Why the rush to kill endangered wolves?

By Robert Klavins of Portland, Oregon. Robert is a Wildlife Advocate for Oregon Wild. Last June, Robert contributed "Pay up (and) the wolf gets it!"
There is a lot of bad news coming out of Salem and the state legislature on the environment these days. One deeply cynical ploy—taking health care in Oregon hostage to try and force more clear-cutting on state lands—has generated headlines and public outrage, but it isn’t the only attack on the environment this session. The worst may be HB 4158, a measure that would declare a “state of emergency” in Oregon in order to immediately exempt our state’s 29 wild gray wolves from state Endangered Species Act protections so they can be shot.
After exterminating wolves from Oregon in 1947 to pave the way for a more lucrative livestock industry, the Beaver State is now home to only 4 known packs.
In a state that prides ourselves on our conservation ethic and connection to the outdoors, the elimination of wolves in the last century is an environmental tragedy. Their recovery has the potential to be one of our greatest conservation success stories. But that won’t happen if the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) and their allies in Salem have their way.
In what’s become an annual affair, the OCA and the legislators who promote their agenda have introduced a wolf-kill bill and more tax breaks for their already heavily subsidized industry. In previous years, we’ve seen bills that would make poaching laws unenforceable or allow them to be killed if they get too near a structure. This year, rather than the Three Little Pigs bill, they’ve introduced the Chicken Little Bill.
HB 4158 is a hysterical piece of legislation, but not in a funny way. Not only does the bill threaten Oregon’s fragile wolf recovery, it sets a dangerous precedent for all wildlife. HB 4158 declares that the 29 wolves now residing in Oregon constitutes a “state of emergency”, and as a result immediately strips them of state Endangered Species Act protection. This would pave the way for members of the Imnaha Pack (or any other wolf pack in the state) to be shot despite their endangered status. In a bit of Orwellian double-speak, the original text of the bill declared that shooting wolves is the same as conserving them.
If passed, HB 4158 would set an awful precedent and open a Pandora’s box of copy-cat measures exempting other inconvenient species. Endangered salmon getting in the way of a plan to clear-cut forests? Declare a state of emergency! Protection for humpback whales restricting energy development on the coast? Emergency! Want to pave over an old-growth forest that contains spotted owls? Go to the legislature and declare an emergency!
Oregon’s state Endangered Species Act has long been known as a relatively weak law, especially when compared to national standards. But it does include the most fundamental protection – the state can’t purposely kill an endangered species. HB 4158 would change that.
It is important to put the wolf issue in perspective. Oregon is currently home to just 29 known wolves. On the other hand, we have approximately 1.3 million cows. In 2010, over 50,000 died before they made it to the slaughterhouse - lost to poisoning, bad weather, disease, domestic dogs, and even human thieves. Less than 3 dozen cows have been killed by wolves in the last 3 years. Yet during that time, the OCA has relentlessly pressured the state to kill wolves at every opportunity while rejecting offers to work on collaborative solutions with conservation groups.
They are badly out of step with the majority of Oregonians. Time and time again, the public has spoken out strongly in favor conserving and restoring our native wildlife, including gray wolves. With the state facing a major budget crisis and more than enough serious problems to address in the short session, is it really appropriate to interrupt the important business of the legislature to rush through such a controversial measure?
But more troubling than OCA’s relentless push to shoot more wildlife is the House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources’ willingness to entertain such measures. Over the last several years, this committee – now co-chaired by Brian Clem and Sal Esquivel - has become known as the rubber stamp for anti-wildlife bills, earning it the dubious reputation as the committee where Oregon’s wildlife goes to die.
Thankfully, the Oregon Senate has been a more responsible body, and most of the recent anti-wildlife legislation has stopped there. But that hasn’t stopped the OCA from trying, and in the case of HB 4158, they appear to be going for broke. It is unclear if the Senate will stop this reckless legislation, and there is a very real chance that anti-environmental legislators will take some important legislation on healthcare, the environment, or assistance for low income children, hostage in order to advance the wolf-kill bill.
If that happens, it will be up to Governor Kitzhaber to decide whether or not to defend Oregon’s Endangered Species Act and the wildlife it protects. When it comes to Governor Kitzhaber’s legacy amongst those who value native fish and wildlife, this may be his most consequential decision yet.
When Congress passed legislation stripping Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections from wolves on the national stage, Governor Kitzhaber took a strong stand for Oregon’s values writing clearly to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack that “this action erodes the integrity of the ESA”. Though HB 4158 functionally accomplishes the same thing on the state level, the Governor was more reticent when the livestock industry demanded state employees kill off the Imnaha Pack last year.
When Journey, the Imnaha Pack’s most famous son, became the first wolf in California in nearly a century, the news went global. His epic 1,000-mile journey was celebrated as a conservation triumph possible only because of landmark environmental laws like the ESA. It was not lost on conservationists that his travels took him to within miles of where Oregon’s last wolf was killed.
Earlier this week, Journey’s brother – OR-9 – swam the Snake River and became the 285th wolf killed in that state since congress stripped them of their federal protections in the budget rider derided by Governor Kitzhaber. The poacher walked away with no more than a warning for illegally killing the wolf, and Butch Otter seized the moment to mock Oregonians outraged by the slaughter.
So what will be the future for the Imnaha Pack and Oregon’s wolves? Will we celebrate the story of Journey by standing up to those responsible for eliminating wolves in the first place? Or will we look to Idaho and repeat the mistakes of the past?
Mollie Beattie – the first woman to head the US Fish & Wildlife Service once said “What a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself”. The same could be said for a state. And the choice is at hand.
Feb. 17, 2012
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9:29 a.m.
Feb 17, '12
Excellent article, Rob. I hope this message gets through to all Oregonians. Thank you!!!
10:50 a.m.
Feb 17, '12
Yes, thanks. This is deeply disturbing.
Your point about the danger and scope of this bill as a potential precedent is not something I've seen raised in other coverage of the issue, e.g. OPB did an hour of "Think Out Loud" about it -- it might be worth trying to connect with Dave Miller there on that, and your broader point about the possibly emerging pattern of trying to horse-trade human services for cutting environmental protections.
On wolves specifically, the unwillingness of the OCA to try to work out alternative solutions is shameful.
interesting about the domestic dogs, which is a fairly direct comparison to wild canine wolves -- how many cattle were killed by domestic dogs, and are such dogs just killed out of hand, or does the OCA negotiate about them?
5:14 p.m.
Feb 18, '12
On the dog issue, unless you're in city limits, if you catch a dog running, injuring or killing your livestock you do have the right to shoot the dog. Doesn't make any difference if the livestock happens to be a bovine or other hoof stock, poultry, etc.
1:50 p.m.
Feb 18, '12
Well, if we want to continue to destroy the environment, kill biodiversity, waste vast amount of clean water and energy, increase healthcare costs, we must do whatever we can to support the OCA, livestock industry etc. And just what would we all do without hotdogs, hamburgers, and steaks?
11:33 a.m.
Feb 19, '12
The Ownership Society which has seen its income jump two hundred fifty percent since 1979 has plans for the sleepy Oregonians. Yep. The Grover Norquist boys want someone to be president who has enough capacity to sign the legislation that is written for him by the Koch brothers.
So, how long before Oregon has a situation patterned after that of Michigan. All decisions made by a manager appointed by the Governor so that contracts can be cancelled and unions are told to go to hell.
Check out Benton Harbor. This is the direction that the Walden Republicans want for Oregon. So is governor Kitz going to man up or is it just a matter of time until we are all just a pack of useless wolves.
4:10 p.m.
Feb 19, '12
I really don’t have much to say, except I live in Eastern Oregon..where the wolves are.
I am asking you all to educate yourself. See both sides of the story. Just don’t take the word of one.
I will give you some links.
http://washingtonwolf.info/diseases.html humans get it also
http://www.saveelk.com/ a great site to get informed.
Jim Beers' Testimony Before Oregon State Legislative Committee a must read. http://www.skinnymoose.com/bbb/2010/06/14/jim-beers-testimony-before-oregon-state-legislative-committee/#ixzz1YcE6R1lZ
And finally....
These people are your neighbors. They are Oregonians too. Please don't forget that. Thank you.
6:02 p.m.
Feb 19, '12
Hi Marilyn:
I would like you to try to find the answers to these questions:
What environmental impact has cattle ranching had?
How much clean water does raising cows for meat take?
What has been the impact of cow meat consumption had on human health?
8:27 p.m.
Feb 19, '12
What environmental impact has cattle ranching had?
How much clean water does raising cows for meat take?
30 to 45 gallons a day depending on weather. Deer and elk..all the animals drink. So do plants.
Do you know how much a juniper tree will drink?
What has been the impact of cow meat consumption had on human health?
I am not a vegan. I don’t know. I am one of those people that do know meat does not appear magically in a store.
I am not a rancher, in case you are wondering.
10:00 a.m.
Feb 20, '12
If fifty thousand cattle died in Oregon before they could be marketed to what extent is management by cattle ranchers the culprit. How much is the subsidy to ranchers and what is the distribution of lost cattle as it relates to subsidies.
Looks like a situation where a scape goat (wolf) is needed. Have I lost perspective again?
7:41 p.m.
Feb 20, '12
WE the taxpayers are paying for environmentalists to sue the government. Did you know that? Then WE the taxpayers are the losers once again.
The wolves are diseased and are infecting us and our environment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_gPM3PPI_E
So you tell me, Marvin. Have you lost perspective again? Please do your research. Educate yourselves. Thank you.
10:25 a.m.
Jun 2, '12
Are those who would seek to kill, any of God's creation, the good stewards of the Earth with His plan? If you believe in Heaven, you better pray there is no Hell.