Barker calling it quits. Who jumps in?

T.A. Barnhart

Barker calling it quits. Who jumps in?

Rep Jeff Barker, HD 28

Not a big secret in Salem, but I'm not seeing any reports online: Jeff Barker won't be seeking re-election.

The 5-term Dem (HD 28, Aloha) is hanging 'em up after 2012, leaving the Dems to hold onto his seat with a fresh body — or the GOP to take that seat with their own noob. I've heard a few names bandied about, but I'm not going to offer anyone here.

I'll leave that to the comments. I will note, however: Democratic National Committeewoman & former Chair of the Washington County Dems Lupita Maurer lives in the district. Which, of course, has not been redrawn yet for 2012, so the speculations are extra-speculatey.

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