a State House member at the same time (conflict of Interest maybe) I also know that the UFCW endorsed Earl a full three months before the filing deadline, kind of an add thing, makes one think that he was hand picked by someone with great influence over Brad Witt. I also know that it looks by the size of Earl’s war chest that someone is trying to buy an election.

  • Tammy Maygra (unverified)

    leslie MacBaren and Mattie

    Why don’t you send a letter or barb to the update? The idea that we sensor any posts there is nothing but a lie, but then lie’s is what you and your group seems to thrive on. Mattie, if you never ever want to post on the update then dont who really cares one way or the other. Joe must be quite busy writing my take and all the barbs and letters, with your own admission Joe is a guy with a lot of talent and is well informed on issues in the county, nation and world. We need a commissioner who keeps up to date. He will continue to be a positive influence to the community. Thank you for your praise for Joe. Vote Joe

    For people who never read the update you sure are informed on its contents, LOL And by the way I love your digs on me keep them a coming!

  • Mother of Abused kid (unverified)

    Joe supports the fair, the problem with the fair is some of the people who sits on the board and the fair administrator, they run off volunteers, squander money, fleece non profit organizations, the trouble with the fair is the fair. Joe suggested that they add two more fair board members one from Clatskanie and one from Birkenfield, communities in the out laying areas of the county, it was a great idea, but some of the board members did not want that, they would rather gripe that they have to much work to do and slap volunteers around, than accept help from people who want to help.

  • J. Karville (unverified)


    Welcome to the wild, wonderful world of Columbia Co. politics.

    There isn't a shred of truth to any of this and the Joe minions know it. That's why they are so defensive.

    I'm just glad that the personal attacks that they are known for are seeing the light of day and out of the tiny market of Columbia county.

    What they simply can't defend, as your original post pointed out: Joe used public resources inappropriately, if not illegally & got caught.

    Now, they're defending him the only way they know how: Focus the message and the problem onto someone else by making stuff up.

    When they don't get their way, personal attacks is what they do.

    Earl has the support of the labor unions, (save one and that is because of a guy named Jamie Magrya, Tammy's husband) who makes endorsements in primaries. Earl even has the personal support of the county party chair. Earl is doing the work. Door knocking, lawnsigns, letters to the editor, fundraising, house parties, keeping focused on the issues that matter.

    Joe's minions can't stand that. They are used to privilege. Old family names to brag about.

  • Lloyd Lewinsky (unverified)

    Hey Tammy is Democrat, she supports environmental issues. I read her blog and she doesn't seem psyco at all.

    The only ones that would think she was psyco might be Republicans who belive in a flat earth.

    Are some of you guys flat earthers?

    Tammy's Take

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    Nothing-personal Kari, I just don’t understand where you came up with your intro to the story? It is actually more biased than the story on the Spotlight. I am somewhat curious as to what story you read from? I know you are saying the South County Spotlight, but I read the same story over and over again because the supporters of Earl Fisher kept saying that they found all kinds of porn on Joe Corsiglia’s computer. I still don’t see that in the article. Although I see it in almost every anti- Corsiglia post. I think we all need to take a deep breath and re- read the article. The accusations by the Earl supporters are only designed to ruin a good mans career through false accusations of pornography and this is a very serious matter. The truth of the matter is, that a long time ago Betsy Johnson was on the hospital board and there was some wheeling and dealing on the hospital property that we used to have in St Helens and Joe told Betsy that she needed to make sure she left a paper trail when she was dealing with the hospital. Seems that Betsy had no plans to leave any kind of a trail paper or otherwise and the citizen of St Helens ended up losing their hospital and ended up missing a bunch of money. This is where Katharine Pfeiffer and Earl Fisher and others come in now. Katherine Pfeiffer has something to do with community health in Oregon and is an avid supporter of the new plans for a hospital in St. Helens. The problem is, that the very same people who were responsible for losing our last hospital are trying to pull a fast one again. So in reality this whole thing is designed to get Joe out because he knows something that could jeopardize their chances of actually building a new hospital if it were known what Betsy Johnson’s roll was in the last debacle. Although I think their actions to smear Joe may all be for naught because of the FBI investigation. I believe the FBI is looking all the way back to the first hospital situation and Betsy may be frog marched right to the federal Pen in Sheridan. So before Betsy goes she will do whatever it takes to destroy Joe Corsiglia!

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    "Earl even has the personal support of the county party chair."

    That's not true The Chair supports Joe

  • Nuff Said (unverified)

    “Earl has the support of the labor unions, (save one)”

    Name them please

  • J. Wondering (unverified)

    Does the Democratic Party of Oregon know that the Chair of The Columbia County Democratic Central Committee supports one democrat over another?

  • T. Fisher (unverified)



    T. Fisher

  • Abby Monk (unverified)

    Nuff Said: Labor Endorsements for Earl: FYI, it's on his website.

    Teamsters, Jt. Council #75 UFCW Local 555 Oregon School Employees Association, Chapters #51 & 53 Fire Fighters Local 1660

    J. Wondering: Inconsequential question. As individuals, they are allowed to endorse whoever they want. In this case, Earl.

  • Betsy J (unverified)

    Joe loud mouth?? Kari, lay of the bong water, stick to the facts.

    Watch StinkFish Get A Little Heated" On "YouTube"

  • Jim Huff (unverified)

    Fisher Gets a little heated" Watch on YouTube

    Vote Joe. Vote Joe

    Fisher is not evil, Columbia County can not afford the kind of change, he would bring. Fisher has Betsy, and her Husband John Helms, donating to his campaign. The party will be held at Johnson and helms business.

    Puss John Helm is the head of the Republican Party in Columbia County"" Something seems weird.

    It personally scares me.

  • Nuff Said (unverified)

    Earl has the support of the labor unions, (save one) “Teamsters, Jt. Council #75 UFCW Local 555 Oregon School Employees Association, Chapters #51 & 53 Fire Fighters Local 1660” WOW! There are only 5 unions in Oregon 6 counting the one that didn’t endorse Earl? Amazing!

  • J.F.K. (unverified)

    “John Helm is the head of the Republican Party in Columbia County" " Something seems weird.”

    It shouldn’t seem weird. Earl started his campaign by stating that he was a team player. Then runs against the only commissioner who is a real Democrat. Tony’s seat was open you would think if he was a team player he would have run against him! We now know whose team he is on and it isn’t ours.

  • JTF (unverified)

    Things Joe has done.

    <h1>1 Joe Helped bring in the plant in rainier with livable wage jobs.</h1> <h1>2 Joe Helped bring in the corn power plant in port westward, another livable wage jobs.</h1> <h1>3 Joe believes that Columbia County is bigger than St. Helens and Scappoose, so you will see him all over the county working for you and me.</h1> <h1>4 Joe is very proactive in making the County Parks Bling.</h1> <h1>5 Joe believes that health care facilities should</h1>

    be for all Columbia County citizen.

    <h1>6 Joe also helped in bringing the Stainless Still Fabrication company to St. Helens, Another Livable Wage Job.</h1>

    Thank you Commissioner Joe Corsiglia

  • Honest Abe (unverified)

    Great Post J. T. F.

    Some how I don’t think that will satisfy the shrillbillies in the Earl camp though! The seem to relish in the fact that Earl is a looooooooooser!

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    It's hard to get much information here. This string contains some of the most poorly stated comments I have ever seen on Blue Oregon. Writing like a thoughtless eleven year old is not very helpful to your cause.

  • Jamie (unverified)

    “Earl has the support of the labor unions, (save one and that is because of a guy named Jamie Magrya, Tammy's husband) who makes endorsements in primaries.”

    By the way James, its spelled Maygra and you have no idea what you are talking about! My union has not endorsed anyone in the Corsiglia/ fisher race.

  • Jamie (unverified)

    By the way, contrary to what the fisher crew has said in the past, earl fisher has never belonged to a union. One of the reasons the NWLC didn't endorse him.

  • Bill Eagle (unverified)

    Just a few corrections and additions to what JFK and JTF have printed. I don't believe that John Helm is the head of the Republican Party in Columbia County, he is, however, a Republican. I was told that he used to be a Democrat, but switched parties when Betsy decided to change her registration from Republican to Democrat.

    The Local Democratic Central Committee is not supposed to take sides during a Primary, and they don't. The Chair has not made a public statement in support or oppostion to either Corsiglia, or Fisher. The chair, by no means represents the feelings of everyone on the Central Committee and a number of people support both candidates.

    Some accomplishments not listed above:

    • Joe Corsiglia kept Laurel Beach Park open, when the other two Commissioners wanted to close it. He thought that Fishermen should still have access to the River.

    • Corsiglia is working on transportation issues. He is very much concerned about public safety problems that might arise as a result of the large 100 car+ unit trains that will shortly be coming from Port Westward. My understanding is that there will be at least five times the railroad traffic that we are seeing now. Crossings in Rainier, St. Helens, Scappoose will be blocked for as much as a half hour while these trains are running. Joe would like to see Over or under passes. This is not a new proposal, but one that neither of the other Commissioners seem to be giving much credence to. He has, and is still working through the County Traffic Safety Commission to pressure Multnomah and Washington Counties into putting additional improvement money into Cornelius Pass road.

    • Joe would like to see health care facilities in Clatskanie and Vernonia as well as St. Helens. He campaigned for 24 hour emergency health care in these communities. The other two commissioners opposed his plan and insisted that they wanted a 12 bed emergency hospital. Corsiglia's plan for the entire county could be accomplished for a fraction of the cost of a St. Helens hospital, and would benefit the entire county, not just a small section.

    • Joe is a Democrat and comes from a family of Democrats. The only time that he ever departed from the party was 12 years ago when he ran for office as an Independent...

    • He has always, even as a student, believed in public service and giving back to ones community. He volunteers for a number of different organizations. He does not do this for publicity, rather he does it because both he and his wife believe in helping others.

    • Joe was in Vernonia and Clatskanie helping with flood recovery well before the Cameras were there. He did not (as someone maliciously implied) try and hog the news. Commissioner Hyde was in the news more than anyone, but Joe was there working, all the while Hyde was preening for the cameras.

    • Corsiglia works hard at his job. He is not paid by the hour, but he (like the other Commissioners) put in many hours, well beyond the usual 40 hours a week. Joe works hard at trying to communicate and trying to be accessible to the everyone in the county.

    He does care about Columbia County, and he cares about the people who live in it.

    To echo the words of JTF. Thank you Joe Corsiglia.

  • J. Karville (unverified)

    Oh, dear.

    Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.

    Spouse of Tammy Joe Lovin' Corsiglia. Let's look at this.

    In fact:

    Not only did Earl belong to a union/association, such as OEA, (I'll be nice here and I shall spell it out for you, Oregon Education Association or the Clackamas County Employee Association, just a couple of examples) Earl was part of the collective bargaining unit with his union. It was an "Open Shop." For the record, Earl PAID his dues. His dad, unlike Joe's dad, was the VP of his union, the United Auto Workers, in FLINT, MICHIGAN. You know, the home of Michael Moore.

    Just because a union or an association doesn't belong to the AFL-CIO, doesn't mean that they are any more, or less of a union. They have what is called a "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT." Do you know what that means?

    And for the record, Earl has documentation. As well as people who can vouch for him that he was part of the bargaining unit. Evidently, when you were at the NOLC meeting, you don't even know that an "Association" or "Union" are the same thing. It's like saying that OSEA, Oregon School Employees Association, isn't a union. Tell that to Bonnie Davis or Tricia Smith! ! Not that you would know who these two women are.

    NOLC didn't even endorse Joe. NOW WHY WOULD NOLC NOT ENDORSE A 2 TERM INCUMBENT, WHO'S BEEN IN OFFICE SINCE 1994???? 1) Because Joe doesn't have a record on doing squat on organized labor.

    2) Because you LIED LIKE THE DOG THAT YOU ARE at the labor council meeting and the E board that Earl took a bad vote on prevailing wage when he was a commissioner at the port. Never happened. But then again, why should the Earl supporters be surprised? All Joe does have his mouth pieces like you lie for him.

    Earl never took a bad vote on prevailing wage. EVER! Not even during his tenure as a school superintendent did he even contract out services to the private sector. What is more, Earl's campaign can back that claim.

    NOLC didn't endorse Joe either. So there! Back at ya bub!

    And so what if I can't spell your name! Your wife Tammy can't spell either nor can she punctuate!

    You belong to the Ironworkers. You barely got re-elected as Business Agent, by 2 votes I hear. The only endorsement Big Joe got was the Ironworkers and it was because YOU LIED to your fellow union members about Earl.

    You can't win fair and square, so just lie.

    It's soooooooooo JOE!

    Recall Joe. Vote Earl!

    Earl Fisher For County Commissioner.


    It even rhymes.

  • J. Karville (unverified)

    One more thing Jamie:

    Seems like one of the e-mails gleaned from the public records request shows a little light on Joe's real opinion of labor unions.

    Thinks they've gotten a little bit too bossy for their britches and he just trashes them in an e-mail.

    Joe thinks they're part of the problem with getting anything done.

    So Jamie. When (if ever) are you and Tammy going to figure out that Joe isn't for the little guy and that he's only out for himself and his need to feed his under fed ego?

    Go stew.

    Get mad and then post another rant that is based on lies.

    You and Tammy, Bill and the rest of you have nothing to stand on.

    Joe got caught with his hand in the proverbial CROOKIE JAR!

    Porn. Campaigning with a county computer, inappropriate web site visits et. al.

    All the things that reporters love to read about in blogs about "small town politics."

    Earl has a platform. A record. Joe doesn't. Get over it. I don't care how many photo ops and civic groups Joe belongs to.

    Joe's going to looooooooooossssssssse.

    Go have another candle-light vigil.

  • Miles (unverified)

    I guess all the folks in Columbia County go to bed at 10:00 p.m.

    Goodnight, Joe. Goodnight, Earl. Goodnight, Betsy.

  • BW (unverified)

    To Media Mandate and Blue Oregon sent as a response to his small town news letter 4/08 ( Kari ) re: My introduction to Blue Oregon and you Kari,

    You said,

    "Here's the story. The two-term incumbent, Joe Corsiglia, is (by all accounts) a loud-mouthed and vindictive sort of fellow. He's being challenged by a retired teacher and school superintendent named Earl Fisher."

    So if you were to change that and you said, "Earl Fishers a loud mouthed angry man, who screams at meetings, loses his temper all the time and interrupts people when they speak. He keeps company with game players and has little concern for listening to the common person or their needs. Or how can he be a school teacher around minor children and raise a son to have a complete lack of moral values to be seeking out minor children to have sex and Earl defended him. So, apparently, this is also some progressive value in your opinion ! ( which by the way Kari, lets us know about your values or lack there of......) Would this tell you as much about Earl as saying he is a retired School teacher?
    Would sharing with us common folk as to some examples of Joe's loud mouth be more productive? Tell me what vindictive things he has done, could you please list them all for us? I could go on literally for days about this sick county.
    “Not listening to the truth." Like a judge whose lack of discernment due to personal bias gets a child killed. It's time we all stop making politics a game for the greedy and useless. You know Kari, the truth is mightier then the sword. I am guessing this is your opinion of progressive democracy in action?

    Your words are like screen doors and car wax the two have nothing to do with each other as a character flaw or attribute. Let’s try this one. Kari, talks out his butt while Carrie W. picks flowers from her garden. It’s not a psychological test Kari it is merely some common sense. It’s not even good propaganda its just blatant bias. It gives total lack of credibility to anything you write. It’s like reading Mad magazine. How is Joe vindictive and loud mouthed? I've never seen him like that. I jumped down to the dozens of comments of others writing in regards to our county. How I see this is either you are making things up just for a column having no idea what is really going on in this county or you have people who are drunk or stoned or too busy having sex with minors to actually get the facts right about anything !

    I would be more then happy to share some real facts with you if I could first find some level of integrity involved in your character. Even when people poke fun to get a rise out of others there still has to be some level of veracity behind it. So let me just start with this fact about Joe Corsiglia. In all the yrs of watching him at meetings, or in public; neither I nor others I know have ever heard him raise his voice, insult or hurt others. Joe is actually a very quite man. He always tries to think and to research before opening his mouth at all. It is not his character to behave like that but it is the character given witness to by many others of Earl’s behavior. There were a good dozen incorrect statements throughout the comments listed including your own misconceptions or intentional propaganda. Does Blue Book or Media Mandate take financial donations? Perhaps you could post a list of your contributors from Columbia County? In times like now where our country is in such duress on so many serious matters the people are not looking for any snappy candidate with a lot of money, signs and little consideration for the people. I leave you with this quote: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell Try it.

  • (Show?)

    The above was sent to me in an email - and I encouraged it's author to post on the blog, so everyone can be part of the discussion.

    One critical clarification: BlueOregon (and my company Mandate Media) don't take any "contributions" from anyone -- as we're neither a nonprofit nor a political campaign. Mandate Media is a for-profit company. We do political consulting and publishing. Obviously, we have plenty of clients - but none in this particular race.

  • Mike (unverified)

    Well, BW, it's like this:

    When Joe doesn't get his way, he throws a temper tantrum.

    Or in one instance, when he didn't get his way, it was at a chamber forum/meeting, a local one, he just went outside to the parking lot, unzipped his pants, dropped 'em and then mooned everyone. Stood there and laughed.

    Such class.

    Yeah, a real "quiet guy."

    And people saw it. Lot of 'em.

    To the few Joe cronies, you are just upset that there are other forums that speak to political and issue dialogue. Blue Oregon is one such forum. You may not agree with other people who post here. Per your usual methods of operation, you just blast the forum, in this case Blue Oregon, or the Scappoose Spotlight because it provides equal footing for all participants, not just your own point of view such as the St. Helens Update where ONLY Joe's point of view is allowed to be posted.

    In Columbia county, when someone disagrees with Joe and his minions, it's an onslaught of rumor. "So and so is having an affair!!!!!" or whatever you dream up.

    You can't fight on a level playing field where other points of view are presented.

    That's why you all keep bringing up Earl's son. It's why you go after Earl's campaign person, it's why you go after Betsy.

    Joe doesn't have a record. You can't defend him. So you attack the forums and the people who bring discussion to a forum.

    I'm going out into the sunshine.

  • Bob Habas (unverified)

    I see where that Matty woman blasted a man who tried to be polite. So much for civil discourse on your end.

    I am so glad that I no longer live in your community.

    Where you there when Joe unzipped his pants and mooned someone? I don't belive you were, since this never happened.

    I understand that political free speech is a bit

    That story was started by Peter Alotta. He was Susan Easly's live in boy friend and this event never happened.

    By the way, I knew Peter and I even contributed to his Campaign when he ran for City Council in 2000. This still does not make your story true... It is a like Mike an out and out fabrication.

    Why don't you people stick with the facts? All you can do is use half truths and lies.

    Matty says that she won't post on the St. Helens Update update , because that blog is censored. How does she know this? She has never posted on it.

    I do know that the people that post on that site are considerably more civil than you people are.

  • Queenie (unverified)


    Nope, It happened.

    Interesting. When Joe does something like drop his pants, his minions don't believe it.

    It's not a rumor. It happened.

    Not that anyone really cares. It's just "typical Joe."

  • Tammy (unverified)

    Mike and Karville

    Please keep the insults coming I love it! Oh by the way, Earl has admitted that he has never belonged to a union, so lie some more, you are doing something that you are good at! Mike, you claim to be so educated and above the intellect of other people, well your ignorance is showing. I have seen you in a fit of temper, nasty to people for no reason, you are very moody I think you are going through male menopause, you need to go see a doctor and get some hormone replacements. I have heard lies come from your mouth when you were confronted on your personal attack of belittling people, and you know of what I am referring to. Mike you are not any better than any one else. I understand that the sun is good for people that are depressed you had better stay out all day.

  • Bob Habas (unverified)

    Hey Mike. Are you saying that you personally saw Joe drop his pants?

    I don't think so...

    How do you know it is so? Were you told this by Susan?

    I don't even live in St. Helens anymore, I live in Las Vegas. I am not anyone's "Minion" and I don't stoop to personal attacks, but I do know that my story is true and yours is pure BS.

    By the way I built Susan and Peters Computer.

  • Bob Habas (unverified)


    Hey Mike.

    I understand that you are a lawyer.

    Would you be willing to testify to that particular lie under oath?

  • Ursala (unverified)

    Well, Kari Chrisholm, here you are with the Blue Oregon site to help with democratic issues. What do you think after reading the comments to your post? Have you helped us in Columbia County or have you just enjoyed the cat fight you started?
    No matter what you believe, Kari, I can tell you that your post has been of no help with the democratic election in our County. Before you decide to write another post about a place you know nothing about, use information that has not been factually tracked, or have fun getting hits to your site --- I recommend that you rethink the purpose of Blue Oregon. I regret that you made the decision to post a column with such lack of research. You have the ability to do better.

  • William (unverified)

    Just to point out a few things I see on this discussion. I read a lot of debate, to put it nicely. Certainly this is part of any healthy democratic process, however the facts speak for themselves. Earl Fisher has received a host of community endorsements. Here is a man who has devoted his life to education and community building. If anyone understands what the heartbeat of the community is it is an educator. I ask you to answer to yourself this question. Has your community become the better place you envisioned with Joe Corsiglia? Would you trust your children with Joe? You have trusted your children with Earl Fisher why not trust his leadership?

  • Bob Habas (unverified)

    Good post William, but you failed to ask one question. Which person treats people with courtsy and listens to them? That person is Joe Corsiglia Rita blows up at people Tony gets mad in public meetings when people ask him a question that he does not want to answer Earl Fisher is often angry and there are several videos showing his outbursts. Just because he has big money behind him, does not make him the best man for the job.

    I don't live in your county anymore, but personally, I would chose a person who would show respect to the public and was not "owned" by special interests.

    Corsiglia is the only Democratic Commissioner that meets that criteria.

  • Queenie (unverified)

    Sorry Tammy.

    But evidently, your husband is a liar. As are you. And you got caught.

    Earl most certainly did belong to a union. Part of their negotiating team with the collective bargaining unit.

    Get over it.

    What's more, Earl never took a bad vote on prevailing wage like your hubby and Joe are going around saying.

    As far as Joe is concerned and Earl's son: Yeah, he did make it public. He did the research on county time, with a county computer and sent an email to Tom Fuller.

    Now why would Joe do that?

  • Paul B. (unverified)

    You know, you all crack me up.

    The Joe minion-brigade is always boo-hooing about how "Joe is always picked on by Betsy and the mean people in Columbia county." when the reverse is true.

    Joe never gets picked on, and why? Because he's a vindictive bully. People in the past have been scared of him and his temper.

    For years, elected leaders and officials have been the brunt of his vicious lies and rumor-spreading about people's personal lives and professional lives. None of it ever sticks.

    Now, for once, in recent memory, Joe gets caught with HIS hand in the cookie jar and you all twist it into "Joe's getting picked on."


    Joe is being held accountable. Accountable for having inappropriate stuff on his publicly owned county computer.

    Joe has no record. Earl does, has the support of lots of labor folks and upstanding individuals in our community. No wonder Joe is jealous! He's MAD!!

    Finally, a little light on "Big Bad Joe."

  • Paula Hamlyn (unverified)

    You know, I think I know why the Joe minions keep after Mattie.

    It's because her posts are spot on. And it seems like she can back up what she says and Joe's minions can't.

  • Mattie (unverified)

    Tom Civiletti:

    Glad to see you here. And yes, your comment is apt.

    It's what us Democrats have to live with here in our county. sigh

    Thanks for checking this thread out.

  • Carla Kelby-Scott (unverified)

    For the record, not that it matters.

    Earl's son didn't rape any child. Didn't even download porn. Did no jail time. But Joe's mouthpieces have him "raping kids." Yeah, he's on a registry, but so what? It's his kid, not Earl. Of course, Joe knowing that Thomas is on a registry, lies about the offense itself.

    Talking about Earl's kid in this race makes about as much sense as talking about Joe's family, say, Debi's dad for instance. Just to pull something out of a hat...

    None of these accusations have anything to do with the issues facing our county.

  • Tammy (unverified)

    Queenie, Since you were not at the unions little gathering where earl spoke and answered questions from the union’s, he was ask if he had ever been in a union Earl said NO! So if any one is a liar it is you and Earl, We do not have to lie like you and Earl. Might want to get your facts straight before you make stupid comments. As far as me being a liar or Jamie what a joke you are, I do not have to lie and neither does Jamie, stick to the facts and maybe I will continue to debate you, but then you have no facts so the debate might as well be over.

  • Ironworker (unverified)

    Karville, I happen to belong to the Ironworker’s union, and your post saying that Jamie won by two votes is a lie! He won by a very wide margin, he is a good union brother for nearly 35 years, and respected by the ironworkers as well as all the building trades. He is a man that sticks up for workers rights, jurisdiction and all aspects that makes a strong union, which is why he was re-elected by such a wide margin. I voted for him and would again. If Jamie thinks Mr. Fisher is the wrong choice then the union brothers will agree. I also live in Columbia County and know full well the political on goings, and have had to pay for Fishers screw-ups at the port of St. Helens. I agree Joe Corsiglia is a good commissioner over Earl any day. Tammy is a well-liked person in the union trades and she is well respected, she is known for telling it like it is. You people could learn from her, you might not like what she says or how she says it, but she is honest. If there is any question to the people who read this forum, on who is lying and who is not, its easy Karville and Earls Fishers followers are the liar’s.

  • Kissen Cousin (unverified)

    Mike, You want open public records than why are you supporting Earl Fisher? Earl has made the comment that he wants to tighten up the public's access to public records. He said that there are records that the public should not be privy to. From his interview with the Spoghtlight

  • Bob Habas (unverified)

    Carla Kelby-Scott Even after a person dies, evil people will continue to speak evil of them. Joe Corsiglia has never publicly said anything about Earl's son. Earl did though. He did this in his interview in the Spotlight. He did it in an accusatory manner blaming Corsiglia. Sort of like Karl Rove using John Kerry's military experience against them.

    I see few facts in this forum, only insults and accusations. I think you people should expect a very dirty primary election, and I don't believe that it will be Joe Corsiglia making it that way either.

  • Carla Kelby-Scott (unverified)

    Bob: Earl's campaign is clean.

    Joe is the one who used the county computer, on county time to research Earl's son and then make sure that everyone knew what he found on his computer.

    the article speaks to that.

    Earl speaks to the issues. He's walking doors, talking to people, holding lots of house parties, both the north end and south end of the county, lawn signs, working to earn endorsements.

    Earl's running a campaign that shows the difference between the candidates on issues. The St. Helens Update has been Joe's soapbox for years. And his last name...

  • Bob Hablas (unverified)

    I don't even live here, but you don't have to be blind to see that Earl's Campagign is filty. I have never seen someone sling so much mud as you guys. Earl may have a lot of money, and he may be walking doors, but his campaign is being conducted in a manner most foul. It is a campgain of lies and character assisination.

    Shame on you I am ever so glad that I now live in Las Vegas.

  • Natalie (unverified)

    Bob: I'm glad you live in Las Vegas too.

    You can't name one thing that Earl has done that's "dirty."

  • Tammy (unverified)

    Mattie, Sorry to disappoint you, but I am no ones mouth piece, you should know better, years ago when the group Mike and your bunch wanted to groom me into their mouth piece, I did not comply so that makes me the enemy, so be it, unlike you and your group, I actually have thoughts and opinions of my own. I do not need any one to make my decisions, like you guys need Betsy the convicted state Senator on ethic charges and the person of interest on the FBI’s investigation. By the way when Mike Sheehan went to Clatskanie and was fighting the Port Westward industrial site, which by the way I happened to agree on some of his issues on that project, he got angry and called the people in Clatskanie some unbecoming names. , And said that they deserved what ever they got. And they basically ran Mike and Pat out of town saying that they did not need South County running their businesss in North county. Hmm now he is supporting an individual from Clatskanie, an individual who supported all of the projects at Port Westward, even the LNG project that the port wanted to condemn private property for a private corporation, something that Mike is against corporations.

  • Celeste (unverified)

    Hey here's an idea let's check everyone's computer that posted a comment on this website about Joe Corsiglia. How much do you guys wanna bet that if the "FBI" checks deep enough there will be the same kind of sites on your computers too? You guys know absolutely nothing about computers. HELLO!!! Click on some of the various websites out there and you will get sent enough hidden garbage it'll make your toes curl. Certain websites will "ping" you so to speak with other websites. Here's the clincher, that stuff stays on your computer unless you know how to go into your computer's harddrive and delete that garbage. Get all the facts before you pass judgement or someone may end up doing the same to you.


  • Honest Abe (unverified)

    “You can't name one thing that Earl has done that's "dirty."

    I Can!

    Earl has sent his hit squad out to destroy or remove Joe Corsiglia signs!

    Earl has placed signs on people’s property without permission!

    Earl has sent his hit squad out to this blog and others to Swift Boat Joe Corsiglia!

    Earl has outed his own son’s child molestation problems just so he could blame it on Joe Corsiglia!

    Earl has done Betsy Johnson’s bidding by trying to bankrupt the Port of St Helens so Betsy can buy the Scappoose Airport for pennies on the dollar in order to fall under the new legislation she ramroded through the Oregon legislature, which benefits private airports in Oregon!


    Earl has done many nasty, dirty, lowdown things in his campaign!

    All for the Great Senator Betsy Johnson.

  • Columbia County Dem. (unverified)

    Carley Kelby- Scott says:

    “Earl's running a campaign that shows the difference between the candidates on issues”.

    Please tell the public exactly what issues Earl is running on!

    I didn’t see anything on his web site about his tenure as Port Commissioner.

    Is there a reason Earl doesn’t mention his accomplishments at the Port?

    Could it be that Earl didn’t have any positive accomplishments at the Port?

    Can it be that Earl was only appointed (at the behest of Betsy Johnson) to the Port to help Paul Pulliam bankrupt the Port so they would have to sell their assets?

    Is it true that the asset Betsy is interested in is the Scappoose Airport, which if she seats all her puppets, will be hers to buy for pennies on the dollar?

    We already know for a fact that Betsy pushed through legislation that would form taxing districts within a certain radius of private airports in Oregon, there by putting added tax burdens on the public to pay for infrastructure around these privately owned airports.

    You see if Earl gets on the County Commission, Betsy will have all three stooges in place to bilk the average taxpayer in Columbia County into higher taxes to build up around her soon to be New Airport Property in Scappoose.

    That is the best reason in the world to vote for Joe Corsiglia, because he is the only commissioner we have that can say NO to Betsy Johnson!

  • Columbia County Dem. (unverified)

    “Here's the story. The two-term incumbent, Joe Corsiglia, is (by all accounts) a loud-mouthed and vindictive sort of fellow.”

    Kari, I don’t know who fed you this line of B.S.!

    I have never heard Joe Corsiglia raise his voice in anger, ever! In fact he is a very soft-spoken.

    On the other hand I have heard Earl Fisher get down right nasty with the public especially when asked for public information or a question he doesn't want to answer.

    If you get a chance, listen to Joe on 1600 AM KOHI Friday the 25th between 10 AM and 11 AM during his paid political call in show.

    You will find that Commissioner Corsiglia is the only Commissioner we have that regularly attends the radio stations 9: A M call-in program on Fridays.

    Except during the primary season. Marty the station manager gave Earl Fisher and Joe Corsiglia a 1 hour free show at the beginning of the primary’s, However Earl felt he should get more free time and Joe should have to pay for his own time.

    As far as vindictiveness goes, there is no one in Columbia County who is more vindictive then the people behind the Earl Fisher Campaign! Betsy Johnson, Brad Witt, Rita Bernhard, Mike Sheehan, Bruce Hugo, Earl Fisher, Katherine Pfeiffer, Donna, Susan, Jolene and a few others (they know of whom I speak)

    In Columbia County, if you are not with the above-mentioned people, you are against them!

  • Union pipefiter (unverified)

    Earl lied lied lied, he told the NW labor Council that he NEVER belonged to a union, and then at th canidates forum he said that he had beonged o a union come on Earl make up your mind either you have belonged to union or not LOL what a dope!

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    The problem with the Fisher campaign is they have no credibility, none! They tried to hang Joe with a bogus public records request for computer files that Mike Sheehan admitted showed nothing. So they took it upon themselves to create an illusion that Joe had downloaded porn on his computer, which was total nonsense, and they knew it!

    When that didn’t work on the Spotlight Blog they decided to air their manufactured dirty laundry state wide on this blog.

    Alas the fact is Betsy reprimanded them because she became the focus of the dirty campaign tactics of her hand picked candidate and his deceitful lying minions. Once they had their butts handed to them on a platter they decided to cut their loses and try to call a cease fire, but they just can’t leave well enough alone and always have to try one more time to get their digs in.

    It becomes very hard to match wits with the truth tellers when the Earl camp really is just halfwits and misfits.

    So go ahead and try again and see if you can spin Joe’s newly garnered endorsements soon to be announced.

    I can here you now degrading the very unions that Earl tried to court for their valuable endorsements.

    Some how union endorsements will now become insignificant being it is Joe they have endorsed!

  • Just The Facts (unverified)

    William says;

    Has your community become the better place you envisioned with Joe Corsiglia?

    Things Joe has done for our community.

    <h1>1 Joe Helped bring in the plant in rainier with livable wage jobs.</h1> <h1>2 Joe Helped bring in the corn power plant in port westward, another livable wage jobs.</h1> <h1>3 Joe believes that Columbia County is bigger than St. Helens and Scappoose, so you will see him all over the county working for you and me.</h1> <h1>4 Joe is very proactive in making the County Parks Bling.</h1> <h1>5 Joe believes that health care facilities should</h1>

    be for all Columbia County citizen.

    <h1>6 Joe also helped in bringing the Stainless Still Fabrication Company to St. Helens, Another Livable Wage Job.</h1>

    EARL has done nothing for our community except bankrupt the Port, that is why he didn’t win re-election to the Port.

  • Polly Tix (unverified)

    At this point, I don't really know who's telling the truth and who's lying about the two sides of this campaign. I am very tired of hearing the same empty arguments ad nauseum. What I see is that those who support Joe have a very aggressive and nasty manner, a viciousness and knee-jerk finger pointing arrogance that I really don't care for. I find this very telling, and it is certainly not a mindset that I would ever wish to buy into or support.

    Unless someone can actually cough up some good, solid, concrete reasons, I will give Earl Fisher my vote. And if someone does come up with a valid reason that convinces me he's not a good choice, I'll vote opposite to my spouse to effectively cancel our votes. Then I'll vote REPUBLICAN (painful to say) in November.

  • Union Fitter (unverified)

    I heard mention on KOHI today that Joe Corsiglia received the endorsement of a labor organization that represents 28 labor unions. That has to be the Colmbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council. The oldest and largest construction trades council in Oregon. If this is so I vote with labor, Joe has my vote.

  • Jamie Maygra (unverified)

    I am pleased to announce that after conversations with the Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council, they have indeed endorsed Joe Corsiglia for Columbia County Commissioner Position # 1. I urge all my union brothers and sisters in the trades to vote for Joe Corsiglia. Joe was instrumental in bring good UNION jobs to Port Westward. Union members worked thousands of man-hours on the Generating Facility and the Ethanol Plant. We need to retain Commissioner Corsiglia to insure that more projects like these facilities come to Columbia County.

    Thank You Commissioner Corsiglia for a job well done on behalf of workers who live in Columbia County.

    Buy American, Build Union and Vote to retain Joe Corsiglia a true friend of labor.

  • One Who Knows (unverified)

    "Then I'll vote REPUBLICAN (painful to say) in November."

    You can vote for Earl right now if you want to vote for a Republican. The only reason he is running as a Democrat is because he knows he can't get elected in this county as a republican.

  • Tammy (unverified)

    RE: Polly Tix

    Your statement that Corsiglia supporters are aggressive and nasty what a joke that is, you don’t really think that the Fisher camp is not nasty! LOL If the Corsiglia camp does not respond aggressively than the Fisher/ Betsy Johnson camp will swift Boat Corsiglia. The Fisher camp has a record of calling people that have supported Corsiglia and confront them, others that have supported Corsiglia and the Maygra’s have had vicious phone calls repeatedly at their homes, but of course no one will give their name because like Fisher, his supporters like to sling mud, but do not have the fortitude to be responsible for it. At least the Corsiglia folks have the decency to give their names and stand behind their comments.


  • Terri (unverified)

    joeldanwalls said (4-10) So--someone whose tactics and morals seem to match well with another Democrat from that neck of the woods--Betsy Johnson. Sigh.

    Guess again, Joeldanwalls. You have it backwards. Betsy Johnson is part of the big bankrollers for Earl Fisher... Earl with a Portland "campaign advisor" who's received over $10K to day for her management services. Starting to get the idea now?

    Yup... lots of big bucks there. Earl's "immediate family" has put in $15K to day, with $12K a balloon loan. Interesting to have that money in that small charming burg of Clatskanie while being unemployed.

    I suspect you are all the victims of a big budget blog smear while Betsy get's herself a puppet in office. Mostly so she can change the zoning at the Scappoose Airpark, and get her friends airport residence development put in. And that will cost us - the Columbia County citizens - our own personal bucks, as the FAA grant may have to be paid back. Will Betsy do that on our behalf?

    Nope... she'll pay to get her boy in, we'll all pay the price. They'll be a few privileged wealthy with private hangars for their planes. The county will miss out on developing it as a charter and/or commuter airport and adding more jobs. Let's not have that, eh?

    And we'll lose the only person - Corsiglia - that's got the gumption to stand inbetween steam roller Betsy and us.

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