Quick Hits and Deep Thoughts: You can call me Moose now.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

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    Full disclosure: My firm built Mark Hass's website, but I speak only for myself.

  • Blake (unverified)

    since this is a bit of a potpourri type post would anyone care to do some wild speculation regarding the 2010 gubernatorial race here?

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    I will: Craig Robinson for Oregon Governor!

  • Marshall Collins (unverified)

    My new name is Hook Tuneup Palin. Fun times...

  • MCT (unverified)

    If we can't get Obama yard signs at least we can go to the Obama website and print up some materials that perhaps we can stick in our windows. And car windows.... If you don't mind risking flack from some redneck who really thinks he's gonna get less government if he votes GOP.

    That is if you can get to the website (and I'm a registered contributor who receives the onslaught of daily email messages from the whole Obama crew). I have trouble getting past the 'donate now', or 'buy this promotional material' buttons, to get to the guts of the website. Obama's website should not be set up like that now! It should be open for any undecided voters to easily access Obama's platform and details....without so much as having to give their email address. Bad planning. Short sighted. And damn right we should have yard signs! Free. Ask any ad professional about the importance of brand recognition and repetition...the more we see the name the more likely we are to buy it. This is not time to gamble on that old marketing truth.

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    The Democratic Party has 5000 lawn signs in order. We're hoping to get them sometime next week.

    We had some last week, but they went fast.

    I'll let y'all know when they come in.

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    I should mention that the DPO has a good selection of Obama/Biden stickers, buttons, and t-shirts.

    Merkley, Schrader, and Wu lawn signs, too.

    232 NE 9th Ave. Open until 7. 12-4 on Saturday.

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    The point, of course, is that picking up a sticker and a t-shirt does NOT affect the outcome of the race -- not even if you wear it every single day.

    Want to help elect Obama? Forget the t-shirt. Go knock on some doors. Better yet, pick a competitive House race - and knock doors in that race.

    A vote for Barton is a vote for Merkley is a vote for Obama. A vote for Kahl is a vote for Merkley is a vote for Obama. A vote for Adamson is a vote for Merkley is a vote for Obama. A vote for Garrett is a vote for Merkley is a vote for Obama. A vote for Matthews is a vote for Merkley is a vote for Obama.

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    True enough, Kari. However, the small donations we request for these items go to fund the organizers to manage the volunteers, the phone lines and computer support, and the canvassing materials we need.

    Wearing a t-shirt or button, or displaying a lawn sign or sticker gives people the opportunity to have a conversation with their less politically active friends, neighbors, and family.

    When people come in to pick up an Obama sticker, it gives us a chance to tell them about the importance of down-ballot races, explain candidate's positions, and direct them to a place to volunteer.

    Our down-ballot candidates need visibility and Merkley needs name recognition, and we always suggest they take a free Merkley lawn sign and put it on their lawn.

    So, while I agree that the BEST thing people can do is go walk door-to-door, campaign swag has its place in the mix.

  • james Mattiace (unverified)

    Well said, Kari.

    A vote for Kitty Piercy is a vote for Merkely is a vote for Obama....and Torrey knows this which is why his lawn signs say " Yes, Eugene, we can!"

    A truly blue Oregon means we don't forget our lower profile races either. Attend the Roots event in P-town at 5:30 Thursday or drop Kitty some cash at www.kittypiercy.com

    Or make some tracks to the Lane Bus Project and show up for the canvass...541-344-9999 or [email protected] Lane Bus UNofficial website

    James Mattiace

  • Mike B (unverified)
    <h2>Actually [email protected] works even better : )</h2>

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