Raining McCain

Jeff Alworth

This will surely dispel the lingering worry that McCain is too old and out of touch to reach the younger generation. 

Let the schadenfreude begin...

  • admiralnaismith (unverified)

    Oh My God.

    It's like watching your mother try to breakdance.

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    1) Not only is it RAINING John McCain, but it looks like there's a little snow on top. 2) I guess I missed the verse where we stay get to stay in Iraq until McCain is 173 years old.... 3) The campaign can't bother with trivial things, like production values, singers who all stay in the same key, or message --- dammit, it's raining John McCain! 4) Every morning I like to wake up and wash my face with a splash of fresh, clear, soothing John McCain! 5) Jeez, the Pointer Sisters have really let themselves go....

  • M. H. Wilson (unverified)

    My wife calls him McCain't.

    Maybe I should copyright that. Wadaya think?

  • anon (unverified)

    What's the deal with the one woman's Star Trek "beam me up Scotty" legs?

  • Different Anon (unverified)

    What's the deal with the one woman's Star Trek "beam me up Scotty" legs?

    Lesson for all the aspiring music video actors out there: When you're in front of a green screen, don't wear green! :)

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    It's fun to laugh, I know, but I can only think of a couple plausible scenarios that result in an assy vid like this, and neither one offers any insight into, or reflection on, the McCain campaign.

  • Don Jones (unverified)

    I put a link on MyManJohn.com


    Don Jones MyManJohn.com

  • Iced Tee (unverified)

    At least the young lady on the right is kind of cute, for a fat chick. But none of them should be allowed to sing more than 2 feet away from the showerhead.

  • anonymous (unverified)

    Is this from the campaign, or just some random supporters?

  • BOHICA (unverified)

    Looking at the favorites on the Youtube site, this may be for real. If it is not satire,...

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    Carla--Netroots Outreach Jeff Merkley for Oregon

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    After a solid 23 seconds of reflections, I concluded it must not be satire. Either way, it's fine entertainment.

  • joeldanwalls (unverified)

    Remarkably, it did not pass the satire test.....but hey, McCain has a teenage daughter, right? Maybe she was a production adviser.

    Also, what's the modern slang equivalent of "square"??

  • dartagnan (unverified)

    Too painful to listen to for more than a minute.

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    As the campaign progresses the American people are going to hear a lot about how John McCain took American jobs away from the Pac Northwest and Kansas and sent them to France. The American taxpayer is not going to take kindly to sending our money to France to buy tankers for our military, instead of buying American technology, and American aircraft with American money. He and his lobbyist staff sent the military tanker contract to European Airbus instead of Boeing. This hasn't received much press yet surprisingly from NW media oulets.


    http://thinkprogress.org/2008/03/21/mccain-airbus-merci/ The French thank John McCain for Airbus contract?

    Earlier this month, Northrop Grumman and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. (EADS), the parent company of France-based Airbus, won a $40 billion Air Force tanker contract, beating out Boeing, DOD’s usual go-to company for Air Force contracts. Some of Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) presidential campaign advisers lobbied for EADS while actions by McCain himself helped the deal go through. The contract would create thousands of jobs for Airbus and thus the French have a message for McCain: “Merci.” Watch this new video from the Campaign for America’s Future:

  • Abby NORML (unverified)

    This is too vacuous.

    Let's get into McCain on immigration!

    I don't want to hear about the "jobs Americans won't do". It's the illegal things that law abiding Americans won't do that law breaking immigrants WILL do because they are already breaking the law. Why would a legal, unemployed member of the less than middle class apply for a fast-food, minimum wage job? Because they won't break the law. There are many, better options for Americans that will break the law. How many poor folk do you think split their time between working at Mickey D's and selling rock?

    Does Mr. & Mrs. Quickfood Joint Owner have an alternative to consciencious, down on their luck, domestic workers? Yes! The worker that got here by breaking the law. The "job that American's won't do" is to systematically break the law and act contrary to the accepted rules of societal behavior at the whim of their employer. Many illegal workers will do this. Many illegal workers come from draconian societies and can only see that the US isn't as bad. Their willingness to act in the gap is the essence of their marketability to small business. That's why they get the jobs.

    That's what Mom and Pop America are looking for. Comentators have stated widely, yet it is still remarkable, that Americans are acting more and more against their own self interests to the direct benefit of the corporate elite. After someone has shown up for the shift with raging bronchitis, and the manager won't call up a replacement, since the replacement would have over x hours for the week and be eligible for full-time benefits, what happens preparing your meal? (watch out, KOIN tower Quizno's, Dave Solesky) What happens when the inspector comes around? The inspectors presume that people aren't total crooks. They don't secure the premises before an inspection so that employees can't run around correcting known, chronic violations before they are inspected. Americans don't like living like this. Someone that escaped the military junta and is getting 10x what their old doctor did, thinks we're a bunch of wusses for not wanting to do "real work". Are you getting a picture of what "real work" REALLY means?

    Europeans have to document their attempts to hire locally before employing individuals from other European states. The American public places no requirements on business to show that any of their slogans have any basis in practice. They used to say, "The Business of America is Business". Now, I think it would be more accurate to say, "The Business of America is Business and the Methodology of American Business is Fraud". Look at Oregon's high tech. unemployment numbers, and look at the qualifications of those people. We do not need to be writing H4 visas for Indians and Pakistanis at HP, Intel, MS and Rapidigm (largest per capita H4 employer in the country). You think that doesn't drag us down? Rapidgm is so geared to whipping people off a flight from the subcontinent and into an Oregon job that their employee handbook starts off by telling new employees how often they are expected to bathe. Yeah, that isn't lowering our standard of living one bit. Don't patronize the mega-employers that support this krap, like US Bank in Gresham and the aforementioned.

    Concrete point. I watch a lot of Sky TV in the UK. Do Californians know that their tax dollars are going toward advertising, targeting UK workers, extolling the virtues of working in California, with the Governator summing it up with, "When can you start?". Arnie, why don't you have the spine to turn to your fellow unemployed Californians and tell them to just go to hell.

    And this pretty much goes for Gen Xers too! Being willing to look someone in the eye and lie for no particular reason than it's a bit easier than the alternative, is big time marketable vis a vis American business!

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    At least the young lady on the right is kind of cute, for a fat chick.

    Note to self: Be good, be good.

  • bye bye Smith (unverified)

    John McCain is acid rain. John McCain is more of the same. Keep the thieves, torturers and war profiteers in office. Vote Republican.

  • Rose Wilde (unverified)

    "At least the young lady on the right is kind of cute, for a fat chick." Iced Tee

    "Note to self: Be good, be good." Oregonian 37

    Men of Blue Oregon -- be an ally against sexism and post your disgust with this kind of comment. I'm sure my (female) voice will do little to influence those who think this kind of comment is still okay when it is about republicans, but it is not.

    Besides, there is just so much more we can do with this video without resorting to fat jokes.

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    Oh, I'm sure Mr & Mrs Tee's little boy Iced is just the absolute image of human perfection, and therefore has an absolute right -- nay DUTY! to insult someone based on looks alone. I look forward to my man Iced posting a link to a video of him singing, posing, or just standing there, so we may all bask in the glory of his physical Godliness. Iced Tee for President! He will lead us to a better, brighter tomorrow!

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    You're right Rose. Nice response Glen HD28.

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    Rose, I am very much a woman and my comment was in reference to holding back from a tirade that I was not in the mood for, to be directed at Tee.

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    As far as I know, Iced Tee is a Republican, which adds to the surrealism.

  • Gil Johnson (unverified)

    Wow, this has the look and sound of something you see on Channel 11. It has to have been produced by someone at the DNC or MoveOn.

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    As if. We Dems know not to wear green in front of a chroma-key screen! Nice try Gil. Thanks for the props Chris.

  • brad (unverified)

    Weird Al is spinning in his grave.

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    'Cept Al ain't dead. Catch him at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, Aug 25. Hey, I feel just a little bit happier now!

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