Measures: Annual sessions, prisons, and parks (but not casinos or marijuana)

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Here's the latest on ballot measures.

Also passing: veterans home loans (70) and state bonding authority (72).

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    Full disclosure: I consulted for the Yes on 75 campaign. I speak only for myself.

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    Too bad about the marijuana thing , I don't need pot at this point in my life, and I don' t know if it even works for pain or not, but as I get older and more things are wrong with me , such as sciatica and my hip going out of the joint from time to time causing horrible pain , I might want to try it later. It would be nice to be able to go to a pharmacy or non profit and buy it , if I did need it .

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    Kari, were you just consulted or did you actually support measure 75? If you did support it, why?

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