Wyden & Smith Town Hall: Now Online

The Town Hall meeting that Senators Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith held Monday night in the studios of KGW is now available online. Watch it here (WMV). The video seems to start mid-way, but runs 52 minutes.

Previously on BlueOregon, contributor Steve Novick discussed Senator Smith's "absurdly misleading" comments during that event.


  • (Show?)

    Man, that KGW website sucks rocks. It is worse than OregonLive, and I never thought I'd ever type those words.

  • BlueNote (unverified)

    Did Wyden speak about his bill to eliminate Habeas Corpus for detained prisoners? Is that the bill that was upheld today?

  • Don Beal (unverified)

    Gawd I wish Wyden would quit providing cover for Smith. I understand collegiality and all, but all Wyden has to do is cut himself loose from Smith. He doesn't even have to disagree.

  • (Show?)

    When did Wyden introduce a bill to eliminate Habeas Corpus? Why is BlueNote more interested in being a snot than checking facts?

  • BlueNote (unverified)

    Yikes, I thought my memory was going but I think I remember reading this in BlueOregon not that long ago:

    Ron Wyden, Freedom's Champion T.A. Barnhart

    .. .

    Lindsay Graham (SC/Wingnut) proposed an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill that removes many of the protections granted to the detainees at Guantanamo -- eliminating their right to habeas corpus. Ron Wyden was one of 5 Democrats to support the amendment. Stand up tall, Senator. As Rachel Maddow noted this morning, perhaps there is no principle of law more fundamental to our country than habeas corpus. No matter who or where you are in this country, no matter what they authorities want to charge you with, no matter how loathsome or heinous people may consider you; habeas corpus ensures you will know what the charges are and that you will have your opportunity to defend yourself. Your mom, your friend, a sympathetic lawyer, anyone can go to a court on your behalf and demand that you be brought into the clear light of day and either charged or, if there is no evidence -- no reason to hold you -- then release you.

    Perhaps your point in referring to my post is that Wyden was not a SPONSOR of the bill that he voted for. I view that as BS. If he voted for it, no matter when, where, why or how, it is HIS bill.

    PS - I like your screen name, but since I am both an attorney and a notary public, I may still have to sue you for copyright infringement.

  • BlueNose (unverified)

    It was Wyden's bill. His vote bought it for him.

    I still can't believe that Wyden voted to "... eliminating their right to habeas corpus"...

    It really makes my BlueNose runny.

  • Anonymous (unverified)

    I just had to go over to Blue Note Records and notify customer service why I won't be buying any of their products. I'm sure they will appreciate being alerted as to the problem.

  • Anonymous (unverified)
    <h2>I just had to go over to Blue Note Records and notify customer service why I won't be buying any of their products. I'm sure they will appreciate being alerted as to the problem.</h2>
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