The Oregon Conservation Network tees up for the 2012 session

Carla Axtman

The Oregon Conservation Network (OCN) is an amalgam of environmental organizations from around Oregon that identify priorities they'd like to see the legislature tackle. Based on these priorities, the group helps the Oregon League of Conservation Voters calculate their legislative scorecard, which shows up at election time.

Yesterday in Salem, the group laid down their marker in preparation for the 2012 session.

The priorities:

  1. Protecting the state's Renewable Energy Standard.

  2. Creation of marine reserves at Cape Falcon, Cascade Head and Cape Perpetua.

  3. The restoration funds to DEQ, whose budget was slashed, limiting their effectiveness.

Check out the press conference video to get more details. And why you're at it, consider becoming a member of the Oregon League of Conservation Voters. They do good work.


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