Trouble with commenting

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Hey folks - a brief administrative note. Our blog host,, is reporting system-wide troubles with the commenting system. Some folks, as you can plainly see, are able to comment - and some aren't.

The symptoms of the problem: you write a comment, click "preview" or "post" and nothing happens. Nothing at all. Alternately, some folks are reporting a "file not found" error instead. Either way, the comment never appears - and, I can tell you, isn't showing up behind-the-scenes in the database either.

Among the folks who can't comment? Me. This is a system-wide problem at TypePad. So, rest assured, that we aren't deliberately blocking YOU from commenting. Y'all can stop sending me hate mail.

From TypePad's "status" blog:

We are investigation reports of sporadic commenting issues. We expect to have further updates on Monday, March 29.

This problem is turning up on Firefox 3.6 and MSIE 8 for PCs, and at least on Safari on the iPhone. For those of you who have been able to comment this weekend, please post the details of your setup and maybe we'll be able to help TypePad figure this out.

On a related note: The long-awaited redesigned and upgraded BlueOregon - built on an entirely new technology - is nearly complete. For real this time. We'll have more updates very shortly.

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    I can't post using Firefox 3.58. The error console shows that it is throwing these errors when I attempt to post:

    Error: cText is undefined Source File: Line: 356

    Error: handleSubmit is not defined Source File: Line: 1

    So it looks as though you may be missing some JavaScript libraries. Looking at the BO source code, I see that you are calling:

    However, when I copy and paste that into the browser's location bar it throws a 404 "not found" error. So perhaps typepad moved or deleted the comments.js library?

  • Kurt Hagadakis (unverified)

    Safari test when Firefox and IE aren't working.

  • Kurt Hagadakis (unverified)

    That seems to work (on XP). Here's some more info. Those other browsers DO work, periodically. I posted my other three comments using one of the combos that doesn't work, by writing a program that told me when someone else had succeeded. The browsers explain why sometimes that was valid and others not.

    The missing routines, Sal, are most likely that the page timed about before fully loading rather than they were actually missing. At least, I haven't seen that so far.

  • Kurt Hagadakis (unverified)

    So, I guess Safari users have the floor...

  • LT (unverified)

    I have an old (used when I got it) PC. The Windows is XP, my browser is IE and probably an older version at that.

  • mp97303 (unverified)

    Win XP using Google Chrome

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    WinXP with Google Chrome, same version as MP.

    This is the first comment I've managed to get work in 3-4 days.

  • riverat (unverified)

    Firefox 3.6 on XP here.

  • msmelharmon (unverified)

    Two computers, both have no problems:

    1. Windows XP, IE

    2. Windows 7, IE

  • mamabigdog (unverified)

    Will the Oregon News feed get fixed soon? it's been frozen since 3/19

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Windows XP, Firefox 3.6. Seems to work if I preview.

  • Kurt Hagadakis (unverified)

    Never mind... Definitely not the browser. I tried this immediately (within 120 seconds) with Google Chrome on XP and it didn't post. It's a window where the server is responding.

    As chance would have it I made my test during a period when their server was working Sorry for any superfluous installs, but, hey, it runs content fastest!

    Also, Sal's theory is a good one- glanced too fast- but I get a 404 when I can post! I think it's the syntax of the URL in a browser.

    You guys must be strobing at a high rate! My process only works by detecting that you got through. Aroud 5, 25, 50 after the hour seems to be something of a pattern.

    The window is getting shorter and more frequent. Sounds like somebody trying to reboot a server. And knocked off for the night. I've tried the four major browsers on two platforms and there's no pattern there.

  • Kurt Hagadakis (unverified)

    I know I'm going to regret writing this, but I think the commenting problem is fixed. Still have to hit "preview" first.

  • Joe Hill (unverified)

    Windows XP and Firefox 3.6 still not working here. (I'm making this comment with Opera)

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    <h2>Seems to be working here now, finally. Firefox 3.6 on a PC.</h2>

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