News headlines you missed over the holidays

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

I don't know about you, but the two partial work-weeks made this holiday season feel like it lasted forever. And, like me, you may have been a bit checked out of the news (except for following the fiscal-cliff nonsense.)

So, here's a few headlines that you may have missed over the holidays:

If Oregon consents to Washington's plan to toll only 1-5, the result will not only be a big hole in the CRC project budget, but major traffic and livability impacts on the 1-205 and 1-84 corridors on this side of the river

Edwards, who lives off River Road in the Santa Clara area of Eugene, said he snapped awake to the unnerving sound of his garage door opening.

“My heart just started pounding,” Edwards said. The former South Eugene High School baseball player got out of bed and armed himself with a 32-inch Easton aluminum bat before going to check out the noise.

“I opened my door to the garage and saw a guy standing over by my bikes,” Edwards said. “I yelled at him, ‘What the blank are you doing? Get the blank out of my garage!’ He looked up at me and then took off running.”


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