HD-29: Ben Unger, Katie Riley challenge Katie Eyre

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Late Friday, the O's Jeff Mapes reported that Katie Riley would seek a rematch against Rep. Katie Eyre (R-Hillsboro).

Riley, whose husband Chuck held the seat for three terms before running unsuccessfully for the Senate in 2010, said she thinks the dynamics of the race might be more favorable for her this time.

She thinks Democratic turnout will be higher in 2012 than it was in 2010, and she also charged that Republicans used the 30-30 split in the House to prevent any significant job-creation legislation from passing.

After his initial post went up, Mapes updated his story to note that Ben Unger will also be running for the seat:

[Unger] is also reportedly going to run for the seat. Unger has formed a campaign committee but hasn't filed for the seat at this point.

Unger is best known as a hard-charging politico, having run the successful 2008 AG campaign for John Kroger and organized 2010 campaigns for the Senate Democrats. He was also a key leader in the campaigns for Measures 66 and 67, and for the Portland school bonds last year.

(Sidenote: The incumbent prefers to be known now as Katie Eyre, rather than Katie Eyre Brewer.)

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    While I'm sure Ben is a fine person, it would be nice if actually lived in the district and knew about it instead of carpetbagging. Katie has actually lived and worked in this district, and knows the people and the challenges they face. She would be an incredible addition to the Oregon House.

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      My understanding is that Ben grew up in the district.

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      Ben did grow up in that district. I doubt there are many Representatives who could say that.

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      Ben is from there, as others have said. Unger Farm is owned by his parents.

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        It's nearly a week later, so I doubt very many folks will see this, but Unger Farm is actually not in HD-29. So, a little corrective detail is in order.

        Per UngerFarms.com, it's at 34880 SW Johnson School Rd. Cornelius OR, 97113.

        That address was in HD-26 (Wingard) and is now in HD-24 (Weidner).

        Of course, the farm also has a Cornelius mailing address (though I don't think it's in the city.) The city of Cornelius is almost entirely in HD-29, which is probably why Ben considers this new district to be his hometown district.

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    Go Ben!

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    I worked with Ben as part of Kroger's campaign and during the 2009 leg, when we were staffing different elected offices. He campaigns harder than almost anyone I have known and cares about a lot about this state.

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