Anti-tax activists organizing against Lane County i-tax

This Saturday, anti-tax activists will attempt to collect 10,000 signatures in one day - to refer a new Lane County income tax to the ballot. Commissioners enacted the new income tax in order to offset the expected loss $40 million in federal payments to Oregon counties.

First, a little background from the Register-Guard:

The commissioners last month enacted a first-ever countywide income tax to offset the expected loss of millions of dollars annually in federal aid to rural counties. Some citizens fiercely oppose the tax, noting voters rejected an income tax for public safety in November. ...

Congress is debating whether to renew $500 million in annual payments to Oregon and other states with federal timberland for which counties must provide services but on which they cannot levy property taxes or other fees.

Lane County government in recent years has received about $40 million annually under the program. Commissioners Faye Stewart, Bobby Green and Bill Dwyer said they enacted the income tax to avoid the possible loss of more than 250 county jobs plus a wide range of services.

What do these anti-government activists have to accomplish?

Petitioners need 5,577 valid signatures; they said they plan to collect 10,000. The roughly half-dozen signature-gathering sites countywide will be released Tuesday, said Bob Hooker, a chief petitioner from Creswell.

"I want to see everybody get out and get their voice heard on that Saturday," Hooker said. "It would make such a tremendously strong statement to our elected officials that hopefully this would never happen again." ...

The petitioners have until May 22 to collect the signatures and will carry on the drive if they fail to net enough signatures next Saturday, Hooker said. He stressed that supporters of a public vote should plan on joining next Saturday's effort.

Read the rest. Discuss.

  • Alex Davies (unverified)

    Nothing wrong with grassroots democracy is there?

  • jim karlock (unverified)

    That link demanded registration. Thanks JK

  • jim karlock (unverified)

    Alex: Nothing wrong with grassroots democracy is there? JK: Of course there is - if it is the other side, then they are corporate lackeys, greedy or just don't care enough about the children (after the gov't has already fully funded the local boondoggles.)

    Thanks JK

  • John Napolitano (unverified)

    Taxes are what we pay for civilized society. Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • urban planning overlord (unverified)

    Most Counties in Oregon are in a real fix. The solution the Karlocks of the world want to impose is just to forget about the money and slash County services. People should be paying for books anyway, right? And there's no reason little tots shouldn't be charged an admission fee to use the park swingset, is there? And all those social service programs Counties do - TOTALLY UNNECESSARY! ...

    Oh yeah, this is BLUE Oregon, not RED Oregon.

    Anyway, back to reality. I have two solutions to this loss of funds which, though both politically unrealistic at this time, should be thoroughly pursued:

    1. This federal money was sent to timber Counties in major part because all of that federal forest land is not on the property tax rolls. The Counties should demand that all except the most environmentally sensitive of the national forest lands should be sold to private parties and put back on the tax rolls. Alternatively, the Counties should demand that the federal government pay property taxes on these lands.

    2. If the federal government doesn't choose to cooperate with this measure, a better solution for Counties than an income tax would be to request the legislature amend the state's property tax laws to allow a commensurate increase in property taxes, rather than a new local income tax.

  • eugenian (unverified)

    The link does not require registration. At least not after noon, when the entire day's edition is available.

    As a Lane County resident, I'm a bit P.O.'d about having this tax effectively thrust upon me and my family. However, I believe the services we all depend on still deserve funding.
    Much as we pay $200/month for health insurance so we don't have to pay thousands for specific procedures, we pay a little bit in taxes for services we could not afford individually.

    If anyone wants to get into petitions and the like, they ought to be directed at the White House and Congress, not Lane County.

  • Alex Davies (unverified)

    Yeah, Ollie "Three Generations of Imbeciles are Enough" Holmes cared way more about protecting his precious "civilization" from the scummy masses than he did about protecting the rights of individuals from government abuse. Remember what he said in Buck v. Bell about forced sterilization? "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes." A real liberal hero, that guy.

  • Phil Jones (unverified)

    "If you tax too high, the revenue will yield nothing."

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • (Show?)
    Posted by: Phil Jones | Mar 5, 2007 12:28:17 PM

    And in GOP/BushWorld theory, cut taxes = increase revenues, so if you cut taxes to zero, you will have infinite revenue for the state.


  • (Show?)
    Posted by: Alex Davies | Mar 5, 2007 11:23:57 AM Nothing wrong with grassroots democracy is there?

    Depends. If slavery, Jim Crow and mixed-race marriages were put to popular vote, we would still have slavery and lynchings for blacks marrying whites. There is a reason we don't have direct democracy, though there are problems with representative democratic forms of government as well.

  • lin qiao (unverified)

    There is a reason we don't have direct democracy, though there are problems with representative democratic forms of government as well.

    EXACTLY. We elect people to represent us. If they don't, we're supposed to throw them out. Of course I realize that's the theory and, unfortunately, too commonly not the practice, but what's the alternative? Not, IMHO, ballot initiatives, which are hijacked by highly motivated small groups (and I consider this true on both left and right).

    The rationale for even having ballot initiatives seems to be this: those damn elected fools are either corrupt or co-opted by moneyed interests, so We The People need a way to get around them. What we actually get are shoddily drafted initiatives, funded and promoted by small groups, and voters being asked to pass quick judgement on complicated matters of fiscal policy and the like. We're not talking here about the traditional New England town meeting, in a place where everyone knows everyone else.

    I've adopted the admittedly extreme approach of refusing to sign ALL ballot initiatives. TO do otherwise would amount to me personally legitimating what I consider a broken, if not simply corrupt, system.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    John Napolitano:

    "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Bob T:

    Gosh, does that mean that if we have all of our income taken in taxation that we'll be 100% civilized?

    Bob Tiernan

  • Alex Davies (unverified)

    iIf slavery, Jim Crow and mixed-race marriages were put to popular vote, we would still have slavery and lynchings for blacks marrying whites.

    Are you comparing local opposition to a county income tax with support for slavery and legalized lynching? If so, then I’d like to retract my earlier criticism of Justice Holmes' views on forced sterilization of imbeciles: I'm all for it now.

    Also, do you have polling to back up the above claim?

  • (Show?)

    Regarding site registration... if you don't want to register, visit for a login.

  • (Show?)

    Of course there is - if it is the other side, then they are corporate lackeys, greedy or just don't care enough about the children

    I think it's hilarious that you guys are reading stuff that doesn't exist in the post. We sure must have a lot of invisible text here at BlueOregon.

    To recap, here are the original sentences:

    This Saturday, anti-tax activists will attempt to collect 10,000 signatures in one day - to refer a new Lane County income tax to the ballot. Commissioners enacted the new income tax in order to offset the expected loss $40 million in federal payments to Oregon counties. First, a little background from the Register-Guard: ... What do these anti-government activists have to accomplish? ... Read the rest. Discuss.

    Anything that's not fact-based here?

  • (Show?)
    Posted by: Alex Davies | Mar 5, 2007 2:17:47 PM Are you comparing local opposition to a county income tax with support for slavery and legalized lynching?

    I was pointing out that popular support among the electorate combined with direct democracy can, and has historically, shown some severe problems or potential problems. The issues of popular majority support for Jim Crow, segregation, etc. being the most egregious example, but used to illustrate the point.

    Also, do you have polling to back up the above claim?

    Google Gallup polls and anti-miscegenation laws. For example in 1958, the first Gallup poll conducted on the subject of interracial marriage revealed that 94% of whites opposed them.

    Later on there had been some improvement in attitudes towards mixed race marriages yet in 1965 that 42 percent of Northern whites still supported bans on inter-racial marriage, as did 72 percent of southern whites.

  • JohnH (unverified)

    I've voted for a lot of taxes in my life. The problem with this one is that it's billed as progressive when in fact it shelters the corporate lackeys and greedy ones. The burden will be born almost totally by individuals, just like the state income tax. Corporations won't pay taxes on out of country sales and they will be very creative about shifting expenses into Lane County to minimize profits. People should remember how these corporations behave: PGE collected years of taxes from rate payers and then never bothered to pass them along to the state. The same kind of thing will almost certainly happen here. The county simply can't afford good auditors and good enforcement, particularly when they're up against companies the size and complexity of Wal-Mart, Target and Home Depot.

    When they figure out how to spread the burden in a truly progressive way, they'll get my vote. They really need the money.

  • lin qiao (unverified)

    That link demanded registration. Thanks.---JK

    Chisholm: Regarding site registration... if you don't want to register, visit for a login.

    Huh? The only website linked in the original posting was to the Register-Guard, which I just linked to without any requests for registration. And even if the Register-Guard did want registration, so what? Their choice. JK similarly could require visitors to his own websites to register if he wanted--again, his choice.

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    The corporate tax burden for Oregon companies is a record low of 6% (give or take a percent depending in how you calculate). So why does the average working Joe have to foot the whole bill?

    Oh, that's right - corporations don't use the roads, bridges, clean water, zoning laws, the court system, or depend on an educated middle-class to deliver their goods and services.


  • Michael Wilson (unverified)

    People gripe about corporation getting away without paying much for the services they receive, but there is another group that gets even more free handouts and that is the non-profits. Many of the non-profits pay for phones, gas, electricty, water, sewage and a host of other services including alarm services. Why shouldn't they be expected to pay a monthly or quarterly fee for fire protection and police protection and maybe a monthly fee for road maintenance? MHW

  • GT (unverified)

    Why aren't they just forthcoming with us? How much do they really need? 20% of our income? How about 80%? It seems the PERS benefits and lavish vacation packages isn't enough for these people! They want it ALL. Greedy jerks.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)


    And in GOP/BushWorld theory, cut taxes = increase revenues, so if you cut taxes to zero, you will have infinite revenue for the state.

    Bob T:

    Well, no, no one with that view says that. There's a point that is reached on the way down where revenues decline again. But the rates are high enough and have been that lowering them does increase revenues.

    But many Repub types shouldn't be for the optimum rate anyway -- unless they want the government to have all of that money. I certainly don't.




    Smirk you.

    Bob Tiernan

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Thanks, Alex Davies, for reproducing that quote of Oliver Wendell Holmes -- a prime example of what you get with the "for the good of the whole" mentality and with the so-called "living Constitution" doctrine (the classic case being Scott v. Sanford).

    Bob Tiernan

  • Bob (unverified)


    Call me an "anti-government zealot" again!.

  • (Show?)

    I wonder if Bob Tiernan also thinks that Thomas Jefferson owning slaves is an utter reputation of the Declaration of Independence. Or the Constitution of the United States.

    You know how it goes, right Bob? Let's see if I can accurately reproduce your likely commentary...

    "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    BobT: Obviously BobT doesn't like this "constitution". It's filled with this "good for the whole" mentality. It talks about The People. Promoting the general welfare. Securing the blessings of liberty (obviously in conflict with Bush/Republican domestic policies). BobT thinks its Communist. BobT likes King George.

    Is that about right? Or was that still too liberal to be you?

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Steven Maurer:

    I wonder if Bob Tiernan also thinks that Thomas Jefferson owning slaves is an utter reputation of the Declaration of Independence. Or the Constitution of the United States.

    Bob T:

    I've re-read what you're responding to and I see nothing in there that even hints that I would not agree that Jefferson owning slaves is a refutation (not "reputation") of those two founding documents. Nice try.

    Now I'll let you reproduce the introduction following an odd comment.

    Steven Maurer:

    You know how it goes, right Bob? Let's see if I can accurately reproduce your likely commentary...

    "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    Bob T:

    Great words. Point here is that I don't see permission there for subordinating individual rights for so-called "group" rights. Not even in Article One.

    Steven Maurer:

    Obviously BobT doesn't like this "constitution".

    Bob T:

    Spoken like a true ignoramus whose already lost the argument.

    Steven Maurer:

    It's filled with this "good for the whole" mentality. It talks about The People. Promoting the general welfare. Securing the blessings of liberty (obviously in conflict with Bush/Republican domestic policies). BobT thinks its Communist. BobT likes King George.

    Bob T:

    What you don't understand is that "general" is not "specific" and has little if anything to do with squashing individual rights for "the good of the whole". For example, guaranteeing the free enterprise system we have promotes the general welfare without reducing any individual's rights, as does allowing free travel, free speech and so on. I see no contradiction anywhere, but I do when, later on, things like property rights and economic rights were squashed "for the good of the whole", usually meaning more power for government and privileges for the elite and coporate interests whether the progressives (so-called) knew it or not.

    Steven Maurer:

    Is that about right? Or was that still too liberal to be you?

    Bob T:

    Didja like the Kelo decision? That was your kind of decision, not mine. Your ilk asked for it and made it possible, for decades leading up to it. Dred Scott, too.

    Bob Tiernan

  • Paul C. (unverified)

    Our Lane County Commissioners approved a county income tax after WE SAID "NO." If you are unhappy about this and want to have your voice heard loud and clear, please join us on Saturday, March 10th from 8am until 5pm for the Official Petition Signing Day at one of the eight sites listed below.

    Eugene Elks lodge -- 2470 West 11th, Eugene (near Staples) Econo Lodge -- 1190 West 6th Avenue, Eugene Graffiti Alley -- 675 River Road, Eugene Ray's Food Place -- 25013 Highway 126, Veneta D&D classic Automotive -- 1180 Ivy Street, Junction City Florence Hearth & Patio Shop -- 85295 Highway 101, Florence Emerald Isle Mobile Home Park in Rec Room -- 658 S. 57th, Springfield Immanuel Baptist Church -- 3050 Game Farm Road, Springfield

    If you have any questions please contact one of the following: Bob 654-1327 Ben 743-1556 Carol 915-1743 Lisa 515-1017

    See you there.

  • GT (unverified)

    Good luck with your petition drive. I sure hope my county doesn't try to pull this over on us. I think the time has come to put government in this state on a big fat diet. Overpaid money greedy PERS thieves.

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