Thank You, Eileen
Evan Manvel
A year ago, Eileen Brady officially announced she was running for mayor. She got into the race against Charlie Hales – an experienced campaigner who had won three city-wide races – and presumably Mayor Sam Adams.
It was a bold move, a risky move, a move that showed guts and conviction. Eileen believed she could bring something different to City Hall, something to help this city we call home thrive.
And for the next year, Eileen chased that dream. She threw her heart into the race, and worked countless hours to meet Portlanders and listen to them. She managed to bring in more money than anyone ever had for a Portland mayoral race. She raised the issues she was most passionate about – jobs, most notably, but also education and equal rights. She wanted to break through the false environment-versus-economy dichotomy some believe in.
Of course, running for office – especially one of the most high-profile, important offices in the state – is a hugely difficult task. I have no end of praise for anyone willing to do it.
The mayoral candidates have been under a constant spotlight, had to come up to speed on a diversity of issues, filled out dozens of questionnaires, and attended what most believe to be a record number of joint appearances. They’ve been on television, on the radio, in newspaper endorsement interviews, and on the street. They’ve had long profiles of them published, digging into long-past details including their parking tickets. They’ve been asked to perform talents at Candidates Gone Wild. And meanwhile, they’ve had to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars and talk to tens of thousands of voters.
While I’ve had significant differences about policy with Brady, and have been critical at times, I’ve never doubted her passion for helping the city thrive or her desire to engage with people. Eileen spent significant time with the Bike Walk Vote team, talking with us and listening to our concerns (as well as biking to work with us). She took the time for a one-on-one meeting to give me feedback on my pieces and listen to my opinions. She was friendly and civil even after I was publicly backing another candidate.
Nor do I doubt that she’s done some fabulous work over the past two decades, including years of work for impressive non-profits and businesses, fighting for voter owned elections, and helping expand health care coverage to more Oregonians.
And her family’s passion has been clear. As someone whose father is a City Councilor, I’m somewhat familiar with the challenges campaigning brings to a family. Yet her husband and kids were out there on the campaign trail, listening to voters at events, giving their own money, honk-and-waving at drivers who sped by, and knocking on doors. Hours and hours and hours of effort. My hat is off to the whole family.
Brady had a gracious concession message, including this:
Over the past 12 month, I have learned again what I already knew - this is a town full of people working hard to make their home a better place.
Whoever our next mayor is, I urge everyone to come together as Portlanders to help him and the city we all love so much.
My campaign for mayor is over. But my love and commitment to Portland will continue always.
As C.E.S. Wood said, “Good citizens are the riches of a city.” We’re lucky to have Eileen Brady as one of ours. Thank you, Eileen.
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1:56 p.m.
May 17, '12
Bravo, Evan. Thank you, Eileen.
2:01 p.m.
May 17, '12
Well said, Evan. I'm sure would prefer it otherwise, but I'm glad to be able to think of Eileen as that nice lady from the cool PORTLAND grocery store I like to shop at. Her Portland is part of ONE Portland, and I applaud her Portland spirit, no pun intended.
2:03 p.m.
May 17, '12
"sure SHE would prefer otherwise"
2:06 p.m.
May 17, '12
She is smart, obviously capable, kind, and just plain nice. Her values are really good. And she inspired enormous enthusiasm and loyalty in her supporters, many of whom were people I consider friends. I hope she continues to be called to public service and finds a way to use her gifts for the benefit of the city we all love so much.
And she has GREAT HAIR!
2:26 p.m.
May 17, '12
Well said, Evan.
2:30 p.m.
May 17, '12
It is my sincerest hope that doors open for Ms. Brady. She championed for the common good under the scrutiny of running for public office. She did not lack for integrity, ideas, community, compassion or commitment. May this be the exposure the rest of the world needed to discover her sound and effective ability to do great things and good works!
2:37 p.m.
May 17, '12
Classy post. Thanks.
2:54 p.m.
May 17, '12
Well said Evan! It takes guts to run for public office. It takes courage to say the things people don't want to hear. It takes an incredible woman to run for public office and It takes empathy to lose with such grace.
I look forward to the next adventure with Eileen!
3:27 p.m.
May 17, '12
Here's one thing that went unreported during the campaign:
Eileen Brady was the first candidate in Oregon history to put support for gay marriage in a television ad.
It was a historic thing. Not because it took great courage or sacrifice to do that - but precisely because it was so unremarkable.
We've come a long way.
5:37 p.m.
May 17, '12
We need more community leaders and business leaders like Eileen Brady. It was an honor to stand and deliver next to her for ~50 times over the past months.
5:58 p.m.
May 17, '12
I enjoyed volunteering for her and I hope that whomever I support in the run-off it will be a good experience as well
6:27 p.m.
May 17, '12
I too wanted to take a second to say thank you for running Eileen. Thanks.
You’ve been a progressive stalwart. You had an exceptional team (kudos to Kari, Natalie, Jon, and Elizabeth – you’re all rock stars!) and you have an exceptional group of family and friends. You spoke your heart during the campaign, stood with your allies no matter what, and didn’t let detractors take you off message. Yet it that wasn’t quite enough. Not this election. It’s a fickle electorate, that we know.
There are many new challenges for you to face and you can continue to do so with the same civic leadership you’ve exhibited over time. I hope you do. Yet in your work, people will finally stop wondering if you really founded New Seasons or whether it was you or your family who got parking tickets.
This was initially intended to be longer and post on it’s own. Evan beat me to the punch and I’m glad because his piece is spot on and better than mine would have been. I share his sentiment whole-heartedly. Thanks Evan and thank you Eileen.
10:07 p.m.
May 17, '12
You had an exceptional team (kudos to Kari, Natalie, Jon, and Elizabeth – you’re all rock stars!)...
And so many, many others.
Every great campaign, and Brady for Mayor was one, reveals a group of people - volunteers and staffers - who'd never worked on campaigns before, and discover that they have what it takes and that they love it.
I won't get into naming names because I'll be here all night and still leave someone out, but Team Brady (paid and unpaid) was an amazing team.
And I'm hoping, desperately, that the outcome doesn't discourage them, and that others who see their resumes come across the transom don't discount their abilities.
They started a campaign from quite literally nothing, brought it to life, and got it moving down the road at high speed. It was an extraordinary accomplishment.
9:05 p.m.
May 17, '12
10:24 a.m.
May 18, '12
Eileen was by far the best prepared and knowledgeable of all the mayoral and council candidates who met with me and other members of the Oregon Media Production Association. All of the candidates were supportive of our local film and media industry, but Eileen showed she was already prepared to facilitate producers' interactions with the City and be a robust advocate.
10:52 a.m.
May 18, '12
Any decent Mayor of Portland would do well to follow that lead … or it'll be a march of Grimm and Leverage fans on City Hall. And nobody wants this. We'll bring unicorns. Unicorns get stabby when irritated.
8:25 p.m.
May 21, '12
I keep watching Grimm in hopes that they'll note that Portland is built on an ancient unicorn burial ground.
Seriously. It is. Google it.
3:28 p.m.
May 18, '12
Eileen Brady deserves our congratulations for an excellent campaign, one that did not get mired down in bitter negative advertising, one that put the city and the people of the city first. Nice column Evan, and I, too hope that Eileen finds that the call of public service is still alive within her.
3:49 p.m.
May 18, '12
With Eileen we had a cause( a City for all to participate), we had conviction and we had principles. She advocated for us Latinos more than anyone has ever. Her message was "A community is valor and sacrifice. With Dignity, Equity and Freedom".her leadership will make the Portland Mercado Latino a reality. Que viva Eileen.
1:11 p.m.
Jun 3, '12
Well said by everyone! I look forward to working with my friend and neighbor Eileen in many ways to come, to improve the lives of all in our city and our state!!