Oh no! Tracker catches Barack Obama backstage

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Right before he snuck onstage to surprise Joe Biden, Barack Obama was caught on tape talking about the U.S. Senate races in Oregon and around the country.

  • Sargent (unverified)

    He needs to put the Employee Free Choice Act on his short list. He's a co-sponsor, and it's sorely needed to restore the middle class in this country.

    [The Employee Free Choice Act will close some of the loopholes that employers use to keep unions out by firing workers during the election process, disrespecting a "yes" vote with endless appeals and foot-dragging, etc. Union-busting has become a billion-$$ consulting industry, and has helped with the erosion of wages and loss of employer-paid family health care coverage.]

    <h2>Disclosure: Lifelong union member here, pretty much in utero and since. Now I work for the Longshore Workers. Imagining this country without unions scares the #$% out of me.</h2>

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