Punditology 2012: For all the marbles
Kari Chisholm

You're smart. You're political. When people whisper, "that's what THEY say," you're the one they're talking about.
With just a few days left in this election, it's time for another edition of the Punditology Challenge.
After all the polling craziness this week, the big questions of course are - Will Brad Avakian and Kate Brown survive? How many write-in votes in the Portland mayor's race? Will the arts tax surprise everyone? Will the Democrats or Republicans control the House and Senate in Oregon? And what about those Senate races across the country? And what about that other election - y'know, the presidential race?
Correctly predict the the election results and we'll make you famous. You could be the next great Oregon TV pundit! There's no money in it, but if your crystal ball is the finest of them all - we'll bow down before your greatness and proclaim it to the world.
The deadline for your picks is Sunday night at midnight. So make your picks now, before it's too late!
Good luck!
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connect with blueoregon
1:01 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
There was no spot where i could list the Nebraska Congressional district i am expecting to see flip to Romney.
1:13 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
Party affiliation in SD02 (Atkinson seat) are transposed.
2:17 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
That's fixed. Want to know how I got that wrong?
It's wrong on the Oregon Transformation PAC women's voter guide (pdf).
That's what I get for using Rob Kremer's crap as one of my source documents.
2:42 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
I noticed that too on their voter guide, thought it was odd.
1:23 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
What Darrell said.
7:07 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
Surprised you didn't have Mourdock/Donnelly or Claire/Legitimate Rape on the pick list.
8:24 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
Yeah, didn't want to put too many Senate races on there.
10:09 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
Tester could be in trouble in MT.
11:41 a.m.
Nov 2, '12
GOP pollster Rasmussen has Tester up by one today.
9:12 p.m.
Nov 2, '12
I noticed that. It'll be interesting to see how the vote breaks. He will almost certainly benefit from the coattails that Mr Obama appears to be growing in the last couple of days of this election.
8:25 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
Forehead smack: I spaced out on putting the Fritz/Nolan race on there. Their race was in an early draft, and somehow got dropped in editing. Argh.
Kind of like dropping Unger/Riley back in the primary.
I really should write this thing up a month out.
10:10 p.m.
Nov 1, '12
I am very surprised by how strong Ms Fritz appears to be running.
8:27 a.m.
Nov 2, '12
I believe that Mary's ads are hurting her, not helping. In a race where both candidates are progressives, attack ads like Mary's come across as harsh and unfriendly and do not work.
8:09 a.m.
Nov 2, '12
Probably a good one to leave out, even if you only did it inadvertently. I always worry about Dem on Dem in these things, ever since I worked for Martin.
5:42 p.m.
Nov 3, '12
Glad I don't have to make a pick in that race....
11:44 a.m.
Nov 2, '12
I had a Dem. Senate result of 55. I thought that might be optimistic, but today Mourdock is down 11 pts in the first non-partisan poll out. I also noted that GOP pollster Rasmussen has Tester up one point today in MT. And Bob Kerrey is close in NE, so maybe it's more than 55.
1:55 p.m.
Nov 5, '12
Kari - I am heartbroken I didn't get to this balloting precinct in time to take part.
A little leeway for a tired Obama campaigner spending all waking hours trying to win a swing state?
Dont be a Katherine Harris!