Kurt Schrader's legislative malpractice
Carla Axtman
Toward the end of last week, the US House of Representatives took some key votes on the budget, the EPA's ability to regulate emissions and on Net Neutrality. On all three, Oregon Democratic Congressman Kurt Schrader voted like a Republican. And it was ugly.
Weirdly, Schrader voted with the GOP on a spending measure that kept the US government open, but apparently want's a take back on that one:
Shortly after the votes, Schrader said he "mistakenly" voted for the spending bill.
"I will be placing a statement in the Congressional record explaining my opposition to the CR," he said, using congressional short-hand for the bill.
This is just bizarre to me. How does one "mistakenly" vote on a bill like this? It's been in the news and at the forefront of the discussion for weeks. The thing is epically bad. Schrader can't figure that out before pushing the button? Good grief.
In another vote, Schrader says he didn't make a mistake. He voted to strip the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorinated gases and other harmful emissions. Schrader seems to be pinning his hopes on the notion that Congress can regulate these emissions...which is so much poppycock. Most of the members of the House don't believe climate change is real. Is Schrader imagining they'll somehow shrug off the ideological bridle of their party and require corporations to do something right and good for the commons?
And then there's Friday's vote by Schrader cast against Net Neutrality. Schrader's parsing of the issue rings about as hollow as it gets. This vote demonstrates an utter failure to advocate for and protect regular consumers.
All of this is little more than legislative malpractice on Schrader's part, as far as I'm concerned.
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7:14 p.m.
Apr 12, '11
I've never been a fan, ever since he squashed Paid Family Leave in the Oregon State Legislature. I'm looking forward to seeing a truly progressive Dem run against him in the primary...
4:57 p.m.
Apr 20, '11
I never worried much about political parties until Ronald Reagan came along. He started out as a Democrat but later became a Republican of a different stripe, with his trickle down economy and tax cuts for the rich.
The polite term for Kurt Schrader is blue dog Democrat, but titles realy don't mean much. He might as well step over to the other side of the room with Boehner, McConnel, Lieberman, McCain, I'm not going to name them all, but my list contains a lot of so called Democrats too.
I got Scraders shiny paper in the mail telling about his supposed budget reform. Well, I never did like shiny paper, but this one has a little message in the corner informing me that it was prepared, published and mailed at tax payers expense.
In my opinion he has a lot of unpremeditated gall and it looks like he is pandering to the corporate interests that are currently running this country into the ground...G:
7:58 p.m.
Apr 12, '11
The Supreme Court has ruled, so the EPA action is legal and constitutional. The ruling said that Congress has already given the EPA the authority to regulate carbon emissions. If Congress wanted to adjust the parameters, it could at any time, but "taking it away" in the context of the continuing funding resolution without providing effective implementing legislation does a disservice to America because it is gone and there is no assurance that Congress will enact anything in its place. In fact, it we know that it will never pass the Republican-led House, so there would be no regulation of carbon emissions in the foreseeable future.
I found it disingenuous of Kurt to assert that the administration or judges are "legislating" in this case. Or astoundingly naive. Or trying to be way too “clever” and try to play both sides if he figured his position on the EPA would lose ultimately.
8:33 p.m.
Apr 12, '11
It must be very painful trying to straddle all the fences he's trying to straddle at this point.
10:01 p.m.
Apr 12, '11
Along with Kurt's support of the Korea Free Trade Agreement, these votes are very troubling. I am not happy with my congressperson.
9:03 a.m.
Apr 13, '11
I don't get his positioning at all. Darlene Hooley had to be more conservative to win elections than Portland liberals liked, but she managed to find ways to do it that appealed to her district without really pissing off the funding from Portland.
Kurt seems to go out of his way to find odd votes that don't win support in either circle. At the same time they don't seem to fit a policy position that is consistent and principled; just random ad-hoc swipes.
9:18 a.m.
Apr 13, '11
Actually, there is a huge constituency for showing concern, but doing nothing substantial about climate change. The other mainstream position is to claim that climate scientists are engaged in a conspiracy headed by Al Gore.
Irresponsibility in service to the status quo is never surprising.
11:24 a.m.
Apr 13, '11
Really? I was pretty pissed when she ran ads touting her efforts to repeal the "death tax."
2:10 p.m.
Apr 14, '11
I was too, but she would engage on that issue substantively and it did reflect her district. However, because she would engage with us, she eventually changed her position to support an inheritance tax.
11:29 a.m.
Apr 13, '11
Carla wrote, "Schrader seems to be pinning his hopes on the notion that Congress can regulate these emissions...which is so much poppycock!".
I completely agree that Congress will be ineffectual on this. But, let us recall that last year's bipartisan (tripartisan?) Kerry-Graham-Lieberman would've done exactly the same thing- it would've stripped the EPA of its ability to regulate CO-2, in favor of the (at least in my mind) questionable cap-and-trade scheme.
So, last year, lots of Democrats voted to strip the EPA of this ability.
11:32 a.m.
Apr 13, '11
And, we need to get nitrous oxide out of whipped-cream aerosol cans. Not only because it's a very potent greenhouse gas, but the stuff doesn't get a person high for very long, anyway.
12:35 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
Kurt Schrader is a good fit for his district. That's why he wins, even in a bad year. And that's why he will keep on winning. It's ugly, but it would be a whole lot uglier if we had a t-bagger representing us. At least he's not going to vote to abolish Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, or privatize the VA.
2:02 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
A "good fit for the District"? I question that. Hooley was a good fit for the District and still managed not to make such unnecessarily stupid votes.
Seems to me that the 5th could do better..or at least should be demanding better.
1:56 p.m.
Apr 14, '11
Hooley was an idiot. I'm much happier with Schrader. At least he has a clue about farming and livestock issues.
2:16 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
This is simply not true. First off, gutting the Clean Air Act is not popular in ANY district. Plenty of more vulnerable Democrats voted the right way.
Second, Pete DeFazio is co-founder of the House Progressive Caucus and generally to the left of President Obama.
The PVI of his district is D+2. The PVI of Schrader's district is D+1. The difference is their voting record is not this 1 point – it is courage.
12:06 a.m.
Apr 17, '11
Schrader won last time because of the hard work of volunteers. He won't have that support next year.
5:23 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
However he is evaluated it seems to make very little difference to a few if he is deemed to be a Blue Dog or a Tea Bagger. Apparently, the way he votes escapes attention. Even when he votes with the Blue Dog or Tea Bagger factions.
Kurt's decision making was revealed when interviewed on KGW by Porter's Straight Talk. The topic was if he would support a ban on extended capacity magazines for hand guns. Kurt said no. The reason being that Congresswoman Gifford had been shot first. Those other potential thirty-one victims? Guess they are Kurt supporters and are already brain dead.
7:26 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
Do you want to keep this seat blue? Dog or not, it's better than losing the district. It's time to wise up and keep the team in mind.
8:47 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
If this is how Schrader is really going to continue to vote (we had to drag him into voting for health care reform, incidentally), then the seat ISN'T really blue now. That's the point.
The idea that Schrader deserves slack on key votes in order to hold the seat is ludicrous. If Hooley could managed it most of the time. DeFazio manages it just fine. Schrader ought to be able to do it, too.
8:47 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
oops...no "If" in front of Hooley.
8:48 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
Why do you say this? Obama won this district, after all!
Please make your case (see my post above) as I would love to hear how voting against the Clean Air Act reflects the will of his district.
8:51 p.m.
Apr 13, '11
I am a resident of Clackamas County. As such, I was asked to testify in favor of the $10 fee to support the Sellwood Bridge. I was shaken to the core by the level of discourse. If you could see first hand what he is up against, perhaps you would grant him a wider berth. Not really blue is better by a long shot than Tea Party red.
10:43 a.m.
Apr 14, '11
Yes..I know that AFP feels scary. But they're squeaky wheels and not even close to a majority in the district. So let's stop pretending this is okay.
DeFazio manages to navigate very similar waters. If Schrader can't handle it....
1:58 p.m.
Apr 14, '11
That's right, although Peter supported the balanced budget amendment, voted against the assault weapons ban, voted against cap & trade . . .
6:44 p.m.
Apr 14, '11
Sure..but DeFazio's opposition is fairly predictable. Schrader's is scattershot-as if there's no real moral compass to what he's doing.
2:19 p.m.
Apr 18, '11
during the health care vote, Oregonians literally flew to DC to beg him to vote for the bill. he dithered forever on it. it really wasn't that tough a vote, not if you wanted to make some change in a century-old status quo. but he refused to show leadership or spine. i almost feel we got lucky he voted at all.
12:20 a.m.
Apr 17, '11
The teabaggers are indeed alarming but the fact that they did not contribute to his win makes one wonder why an intelligent man would offend his supporters to accommodate these dedicated opponents is hard to fathom.
11:39 a.m.
Apr 14, '11
When a person's highest aspiration is reelection, none of their misdeeds should surprise anyone.
9:40 p.m.
Apr 14, '11
Obviously many posters here don't realize just how Republican Kurt Schrader's district is. He's a small farmer and veterinarian in Canby. His neighbors are all right wingers. And those same posters are forgetting when the GOP used to win this district also. Are you forgetting the inimitable Jim Bunn? This district is considered a chronic swing district. Could easily go GOP any election. Against major pressure Kurt voted for the ACA and the Financial Reg. bills, as well as the Recovery Act. He has gone with the President and the party on the big stuff. Clackamas and Marion County are not Portland, folks. Get over yourselves!
7:40 a.m.
Apr 15, '11
Sorry, but I think the Clean Air Act and the Dream Act are "big issues" people outside of Portland care about.
When conservative Democrats support right-wing legislation they give a bipartisan seal of approval to retrograde policies - undermining our case for progressive values.
This is why we are so upset about folks like Congressman Schrader.
10:02 a.m.
Apr 15, '11
Faith based politics which is what I perceive one adamant supporter of Kurt is advocating could have a valid side. If we have faith and believe, then Kurt will challenge Paul Ryan's view of Medicare.
Paul Ryan requires his staff to study Ayan Rand. Combined with the economic theory of Milton Freidman we now have experienced thirty years of Supply Side trickle down. According to the CIA World Book of Facts there are at least fifteen countries that have a more favorable income equality than does the United States. Immediately ahead of the U.S. is Nigeria.
Now, while I respect Mr. Ryan's deep faith and belief structure I do not have to Get Over Myself. I would like an acknowledgement that we need Kurt's right wing neighbors to embrace the consequences of what they think they are supporting and encourage Kurt to elevate the expectations of his district.
5:59 p.m.
Apr 15, '11
All of this complaint about Kurt Schrader amounts to nothing but hot air, unless you have someone ready to primary him and run to the left. Not gonna happen! So just keep on the handwringing for all it will get you.
8:40 a.m.
Apr 16, '11
So the answer is to sit down and shut up because nobody will primary him? Seriously?
What irresponsible dreck. When Schrader makes lousy votes he deserves to be called on it. I really do tire of Democrats who labor under the delusion that this mealy-mouthed, conservative voting can't be pushed back on because a guy has a 'D' after his name. It's just so much BS.
Schrader can and should do better. Stop making excuses and hold the guy to account, for crissake.
1:42 p.m.
Apr 16, '11
I don't recall saying to "sit down and shut up." What I said is, the impact of this complaining is about zero unless someone can mount a serious challenge. Kurt Schrader is seen as a successful candidate and legislature for this district. He was just very successful in turning back a challenge to the siting of the NOAA facility in Newport. They love him there. Simply bad mouthing Schrader by calling him not "Democratic" enough is pretty futile. You're simply using hyperbole when you use expressions like "irresponsible dreck" to describe my post content. If you really want to change Kurt Schrader's legislative behavior, or replace him, I would use a different approach. It doesn't reflect well on you or your advocacy for a progressive agenda.
1:23 p.m.
Apr 17, '11
The essence of what you're saying is "sit down and shut up" because criticizing an allegedly "successful" Democrat is futile and doesn't reflect well on me, personally. There may be many in Schrader's district who indeed love him. But I'm aware of many who don't--specifically progressives. And I don't blame them. A guy who votes against their interests in such a scattershot manner with a nod simply toward the next election cycle is doing a disservice to the seat, frankly.
I'm under no delusion that Schrader's people give a rat's ass what I think. But the many Democrats in the 5th that are watching their representative sell them down the river deserve to have their frustrations voiced. You can be sure that many of them have worked to help elect Schrader. These are the sorts of votes that will keep them at home.
12:21 p.m.
Apr 18, '11
He's my congress critter, and I have and will continue to write and tell him when I think he's full of st (and when he does things I like). That's not "complaining" that's providing input to my representative. I don't think anyone is saying Kurt isn't Democratic enough--we're saying we don't like his votes, and here's why. If we had a tea bagger representing us, we'd have to write a lot more "complaining" letters, but the difference would be that, with an (R) next to their name, they could toss them in the trash with the knowledge I wouldn't vote for them anyway, and I don't vote in their primary. So, from a purely crass political point of view, Kurt should care what we think of how (D) his votes are. When primary time comes, does he want to spend money and time fighting a challenge on the left? In the general, does he want our money and support? He may need some R and I votes to win, but he won't get them without solidly D money and shoe-leather, which he won't get if he doesn't vote a little more D than he has.