Election results and open thread

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

At 8 p.m., the polls will close. Use this space to discuss the election results.

To keep things up to date, here's a few live Twitter feeds. Up top, the BlueOregon "election night" feed of media sources. Then, all posts from folks talking election results with the #ORelection and #ORpol hashtags. And finally, your BlueOregon contributors on Twitter.

Use this space to discuss anything related to today's election.

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    Right now Bike Walk Vote's back-of-the-envelope count looks like:

    9 endorsements 7 wins 2 run-offs

    Granted, four wins were gimmes (Novick/Keny-Guyer/Dirksen/Stacey), but in the competitive races, it looks like we won three (Chase/Schouten/Reardon) and took two to run-offs (Smith/Nolan).

    A good night for people who care about transportation choices!

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