Joe Biden is coming to Portland!
Kari Chisholm
Here's a bit of exciting news. Vice President Joe Biden is coming to Portland in support of Congressman Kurt Schrader on July 8.
(But for security reasons, you have to RSVP by Saturday. All the event details are on
I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to this. You never know what Biden's going to say - be it hilarious, inspirational, or controversial.
On the jump, a few of my favorite Joe Biden moments...
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11:22 a.m.
Jun 24, '10
(Full disclosure: My firm built Kurt Schrader's campaign website. I speak only for myself.)
12:02 p.m.
Jun 24, '10
I will vote for Kurt, but until he reverses his stand on Net Neutrality, (which he apparently opposes), I will not actively campaign for him.
12:35 p.m.
Jun 24, '10
I wish I could find the words for what a big deal this is.
12:56 p.m.
Jun 24, '10
The last Biden-speak that was unfiltered by the frontal lobe was: "What's the big deal? Israel has a right to defend itself", as regards the storming of the aid flotilla.
So the foreign policy expert is totally ignorant on at least that issue (as if the aid flotilla presented any danger to Israel?).
1:53 p.m.
Jun 24, '10
HURRAH!! I love me some Joe Biden, so much. His obligatory flub's are like an apple a day for him, but at the end of the day he really is a Clinton-style policy expert and you can tell.
1:41 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
"A Clinton-style policy expert"- yes, Biden is that.
So are Rahm Emanuel, Joe Lieberman, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Ben Nelson, Hillary Clinton, Ron Wyden (all to a greater or lesser extent- mostly greater).
In other words: Your Party stands for nothing.
2:50 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
Blanche Lincoln
Well, she must be a Clinton-styled expert, as Billzo stumped bigtime for her.
9:41 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
I once had an ice cream cone near the Dahli Lama, and suddenly I felt this overwhelming....
Oh forget it, I can't get aboard the S.M. Amy.
9:39 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
A is to B as B is to X?
I'm going to go ahead and label you "Not Ready for Primetime." Or mass consumption. Sorry Charlie!
2:00 p.m.
Jun 24, '10
Joe, do us all a favor-SKIP THE IN ROOM MASSAGE!
7:25 p.m.
Jun 24, '10
I'm going to be there for sure, and Gus, I've been of the same mind on the Net Neutrality thing and I've been working on getting the countervailing facts in front of Kurt and staff.
That one's too important to ignore....
9:41 a.m.
Jun 25, '10
Ever since watching Biden speak to a small group on C-Span a few years ago, there's just something about the guy that I really like.
12:40 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
$200 to attend. i don't want Bruun to win, but Schrader's not worth $200 (even if i had it).
1:49 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
Sorry T.A., but I think $200 is about right to raise the funds needed to win this thing. This will be a heavily targeted race. Oregonians need Kurt in Congress. So yes, $200 IS worth seeing even Kurt Schrader, as the money will go directly towards helping defeat Scott Bruun.
There are plenty of other ways to connect with the Oregon delegation. (one of the most accessible in the country IMHO) This event, however, is a fundraiser, so the money better be flowing in to make it worthwhile.
1:14 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
Jumpin' Joe is coming! That is a big, f*#@<>g deal!
7:19 p.m.
Jun 25, '10
Protest Biden on July 8th!
Why? Well, there are various reasons. Here's one:
From Jeffrey Addicott, former legal advisor to U.S. Special Forces and director of the Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas:
"Because the drone strikes kill innocent civilians and bystanders along with leaders from far away, they 'infuriate the Muslim male', said Addicott, thus making them more willing to join the Taliban. The men in Pakistan's tribal region 'view Americans as cowards and weasels', he added."
Can the Obama/Biden approach in south Asia lead to peace?
6:42 a.m.
Jun 26, '10
Too little, too late. The November turnout will be light from the 20 somethings; those starry eyed neophytes are now disallusioned cynics. They will stay awy from the mid year elections out of boredom, cynicism and anger. The more active (and angry) late boomers will turn out in very high numbers sealing Schrader's defeat.