Dudley, Kitzhaber maneuver on state employee pay issue


State employee pay has become a big issue in the race for Oregon governor. While both Republican Chris Dudley and Democrat John Kitzhaber said they will seek pay and benefit concessions from workers if elected, Dudley has taken the tougher line.

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    As a retired teacher having taught for 45 years in all levels of education, I find the articles in the Oregonian and OPB to be very biased in both content and how the issues are framed--biased to the right, filled with Republican fear and 'sound bites'; in general, an extremely poorly written partisan perspective. When attempting to blog at oregonlive.com, one finds a hornet's nest of delusional rhetyoric which has no substance, just anger which is sometimes highly racist. I think those of us who care about "the message" getting out ie. perspectives of opposing views that are factually driven and "right on" in addressing the issues need to literally "flood" this website--oregonlive.com with facts that support Kitzhaber and give a complete message as this is NEVER found within these highly propagandized articles that are corporate driven to protect the wealthy and the corporates.

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