Dan Doyle: deadbeat

The Salem Statesman-Journal reports that former representative Dan Doyle (R-Salem) still hasn't paid any of the $127,185 in fines for his campaign finance shenanigans - even though he has a VERY lenient payment plan:

On July 11, the Statesman Journal reported that Doyle hadn't paid any of his fines, 21 months after telling a local judge he'd take responsibility for his campaign finance crimes "in any way I can."

A week later, Doyle agreed to a payment plan. He notified the state that he'd start paying $500 per month, starting Aug. 1, said Jeff Morgan, director of the Business Services Division of the Secretary of State's office.

But at the close of business Thursday, no money from Doyle had been submitted, Morgan said.

For those keeping score at home, at $500/month, he'll have his fines paid off by the year 2028 (assuming that interest isn't accruing).


  • Larry McD (unverified)

    What? Does the Oregon Secretary of State not place liens on property to require fulfillment of adjudicated indebtedness? I mean, the Honor System certainly works in the right circumstances, but Doyle has admitted that he lacks the single absolutely essential element of that system.

    By the way, does anybody know- aside from TV- whatever happened to all those Law & Order Republicans we used to hear so much from?

  • verasoie (unverified)

    The option mentioned above is a great one, putting a lien on someone's property and making them legally accountable.

    A second great option is making the political party accountable, perhaps the legislature could implement this.

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    I feel an even better opprotunity is to have Dan Doyle work the money he owes the Oregon People with community service. He has a lot of skills the state could use for the benifit of all Oregonians.

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    He and Emilie Boyles should get together.

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    Hey Carla... this is the next phase of the story. After the round of stories 2-3 weeks ago (SSJ says they reported it on July 11), the state contacted Doyle to set up a payment plan. He did, but now he's missed the first payment under the new plan.

  • Larry McD (unverified)

    Hey, verasoie...

    Actually, if it's practicable yours is an excellent idea. I think, however, that it couldn't be applied retroactively.

    <h2>Meantime, if Doyle has property, it shouldn't change hands until the debt is paid.</h2>
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