The Benedict Arnold of Gordon Smith's War on Furniture

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Gordon Smith is losing his mind.

He's now running a second TV ad attacking Jeff Merkley about the Oregon State Capitol renovation project. This time, the charge is that Merkley's 2006 House Democrats attacked then-Speaker Karen Minnis about buying nice, cushy furniture for her personal office.

Nevermind that Merkley removed the Speaker's office from the furniture project. Nevermind the fact that almost all the money for the renovation project was spent on wiring, cabling, fixing walls, and making the water safe to drink. Nevermind that the furniture was built by Oregon prisoners. Nevermind that it was done on a bipartisan vote and agreement of both parties.

Here's what's really interesting.

In Gordon Smith's "War on Furniture", he's got a Benedict Arnold in his midst.

Kerry_tymchukThat's right, folks. Gordon Smith's state director - the esteemed Kerry Tymchuk - voted for the Capitol remodel project as a member of the Public Commission on the Legislature.

And he didn't just vote for it. He praised the PCOL's recommendations as "thoughtful" and "innovative". Later, he even called it "realistic". From the meeting minutes (pdf):

Tymchuk: Reminds members that a goal of the commission early on was to adopt recommendations that were realistic and idealistic – thinks that has been accomplished thanks to the dedication and perseverance of the cochairs.

Now, I don't know Kerry Tymchuk.

But I do know this: When you're the state director for a U.S. Senator, you're representing that U.S. Senator at all times. You're their voice, their spokesperson.

When it comes to the War on Furniture, Gordon Smith's team is playing both sides.

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    Full disclosure: My firm built Jeff Merkley's website, but I speak only for myself.

  • LT (unverified)

    Kerry Tymchuk, like all PCOL members, did a lot of unsung hard work.

    I had been wondering why Gordon didn't know (or didn't care?) about his staffer's work on PCOL.

    Or is he that desparate?

    Gordon should tell us what PCOL should have done differently. Put the old furniture in storage and then put it in the new offices? Say the pipes weren't corroded enough to fix and the wiring was sufficient for 21st century operation and not a fire hazard?

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    Smith is proving himself a typical Republican elitist here.

    He apparently has no problem with the collective wealth being spent on one privileged individual (Minnis).

    But when it's the rank and file getting to share in the wealth then he has a big problem with it.

    Undoubtedly the fact that the Speaker's office was exempted (under Merkley) just added insult to injury in the mind of Gordon Smith.

    I mean, how DARE the privileged and powerful not abuse their power for their own (and ONLY their own) enrichment like fellow Republicans Karen Minnis and Senator Stevens!?!?

  • Jonathan Radmacher (unverified)

    Please, please, please. Can someone in D.C. (by my count, there are five D staffs running around the hill) get pictures of Smith's office furnishings?

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    Try this:

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    Here's another shot of Gordo in his office - pinstripes and all...

    Some enterprizing organization ought to very publically donate a framed picture of this shot to Gordo:

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    I've never seen those chairs, the rug, and other furnishings at IKEA!

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    How about that marble fireplace that Gordo is obviously keen to be seen in front of?

  • Ken (unverified)

    Forget about his DC office - somebody please get a photo of the Smith Portland digs - in particular Kerry's office - it is much nicer than anything at the Capitol.

  • JTT (unverified)

    Uhg...those tartan chairs are HIDEOUS! Smith obviously has no taste...but hey they probably cost a million bucks a piece, right?

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