Randy Leonard to retire from City Council
Kari Chisholm

Randy Leonard
After ten years as a Portland City Commissioner and nine years in the Legislature, Randy Leonard has decided to retire from elective office. You can read his full statement here.
Along the way, Randy also became the first elected official in Oregon to regularly blog - first at BlueOregon and then at his official city blog.
Noting that "Leonard's seat is sure to attract a deeper field of candidates" for the City Council, the O's Beth Slovic names names:
Speculation about who will replace Leonard, the only elected official in city government who lives east of 82nd Avenue, begins today. Names that have been raised for a seat on the council include former U.S. Senate candidate Steve Novick, though he declined Monday to say whether he plans to run; Oregon Rep. Mary Nolan; and Shelli Romero, a public policy coordinator for the Oregon Department of Transportation.
State Rep. Ben Cannon announced Monday that he won't run for the seat.
What are you looking for in a new member of the City Council? What sort of candidate will you support? Are you ready to name names yourself? Who would you like to see on the City Council?
Oh, and Randy: Your spot here at BlueO is ready and waiting for you!
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8:45 a.m.
Jun 29, '11
Steve's in, it seems: http://novickforportland.org/
10:00 a.m.
Jun 29, '11
Steve Novick rocks for all the right reasons. The Portland City Council is a sure fire fit for his skills and abilities. His credentials are fabulous. Donate now!
10:13 a.m.
Jun 29, '11
"...the only elected official in city government who lives east of 82nd Avenue..." As an East Portlander, I think this is pathetic. 28% of the city's population lives east of 82nd. Almost half of Portland's school children live east of 82nd. We have the highest rate of kids receiving free or reduced priced lunch. Losing the only city government official who lives east of 82nd is very bad news for East Portland. I beg whoever decides to run for his seat to please keep these issues of fairness & equity - for all of Portland - at the forefront of his or her campaign.
1:10 a.m.
Jun 30, '11
And not just the only currently elected City Commissioner east of 82nd. Randy is the ONLY one ever elected from east of 82nd.
11:01 a.m.
Jun 29, '11
If people who live east of 82nd would run for office, perhaps they could win.
In the meantime, GO STEVE!
11:47 a.m.
Jun 29, '11
As a resident of Wilkes in outer East Portland, I also lament the fact that Leonard's replacement will likely be an inner core resident who can't see past Mt. Tabor.
Under the current Portland charter, the entire city council could live together in a one-bedroom loft in the Pearl, though the city limits reach past Powell Butte.
It's very frustrating to remind the city council there are other school districts in the city besides PPS (Parkrose, Centennial, David Douglas, Reynolds).
The charter needs to change to elect four commissioners by district (like MultCo commissioners) with the mayor elected at large. There's a reason state legislators are not elected state-wide. Portland's city council needs to reflect the geographical, as well as socio-economic differences of Portlanders annexed under Resolution A more than 25 years ago.
11:49 a.m.
Jun 29, '11
Hear is another East Portlander (Centennial neighborhood) that hopes his replacement is another person from East Portland. We need equal representation!