HD 30: Showdown in Rock Creek?

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

It's a rough year for Republicans - especially the Oregon House Republicans.

They've got substandard candidates running all over the place -- folks like the Rev. Dr. Tony Marino, ultimate fighting champ Matt Lindland, and Matt Wingard (who disciplines his kid with hardware.)

And they left three of the four red-to-blue seats from 2006 go uncontested (Brian Clem, Jean Cowan, Chris Edwards.)

And now it seems that in HD 30 - they're pulling their candidate against Rep. David Edwards, the fourth red-to-blue flip in '06. From the Forest Grove News-Times:

[Andy] Meyer, however, is expected to decline the nomination, leaving a hole on the ballot.

The News-Times was unable to reach Meyer, but Nick Smith, a spokesman for the House Republicans, confirmed that their current candidate is expected to bow out, requiring the party to chose a replacement at a nominating convention this summer.

In Meyer's place, they're expected to nominate Washington County Commissioner Andy Duyck -- whose second cousin, Jeff Duyck, is already running against Rep. Chuck Riley.

Duyck said the GOP has tried to recruit him in the past, but he's demurred because of the challenges of running his business, Duyck Machine.

“But I've managed to get some good people in there and it's working out for me now,” Duyck said.

Unseating an incumbent Democrat is expected to be hard this fall because of rising Democratic momentum nationwide, but Duyck's name recognition and experience will likely help in fighting the odds.

He'll also be able to campaign with his second cousin.

Forest Grove businessman Jeff Duyck is running against Democratic incumbent Chuck Riley in neighboring House District 29, which covers Forest Grove, Cornelius and downtown Hillsboro.

Andy Duyck is currently in the middle of his term as county commissioner, so he won't have to give up that job unless he unseats Edwards.

They've been targeting David Edwards from the moment he stepped into the Capitol - so this isn't a big surprise.

But it does mean we're going to have to work a little harder, give a little more money, and pay closer attention to House District 30.

So, visit the website for David Edwards to learn more and volunteer, and make a donation today.

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    Dangit, you (barely) beat me to it.

    Yes, Edwards will have a hard reelection bid now. Duyck would be a good State Rep.

  • Washington County Geography Bee (unverified)

    It's not exactly a showdown in Rock Creek.

    Rock Creek is a small CDP partially located in HD 30 and partially located in HD 33. Although Rock Creek Country Club is in HD 30, two other significant Rock Creek locales, PCC Rock Creek and McMenamins Rock Creek Tavern, are in HD 33.

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    Rock Creek sounds good though. The district covers mostly Hillsboro as well as North Plains, and some rural areas north of Forest Grove. I believe it also has a bit of unincorporated Portland in it.

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    I take back my first comment, it looks like a barely beat you to posting about it.

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    Re: Rock Creek

    I was working from this description in the News-Times:

    House District 30, which covers North Plains, Rock Creek and rural Washington County north of Forest Grove and Cornelius.
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    It's a good bet that both Reps Chuck Riley and Dave Edwards will be at tonight's (Wed 6/25) meeting of the Washington County Democrats 6:30PM at the new location in Beaverton. Visit www.washcodems.org for details. Guest speakers will include Sen Ben Westlund, candidate for OR treasurer. Bring your checkbooks, and help Chuck & Dave with their campaigns.

  • Mary (unverified)

    "Re: Rock Creek

    <h1>I was working from this description in the News-Times:"</h1>

    Well, THAT is your problem. But easily fixable. Just go down to Rock Creek Tavern and hoist a few. Then you'll figure out where things are.

  • Mary (unverified)

    Some dolt named AJ526 wrote:

    <h1>"Dangit, you (barely) beat me to it."</h1>

    And then followed up with:

    <h1>"I take back my first comment, it looks like a barely beat you to posting about it."</h1>

    AJ526, nobody really cares what you think, EVER!

    So, do you really think that anybody (yes, sadly even your mother) would care WHEN you think it? Or how fast you regurgitate it on some meaningless blog?

    Get over your sad, little pathetic self.

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    Help me out with the phonetics here--does the guy run "Dyke Machines" or "Dick Machines?" Either way, how does that play with a conservative crowd that doesn't want people gaining pleasure from either kind?


  • sadie (unverified)

    Rock Creek is so crafty we actually have THREE house districts in our little community. If you live South of West Union and East of 185th, you are in HD 34 Chris Harker's district now. We just like to confuse everybody out here.

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    Well, THAT is your problem. But easily fixable. Just go down to Rock Creek Tavern and hoist a few. Then you'll figure out where things are.

    With all due respect--I don't think the people who live out in the area can agree on what constitutes Rock Creek--so to ask someone (including the patrons of the Rock Creek Tavern) to have it nailed down is unreasonable. Besides, the grub is better at the Mad Greek Deli across the street.

    Mark--the correct pronounciation of Duyck as I understand it rhymes with "pike".

  • Mable (unverified)
    <h1>"Mark--the correct pronounciation of Duyck as I understand it rhymes with "pike"."</h1>

    Nope, you are wrong.

    It rhymes with "dyke". Not many of them in that district, not that there's anything wrong with that. Rhyming with "dyke", that is. On the other, plenty.

  • Robert Harris (unverified)

    David Edwards is a class act. He's a smart, moderate, honest, successful and he listens. Its encouraging that people like him are willing to serve. As a freshman legislator, he served on ways and means and was selected to shephard the rainy day fund law through the house.

    Andy Duyck isn't a moderate. He will be in the Charles Starr mold.

    Blue Oregon readers and friends should help Representative Edwards. This will be a tough election with Duycks name recognition and the fact that people here have voted for him before.

    Its important to all progressives statewide that a quality legislator like David Edwards keeps his seat in a swing district.

  • Christian Gaston (unverified)

    Sorry about the confusion over my mention of Rock Creek. I'm not technically paid to know about anything east of Hillsboro ;)

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    <h2>It may rhyme with dyke or pike in Oregon now, but it looks like a Dutch name that would have been closer to "doik" originally, maybe the 'o' stretched out a little toward 'u', a sound we don't use much in English, despite our proximity to Frisian -- you find it in Irish-English though. In Afrikaans there's and antelope called a duiker, and "duik" is a verb meaning to plunge or dive. (When Afrikaans was formalized, Dutch spelling was simplified.)</h2>

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