Quote of the Month: Howard Dean

Give 'em hell, Howard:

"Our object was not to get you into power because we are Democrats -- our object was to get you into power so you actually do something."

-- DNC Chair Howard Dean, April 8

As reported by the Denver Post - in an article that is very much worth reading.


  • Different Salem Staffer (unverified)

    Here's the link to the story. Seems to be broken in the post.

  • spicey (unverified)

    wow, how cool. I went to camp with Naftali BenDavid back in the 70s! Great article, thanks.

  • (Show?)

    The link is fixed now. Thanks, DSS.

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    Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

    That kind of blunt honesty is why I, a hardcore moderate Independent, became and remain a very proud Deaniac.

    We seriously F-ed up not making him our President when we had the chance!

  • (Show?)

    Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

    That kind of blunt honesty is why I, a hardcore moderate Independent, became and remain a very proud Deaniac.

    We seriously F-ed up not making him our President when we had the chance!

  • Johnpdx (unverified)

    I was so disappointed when he didnt win the nomination (and subsequently the presidency). But I am eternally grateful that he is the chairman of the DNC. I am a firm believer in the 50 state strategy, and his honesty and candor breathe new life into the Democratic Party.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    I was a Dean delegate to the Washington State Democratic Convention, having been inspired to political action by Howard's message "You have the power!" and opposition to war in Iraq. A unique and fascinating experience.

    I'm so glad that the unsuccessful campaign helped him land the job of chairman. The party needs to take to heart his repudiation of the triangulation-scheming of the DLC appeasers (from the cited article):

    <h2>"This is something the Democrats have suffered from for a long time - a shrinking party concentrating on fewer and fewer voters," Dean said. "We just haven't competed. We have been afraid to. And this notion that we are going to do the math and if we miss two states we are going to lose the presidency is crazy."</h2>
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