Haugen rips governor for execution ban


Condemned inmate Gary Haugen, who was scheduled to be executed next month, is slamming Gov. John Kitzhaber for giving him a reprieve, saying the governor didn't have the guts to carry out the execution.

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    Let's be clear here. Gary Haugen has no credible standing as a policy wonk. He is a despicable human being incapable of controlling his fatally violent tendencies. Press sensationalism with the goal to sell more papers or get more "clicks" is the sole motivation to get Haugen's take.

    The death penalty debate that Haugen's case has provoked is not about Gary Haugen's wishes. It is about how we as a society deal with our role in assuring the safety of our community at the same time we deliver a punishment that is firm, intractable, and yet humane.

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