Gordon Smith: Sarah Palin is "a great Governor of California"

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite


You can watch the entire debate at KGW.com - parts 1, 2, 3.

Update: Just came across this great line from the MOMocrats liveblog:

MY JAW JUST FELL ON THE FLOOR, WHICH WAS THAT SMASHING SOUND YOU HEARD. Umm, someone maybe wanna whisper in Gordo's ear that she's the governor of ALASKA???? Holy crackers and toast. That was the gaffe of all gaffes.

And btw, that MOMocrats liveblog from Debbie Gorman is seriously the best liveblog I've ever seen. She captures the essence of the back-and-forth without transcripting -- while inserting plenty of hilarious and insightful commentary. Check it out - parts one, two, three.

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built Jeff Merkley's website, but I speak only for myself.]

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    When I saw someone posted that earlier on Facebook, I laughed pretty hard. Nothing like dramatically overstating her experience...

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    Well, if Governor Schwarzenegger could vote in Oregon, I'm guessing he'd now be voting for Merkley. Forget the possibility of irritating the McCain/Palin camp, could you imagine being Smith and having to offer mea culpas to Arnold Schwarzenegger?


  • Ray (unverified)

    Praise God and Hallelujah! ALASKA IS SAVED!

    Thank God that Sarah Palin has been delivered to the land of fruits and nuts.

    Lord, we would not want insanity to descend upon one of my favorite homes:


    In greater depth:


    [For the record, I lived in Alaska for 4 years and I was the chief finish carpenter on the Governor's Mansion in Juneau in the last major restoration of that building. I can attest that I spent well over two weeks with a junior carpenter installing all the casework, architectural millwork and finish woodwork on the one room in the Mansion that Sarah Palin never enters... Teh Liberry.(Sarah Palin's pronunciation)]

    I'm Raymond Duray, and I don't approve of this mess....

  • Whoops. (unverified)

    Yes, this little speech gaffe is almost as bad as Merkley not knowing a war hard started 24 hours previously. They are totally on the same level of seriousness.

  • rural resident (unverified)

    Maybe Gordo is one of McCain's "fellow prisoners" and he's been brainwashed!

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    My husband, who until earlier this year was a registered Republican, called me earlier today to see if I'd heard about this. He was taking his break at work, and he often watches the news or reads the paper when on break. So it was the first he'd heard about it.

    He couldn't believe that Smith had made such a major mistake in his speaking. It wasn't even a mistake you could easily understand, like accidentally saying a different "A" state.

    He understood Merkley not knowing about what was happening in Georgia - he was so busy with work at the time that he didn't know about it for a few days and he reads/watches the news a lot more than the average person. So he understood how a candidate who goes from sun up to sun down could have not heard about something that had just happened.

    <h2>And this comes from someone who was going to vote for Smith.</h2>

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