Mama's Day, Our Way

Joseph Santos-Lyons

...take action for the 4 out of 5 families that don't fit the outdated stereotype of a Mom at home and a Dad at work

Mama's Day, Our Way

On this beautiful Oregon Mother's Day, there is a great way to celebrate your amazing Mom and to draw attention to the need for public policies that support all Mama's. Start by sending your Mother another card (because we know you've already sent her one already...right?!), a beautiful free e-card designed a local artist with links to ways to take action for the 4 out of 5 families that don't fit the outdated stereotype of a Mom at home and a Dad at work.

Organized by a multiracial national collaboration to change the way people think, feel and act in support of America's families, the Strong Families Initiative helps unite and organize a new progressive agenda.

Mother's Day was originally founded as an antiwar rallying cry. A day to celebrate mothers is much more than a day for flowers and pancakes. It's a time to focus together on what we want and need so all families can thrive.

A strong democracy is one that reflects the needs of the people, where everyone has the opportunity to prosper and be well. For too often, women, particularly women of color and immigrant women, have been excluded from the process. We're all better off when we're all engaged. As a man, a father, a partner, a son, it is important for me to reflect on my privileges and act to support the the people who will be impacted in the decisions that affect them.

Check out local organizer Aimee Santos-Lyons (full disclosure - yes she is my partner and an amazing Mama!) with the Western States Center who shares her story Motherhood: An Exercise in Fear Management and other amazing Mothers on their blog.

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