Wyden puts "hold" on Brownback's anti-Oregon proposal

US Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) is attempting to make Oregon's assisted suicide law the centerpiece of his nascent presidential campaign. Back in May, he held hearings to attack Oregon's law -- previous coverage here.

Back then, Senator Ron Wyden pledged to block any efforts to overturn Oregon's law. And now, Wyden has done exactly that.

From the AP, via the Roseburg News-Review:

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., last month introduced legislation to bar doctors from prescribing federally controlled drugs for use in assisted suicide -- the first legislative assault on assisted suicide since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Oregon's law in January.

On Tuesday, as Congress returned from a monthlong break, Wyden took to the Senate floor to announce he would block the bill indefinitely through a legislative hold.

The action means Wyden is prepared to filibuster the bill to prevent its passage. Supporters would need 60 votes to shut down a filibuster.

Wyden, a Democrat, cast the issue as a matter of state's rights, saying the practice of medicine has historically been left to the states to regulate.

"What is ironic is that some who come to floor of Senate to talk about states' rights are essentially saying they only believe in states' rights if they think the state is right," he said.


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    Sam Brownback is a pandering asshat who wants to be President. I honestly don't think he gives a rip about this law one way or the other. He wants to whip up his control freak religious rightwing base to GOTV. Nothing more.

    This is the worst kind of political posturing.

  • Brian (unverified)

    Good for Senator Wyden! Love that senator-on-senator action.

    Is it just me, or does it seem like there's been a lot more "senatorial holds" being used lately? I like it, don't get me wrong, but maybe it's a sign that all that phony "bipartisanship" may be coming to an end?

    Are our Democratic Congresscritters in danger of becoming an actual opposition party?

  • Harry (unverified)
    <h2>Sen Wyden says: "What is ironic is that some who come to floor of Senate to talk about states' rights are essentially saying they only believe in states' rights if they think the state is right," he said.</h2>

    Truer words have not been spoken. Similar words could be said about some people who claim to be tolerant of others. Either and both are rather hypocrits.

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    "Sam Brownback is a pandering asshat."

    'Nuff said, eh?

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    That's my blog partner! Why say "jerk" when "asshat" is out there just waiting to be used? Don't tell me the Oregon MSM doesn't get a vicarious thrill out of reading Carla saying the things they wish they could put into THEIR articles...!

  • aaron (unverified)

    Petty name-calling and use of disparaging terms--as stated in both in Kari's and Carla's--shows that certain progressive and liberal thinkers are not the ones that should ever present arguments for our side. As well, it shows that we don’t want positive dialogue if we allow these types of language in our debate over these issues. If our side has to always stoop to name-calling and the use of disparaging terms, in public via one-on-one conversations or by blogging; the average voter will not listen to our message. You can be pissed off and mad those shows in your speech/diatribe and still have civil and responsible dialogue and still show your true feelings and win people over.

    As towards the issue, Sen. Wyden is stepping to the plate again for state right’s and voter right’s and I applaud him for doing so. For Sen. Brownback impressing, for potential selfish motives; towards that other “pro-life” movement on trying to suffocate state right’s and repressing the right’s of the voters of the state; is down right disgraceful and discriminatory.

  • Garrett (unverified)

    Imagine if Brownback was President. He might declare national asshat day. On a more serious note. Good for Senator Wyden. Make that joke of a human being crawl back into the hole he came from in Kansas.

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    "Petty name-calling and use of disparaging terms--as stated in both in Kari's and Carla's--shows that certain progressive and liberal thinkers are not the ones that should ever present arguments for our side. As well, it shows that we don’t want positive dialogue if we allow these types of language in our debate over these issues."

    Actually, I think it shows that trying to understand and deal civilly with this group of reprobates currently leading the country is not only a lost cause, but a courtesy they are richly undeserving of.

    John Warner is not an asshat. Olympia Snowe is not an asshat. George Voinovich is not an asshat. But let's get real: Sam Brownback is an asshat.

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    And by the way, Aaron, your former boss Emilie Boyles certainly didn't practice what you preach--so forgive me if I don't take the lecture on appealing to the average voter at face value. Speaking of, since the City's apparently located her, if you get a chance to talk to her again tell her to pay up, OK?

  • aaron (unverified)


    You must be confused and lacking of the proper knowledge of what your last post states, like the current administration always deflecting the topic/issue at hand.

    So please stay on topic.

    OK. Thanks alot.

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    Petty name-calling and use of disparaging terms--as stated in both in Kari's and Carla's--shows that certain progressive and liberal thinkers are not the ones that should ever present arguments for our side. As well, it shows that we don’t want positive dialogue if we allow these types of language in our debate over these issues.

    Petty is as petty does, Forrest.

    I calls em like I sees em. And frankly if it offends your sensibilities then you may feel free to not read what I write/post. Its no skin off my nose.

    Calling this with plain language that fights back against the slimy, disgusting faux crusade of DIRTBAGS like Sam Brownback is a needed exclamation point at the end of the metaphorical sentences.

    Further, if all I did was "name-call" without backing it up, you might have a point. But anyone who actually bothered to read my response saw the backing up.

    Its called substance. Try it sometime.

  • Former Salem Staffer (unverified)

    Attaboy, Sen. Wyden. torridjoe is right. As a member of the MSM, I would love to use the phrase "asshat," especially with regards to people like Sen. Brownback. Hopefully, the phrase will catch enough that I can quote other people using it.

  • Gordie (unverified)

    So if I understand the English lessons from this week, Brownback is a moderate asshat?

  • Troix (unverified)

    Petty name-calling and use of disparaging terms--as stated in both in Kari's and Carla's--shows that certain progressive and liberal thinkers are not the ones that should ever present arguments for our side. As well, it shows that we don’t want positive dialogue if we allow these types of language in our debate over these issues.

    I used to think like this, too. But its clear that "positive dialogue" didn't put the Repubs in power and it certainly won't take them out of power. Sometimes you have to fight fire w/ fire. Unfortunately, politics tend to be about the lowest common denominator.

    And "asshat" is just fun to say.

    And its certainly less crude than calling him a terrorist sympathizer or Neville Chamberlain-- just the most recent examples of Repub name calling.

  • aaron (unverified)


    If you use it is an English lesson....then Carla and Kari need to stop being "as polite" as using that word and find another word. From The Wiktionary >Etymology from the slang expression "having one's head up one's ass," thus, wearing the ass as a hat

    The term is applied to people who are clueless or bumbling, who don't understand what is going on.

    Noun (Internet, slang): asshole.

    I’m sorry but Sen. Brownback knows what is going on; he is a mule and/or fideist on this issue. I mean by using the word mule in all definitions of the word. As to the part above dealing with the definition, I really cannot say on his actions truly correspond with the noun.

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    I have no idea who came up with that definition. I think it's made up. Asshat is just a variation on the myriad "ass-" terms: assclown, assface, assrocket, etc.

    But I think it's certainly true that Brownback is a clueless asshat if he thinks he's going to get any kind of bill passed overruling Death with Dignity.

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    I am completely amazed that a post about Senator Sam Brownback devolved into a discussion of the etymology of "asshat".

    Or maybe not.

    In any case, back on topic, everyone!

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    I am completely amazed that a post about Senator Sam Brownback devolved into a discussion of the etymology of "asshat".

    Best comment thread ever.


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    Ridicule is a powerful political tool. If you can get people to see someone or some idea as ridiculous, you win.

    The Republicans have been using this technique against reasonable and thoughtful people for decades. Excuse me for not giving a shit when it's used against someone like the totally cynical Brownback.

    I mean, after all, he is ridiculous on so many levels.


    Wyden is turning out to be one of the few allegedly progressive senators that actually seems to understand that little guys like states and individuals need to be protected from predators that are using the federal gummint to turn the US into a theocratic/authoritarian nation. I just wish that we could hear some strong statements coming from some of our Oregon Dems in the US House.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Wyden continues to shine. Now, if he'd just rethink his positions on the Middle East....

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    Pat, I am perplexed about you comment on Oregon US House Dems. Earl Blumenauer and Peter DeFazio have certainly been stronger on the more crucial attacks on the Bill of Rights than Wyden; Wu is a little behind them, though like them he stood up against the railroading of the Patriot Act. Proportionally Oregon must have been one of the strongest if not the strongest against that travesty.

    Wu also gave actually quite a brilliant speech about executive power usurpation in voting against the war powers authorization -- you know, the one that both greenlighted our aggression against Iraq and has been used since by to justify Bush's is "commanders in chief can do anything they want" doctrine. (Emperor from imperator in Latin = commander, cf. proximity of "decider" to "dictator").

    <h2>Hooley is a bigger bit behind all the other three but both still decent. Ron on the other hand has been quite silent or on the wrong side on those issues.</h2>
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