This part of the Wehby story doesn't add up

Carla Axtman

As I'm reading through the "Monica Wehby is a creepy stalker" story on Politico again, this section in the last paragraph is making me scratch my head:

“WEHBY told me that she was in a relationship with MILLER and had been for the last 2 years,” the report said. “She told me that since Easter weekend something changed because now MILLER does not answer/ return her calls or talk to her at all. She told me that she just wanted to speak with MILLER to try to sort things out. WEHBY told me that she was close to MILLER up until this point. She told me that they even each have keys to each others homes.

According to the story, Wehby had allegedly been showing up to Miller's home five times over a ten day period. During at least some of that time, she was at the front door for the better part of ten minutes, banging on the doorbell. On the night the police were called, she'd skulked around to the back door and when finding it unlocked, went in to try and find Miller.

If she had keys as she claimed in the police report, why stand at the front door and keep hitting the doorbell? Why go around to the back and use an unlocked door to get in the house and not just use the keys he'd allegedly given to her?

This closer you look at this story, the weirder it gets.

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