UO students: feeble, placid, docile, and indifferent

By Erin McCauley of Eugene, Oregon. Erin is a senior at the University of Oregon studying Family & Human Services and Spanish.

I am writing to express my dismay and outrage over the Oregon University System's unjust decision to fire President Lariviere of the University of Oregon, and to express my concern for the future of the university.

Considering that less than 6% of the University of Oregon's budget is paid for by the state, it is ludicrous that the board has the power to fire the president of the university against the wishes of the student body, the staff and the Eugene community. There was no due process. But what is even more disheartening has been the placid and docile student body reaction.

What attracted me to attend the University of Oregon four years ago was the university's reputation as an epicenter for political activism and free thinkers. It was the eternal energy surging through the streets of Eugene that made this place feel so hopeful, so alive. When I told people that I was moving to Oregon to attend the UO, it meant something. Upon my arrival to Eugene and integration into the community what I have found however, is the opposite. My peers seem to be indifferent and apathetic instead of passionate and profound in thought.

When I heard the board's decision I was outraged, and the more time I spent talking to my peers about this injustice the more outraged I became. Not because I was feeding off of the communal upheaval that I had expected, but because I realized what this place really has become, a museum of activism. The University of Oregon student body used to be an active, politically charged, organized group that stood up against oppressive authoritarianism.

What the student body has become is feeble and docile. The students at the University of Oregon do not care about what is happening around them, to them. They do not care about the injustice that faces them. They are compliant to walk away from the corridor of integrity and to not embrace our history of public unrest. It is when youth truly stop seeking to question, that evil prevails.

There should have been riots in Eugene that momentous night; there should have been outcries. Anger should have poured into the streets and occupied the campus, our campus. But there was no movement, no resistance.

This moment is a catalyst of change for the University of Oregon. The moment we are living in right now will define the future of this community, of this University. We have been nationally embarrassed by the weakness of our resistance. Our professors are up in arms, our community members infuriated, but our students, the very people this effects the most feel nothing, care about nothing. As activism sweeps the UC system and social media is pumping through images of students united screaming, 'Whose university? OUR UNIVERSITY!' the juxtaposition is all the harsher.

It is in this moment that our futures will be decided. This campus may relinquish our last strand of hope and back down from our last chance of noncompliance. Either we will continue our march into meritocracy, or in this moment we will change.

The coming week will tell our fate. Either this campus will stand united and demand to be heard, or we will secure our position in the ranks of indifference. My hope is that twenty years from now when I show someone my degree from the University of Oregon it signifies that I stand for something, it means something.

We must not let ourselves be ushered into the dawning of a new time, the time of compliance. Our road is paved and our future is waiting. This is a plea for the student body to activate. This is a call to arms.

Stand for something!

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    This is a huge generalization. A very large campus cannot be broadly characterized as "the students at the University of Oregon do not care about what is happening around them, to them." I have thousands of examples of the exact opposite.

    We have a responsibility to one another to stay informed, stay connected, and tell the story. How are you connecting students who aren't engaged to opportunities? I'm with you in helping 100% of students get engaged... it won't happen magically but we all can play a part in creating the community we want to see.

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      And please don't misinterpret my interest in engagement to mean only the current situation with the President. I hope students who agree and disagree are talking about that but I agree with the third commenter regarding the need for students to be engaged with community needs.

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    the previous ASUO President was not a fan of the Foundation's plan. the current ASUO President is not, either. while the loudest voices are trying to push the story that Lariviere was beloved by all & his firing was opposed by every Duck in the universe, that's not really true. many of us who love UO also want to see the other state universities (and community colleges) prosper. the Foundation's plan is libertarian ugliness at its worst: we'll take what we can & to hell with you.

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